Chapter 32: Xiao Fan’s actions!

Lin Moyuan took Tang Yurou’s hand and walked into the living room.

For the first time, Tang Yurou didn’t make any resistance, she seemed very submissive.

After calming down and remembering everything before, Tang Yurou felt more and more that Lin Moyuan was really better than Xiao Fan.

When I was in school before, there were a lot of rumors that Lin Moyuan was so dull, what a prodigal, and how hypocritical he was to girls, but after all this time, Tang Yurou found that they were all Rumors!

Because besides himself, he really didn’t chat with other girls, he didn’t even take a look at it!

This kind of behavior cannot be said to be noble, but it is indeed not related to rumors at all!

Only when you really come to someone’s side, you will find a lot of things that you have overlooked before.

Of course, Lin Moyuan noticed that Tang Yurou’s thoughts did not belong to him, but did not interrupt her. Instead, he went to the table that had already been set up and cut the steak.

For Lin Moyuan, no matter what Tang Yurou thinks, it doesn’t matter.

Because of Xiao Fan’s actions, this innocent girl’s heart was completely broken.

Yunhai University.

Xiao Fan walked on the quiet playground alone, looking at the class in front of him that was taking a physical education class, with mixed feelings in his heart.

When Xiao Fan left, he seemed very unfeeling, but where is the feeling that you can let go of it easily?

But when passing by a billboard, Xiao Fan was attracted by the content above!

‘Our city will hold a commercial exposition at Yunhai Central Square…’

Business fair?

In an instant, it was as if countless data flew in front of Xiao Fan, and a vague memory gradually became clear again!

Just at the business exposition of the last life, when someone was betting on the stone, he opened a piece of rough jadeite! The value is around one billion!

One billion! Wealth that ordinary people cannot accumulate for many years!

When I got the news, it was already seven days after the stone gambling session ended, and the day of the stone gambling happened just in time for an exam on Xiao Fan’s side, so I couldn’t go to the scene.

However, Xiao Fan firmly remembered the appearance of the rough stone.

Now that I saw this billboard again, Xiao Fan would naturally not let go of this opportunity!

I took out my phone and took a look at the time. There are still two days before the gambling on rocks!

And this stone is worth more than two hundred thousand!

Although expensive is a bit more expensive, the value of rough jadeite among them is simply inestimable!

Xiao Fan immediately made up his mind to buy this stone! That’s a billion!

Once you have such a sum of money, then you have more confidence against the Lin Family!

In the early morning of the next day, Lin Moyuan slowly opened his eyes and saw Tang Yurou who was still beside him, sleeping like a kitten. Lin Moyuan’s mouth showed a smile, and he kissed Tang Yurou’s forehead lightly before leaving the bed.

Seeing the wind and sunshine outside, Lin Moyuan was about to go downstairs to prepare breakfast when his mobile phone rang.

Picking up the phone and looking at the screen, it showed that the caller was an unknown number. Lin Moyuan couldn’t help frowning, and then connected the call.

“Hello? Who are you?”

From the earpiece, there was a voice that surprised Lin Moyuan.

“Lin Moyuan, hello, this is Su Tanxiang.”

Su Tanxiang? Who is that?

Lin Moyuan’s eyes gradually filled with doubts, and then asked:

“This…Sue Miss, right? Have we met before? Why did you call me?”

Su Tanxiang’s current mood is also very complicated.

The reason she called Lin Moyuan was of course to express her gratitude. Thank you Lin Moyuan for not pursuing Xiao Fan.

But what kind of character is Lin Moyuan? Although Su Tanxiang didn’t understand it, two people had heard of it more or less.

What if this rich second-generation entangles directly?

Su Tanxiang, who came from a well-known family, naturally had no affection for these dude disciples, but Lin Moyuan’s generous approach had changed her perception of Lin Moyuan as a person.

So she wanted to see with her own eyes what kind of person Lin Moyuan was.

Only by seeing it with my own eyes can we have a conclusion.

“Mr. Lin, I am Xiao Fan’s teacher. I am calling this time to treat you to a meal. Thank you for not pursuing Xiao Fan’s behavior.”

Xiao Fan’s teacher, who is that?

Lin Moyuan recalled carefully, but there was still no news about the teacher in his mind.

“This… Su Miss, right? I really don’t know you, and there is a reason for Xiao Fan’s tolerance. I don’t have to eat, right?”

Su Tanxiang was stunned for a moment, but she didn’t expect that she would be rejected one day!

I don’t know how many people around me want to eat with him, but this Lin Moyuan is thinking about how to refuse him?

This is the first time since childhood!

Of course Su Tanxiang wouldn’t just let it go, so she continued:

“Mr. Lin, I think it’s better to express my gratitude in person, so that I am more sincere, what do you think?”

Lin Moyuan curled his lips helplessly, saying this was worth it, wouldn’t he be too unwilling to give others a Face if he didn’t agree?

So Lin Moyuan could only say with a smile:

“Since Teacher Su has said so, then I won’t refuse anymore. It’s so kind. You can just say one place. I’ll just rush over at that time.”

Su Tanxiang breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, and then reported the name of a restaurant.

Lin Moyuan nodded and said again that he would go to the appointment, and then hung up the phone.

Lin Moyuan walked to the living room downstairs, suddenly remembering that he had another chance to draw a treasure chest and it was useless, so he simply sat on the sofa.

“System, give me out, then what opportunity to draw treasure chest, how to use it?”

【drop! Simply choose the treasure chest lottery ticket, and then silently recite it in your heart! 】

Upon hearing these words, Lin Moyuan directly meditated in his heart:

“System! Open a treasure chest for me! Bring me ten lucky charms by the way!”

As the light that only he could see flashed across, Lin Moyuan’s eyes gradually brought some expectations.

What kind of things will be offered?

【drop! Congratulations to the host for winning the silver treasure chest! Has been put in the backpack, whether to open it immediately! 】

Lin Moyuan’s eyes slowly became firm, silver rank treasure chest? That’s okay.

“Turn on! Let me see what good things are!”

【drop! Congratulations to the host for acquiring the palace-level music skills! 】


【drop! Congratulations to the host for getting a high-level lucky charm! Already put in the backpack! 】

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