Chapter 313: The Possibility of Changing Feng Shui

In the entire Xing family, only Xing Chuan knew about the arrival of dialects and others in Yunhai City, not even Xing Feng or Xingchuan’s relative, Little Brother.

Of course, this is not to say that Xing Chuan can’t believe in own Little Brother, but Xing Chuan is afraid that own Little Brother will tell this to others who buried Xing’s inside line. These inside lines are the people Xing Chuan really wants to watch out for.

Although Xing Feng’s behavior is very inconsistent, he is very loyal, and often takes the Xing family’s experts to drink with him. God knows among these experts, will there be people from the Wang family?

If it is true, then dialect’s whereabouts this time can’t be concealed, and Lin Moyuan will also react in advance.

Therefore, Xing Chuan did not tell anyone about the fact that the dialect and Xing Yun had left together.

It is precisely because of this that Lin Moyuan had no knowledge of this matter. When the dialect and others arrived in Yunhai City, Lin Moyuan was still busy contacting the media.

That night, Dialect and others directly stayed at the hotel opposite the Lin Group, Yunhai International Hotel.

This hotel is one of the landmark buildings in the entire Yunhai City, with a total of 37 stories high, and the building presents a curved shape, making the entire building look more compact and very ornamental.

Dialect and others came to this hotel pretending to be tourists. Dialect was with Xing Yun, and the other two bodyguards were separated and booked two single rooms.

But when it comes to dialects, there is a little problem.

Dialect passed the ID of herself and Xing Yun to the front desk, and said with a smile:

“Two-bed standard room, thank you!”

The little Big sis at the front desk was taken aback for a moment, and asked in confusion:

“A standard room with two beds? Sir, are you sure?”

The dialect smiled and said:

“Sure, what’s wrong? Is there any problem?”

Big sis at the front desk said apologetically:

“Sorry, sir, the last standard room just now has been booked, and now only the big bed room is left…”

Hearing the dialect, he was stunned, and just wanted to say, let me replace it with two single rooms. Xing Yun, who was standing next to him, suddenly smiled and said:

“It’s okay, let’s have a big bed room. My boyfriend and I had a conflict recently, just laughed!”

The small Big sis at the front desk suddenly realized, and then quickly checked in.

Dialect was stunned for a moment, and Xing Yun blocked her lips with her finger just as she was about to refute.

Later, Xing Yun whispered in her dialect ear:

“Don’t behave too abnormally. It’s so close to the Lin Group, it will make people suspicious!”

Dialect nodded, and sighed helplessly.

I came by myself if I knew it!

After checking in, the security personnel of the two Xing family who came with them first checked the double bed room of Xing Yun and dialect, and then turned around and left after confirming that there were no monitoring equipment and cameras. When he left, he gave a look in the dialect that a man knew, making the dialect feel helpless.

What are you doing with these people?

Little did he know that Xing Chuan had planned such an arrangement. How important is the dialect to the Xing family? After the old man was cured before, on the way to the Xing family’s ancestral home, he once said to Xing Chuan earnestly that the dialect must stay in the Xing family!

If this person can grow up in the future, the Xing family will certainly not suffer!

This is why Xing Chuan would be ambiguous when he heard rumors about dialects.

In fact, Xing Chuan devoted all his energy to finding the source of the rumors, and did not send anyone to the Guichuan area at all!

What is the best way to keep the dialect?

That is to keep the heart of dialect!

Therefore, Xing Chuan let his cousin come forward. Although this method is a bit shameful, it only works!

The dialect naturally didn’t know this, so he believed Xing Chuan’s rhetoric.

Dialect took a look in the room and found a spare set of bedding in the closet, so he took it out, put it on the sofa, and said to Xing Yun:

“I’ll sleep on the sofa at night, go to bed!”

Xing Yun was very curious and said with a smile:

“You are so strange, I don’t know how many people want to sleep with me all night, why are you like a pure-hearted monk?”

Dialect smiled and shook his head, and said:

“My dialect is not a waste of the brains of worms. The purpose of this visit is to focus on the Lin Group. I understand what your cousin means. As for whether to stay or not, I will make my own choice!”

Xing Yun covered her mouth and smiled:

“I was a bit dissatisfied with my cousin’s arrangement, but now, I am really interested in you!”

Hearing the words in the dialect, he was very helpless, so he laid the bedding and lay down on the sofa that could be used as a bed, and said in a deep voice:

“Hurry up and rest, you have to go a lot of places tomorrow!”

Xing Yun was also lying on the bed, and there was actually only a screen between the two.

It was the first time that Xing Yun slept in a room with a man. Although she was not in the same bed, she was still a bit awkward.

“You are on the mountain, what did your Master teach you? Is there only medicine?”

The dialect fell asleep without lying down. After all, it was the first time he was in the same room with a woman, or a beautiful woman, how could he fall asleep so quickly?

Hearing Xing Yun’s question, the dialect pondered for a while, and he replied in a deep voice:

“There are many, stargazing, Feng Shui, simply counting marriage, counting fortune, practicing calligraphy and reading, it’s actually not too boring.”

Hearing this, Xing Yun immediately became interested, so she smiled and said:

“Then can you count it for me? Count my marriage, count my fortune or something!”

The dialect sighed and said:

“I know you want to say that, but the Master told me that fortune-telling is something mysterious and mysterious, but it must not be calculated by people around you, and you can only calculate it for strangers. This is the rule!”

Xing Yun nodded without understanding, and then said:

“Then what method do you plan to use against the Lin Group this time?”

The dialect said in a deep voice:

“To look at the topography of the Lin Group, I have to find an entry point, and then break the Lin Group’s good Feng Shui layout!”

Although Xing Yun didn’t quite understand the meaning of ‘Feng Shui layout’ in the dialect, she could hear it. This time, the dialect must be a big move!

The Lin Group’s geographical location is very advantageous, and the Lin Group’s building is also located close to the city center. From the perspective of the topography alone, the entire Yunhai City has not been able to get such a good location even by the government.

This superior geographical location is also the reason why the Lin Group can develop rapidly.

What dialects have to do is to destroy this advantage!

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