Chapter 341: Lao Jin’s Last Struggle

The second-in-command of Warehouse No. 13 didn’t even finish a complete sentence, so that the brawny man, who didn’t know where he came from, fell down. The younger brothers also looked at each other. Who would dare to do it at this time? Those in suits and those in black sportswear are not ordinary people at first sight!

Lin Moyuan didn’t care about the second-in-command, but said to the younger brothers who were already shocked:

“I’m only looking for Lao Jin, where is the woman he brought back? I won’t move you when you say it, but if you don’t tell me, don’t blame me!”

The brothers looked at each other, then a young man with dark green hair pointed to the warehouse behind him, and said in a deep voice:

“Lao Jin is in the warehouse at the back! The first one on the left after entering the gate! That woman is also here! It took less than half an hour to enter!”

This little brother can’t do anything about it. Even if the rest of the people in the warehouse go up together, it’s a matter of minutes that they all fall down. So I have to tell the truth. What kind of loyalty is still being said at this time? Let’s save your life first!

The young man in a suit in front of him is not someone they can afford at all. This time, Lao Jin is probably going to be planted! Take advantage of the son brother dealing with Lao Jin, as far as he can go!

Lin Moyuan nodded, turned and walked towards the warehouse, and the rest of these little brothers finally found that something was wrong, so they ran to the den and brought their own money, how much they could take, and they all scattered. escape.

Lin Moyuan didn’t let people stop these little ones, and it didn’t make any sense at all.

Kicked the door of the warehouse open with one kick, Lin Moyuan scanned the door of the warehouse on the left with the moonlight coming in from outside, and saw that the door of the warehouse on the left hand side was hidden.

The spiritual eye is not affected by light, which means that even at night when you can’t see your fingers, the spiritual eye can still clearly distinguish what you see in front of you.

What Lin Moyuan didn’t expect was that the effect of the spiritual eye was a bit too much! The moment he opened his spiritual eyes, Lin Moyuan actually saw the situation inside the warehouse!

Behind the hidden gate of the warehouse, there is a man with a stick in his hand, hiding in the door! As soon as you open the door and enter, you will surely be knocked fiercely! But this person did not expect that his current position could be seen in Lin Moyuan’s eyes!

Lin Moyuan looked inside the warehouse again, and finally saw Mohe’s figure!

It’s just that Mohe’s current state is very bad. Although he is still breathing, he is already very weak.

After being wounded by a gunshot, Mohe’s whole state is much worse than before. Gunshot wounds are so easy to heal, so Mohe has been kept by Lin Moyuan for this period of time, and Lin Moyuan will not let Mohe be physically active. Do it.

It’s just that the dialect matter is really too important. The best effect can only be achieved by Mo He’s action. That’s why Mo He did this thing.

But what Lin Moyuan didn’t expect was that the dialect’s reaction so fast would actually hurt Mo He.

Lin Moyuan didn’t want to drag it anymore, stepped forward and kicked open the warehouse door, and then directly caught the iron rod that the man behind the door waved with his hands!

Haizi, who was following Lin Moyuan, stepped forward and punched the man directly to the ground. Haizi was a professional boxer before, and he had also fought unlimited combat. He was a big celebrity by Mo Feng’s side, and this punch directly smashed it. The bridge of the man’s nose!

The man lay on the ground and started groaning constantly, but Lin Moyuan did not care about this person. There is no doubt that this should be Lao Jin. There is only Lao Jin in the entire warehouse, and there is also the second in command outside who is also lying on the ground. .

Lin Moyuan hugged Mo He, then directly cut the rope in Mo He’s hand and walked out of the warehouse.

Just when he arrived at the door of the warehouse, Lin Moyuan turned his head to Haizi and said:

“Bring me this person and the white hair outside!”

Haizi nodded, picked up Lao Jin who was wailing on the ground with one hand, followed behind Lin Moyuan, and walked outside.

As a result, I just came outside and found that there was only a pool of blood on the ground, but the white hair had disappeared. It should have escaped.

What makes Lin Moyuan a little strange is that this time there is no prompt to increase the villain value, which is a bit strange.

But after another thought, Lin Moyuan reacted.

After all, Haizi is not the own person, but the person of Mofeng, and Mofeng is not the younger brother of own, and it is a cooperative relationship with him, so naturally, the person who Haizi beats has nothing to do with him.

But the more this happens, Lin Moyuan becomes more and more curious about where this system is Sacred, is it high-tech, or is it some technology that humans cannot explain?

There is no way for the system to answer this question, let alone Lin Moyuan.

It is obviously not the time to consider these. Lin Moyuan drove Mohe directly to the Wang’s private hospital. The four major families have their own private hospitals. After all, all of them are worth hundreds of millions. It’s not quite plausible.

Although the Wang’s private hospitals are not technically comparable to the son of luck such as the supernatural doctor, but the medical level is also the world’s top level. These doctors are also hired at a high price, and the hospitals are all of the Grade A level.

After Mohe’s injury has been dealt with, it has basically stabilized, that is, his mental state is very collapsed. The doctor at the private hospital gave the advice that it takes half a month to recuperate for normal activities, but Mohe’s body is old. There are too many injuries, so don’t exercise vigorously within a month.

Regarding the doctor’s suggestion, Lin Moyuan had to accept it in its entirety. Regardless of Mo He’s objection, he directly gave her an order to stay in the hospital for the next month, don’t go anywhere!

Later, I found Wang Yan and asked him to look at Mo He a little bit. Wang Yan was also very helpless about this, and could only temporarily ignore Mo He’s murderous gaze.

In Wang Yan’s eyes, Mo He is undoubtedly Lin Moyuan’s girlfriend. It is normal for Wang Yan to think so. After all, if Mo He has no interest in Lin Moyuan, would he care about Lin Moyuan so much? Do you want to help Lin Moyuan with your life?

If the Wang family wants to participate in the next business summit, it is the wisest decision to stand on the same line with the Lin Group!

The Business Summit is one of the most discourse-powered conferences in the southern region of Longguo, and it is directly promoted by the Business Alliance. It is held once every two years, starting this year, and this year is considered the first.

It is said that the person in charge of the business alliance personally found Lin Shengtian, and the Lin Group agreed to hold it in Yunhai City. From this we can see the influence of the Lin Group.

Cooperating with Lin Moyuan will not lose.

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