Chapter Three Hundred and Fifty Seven: A Small Test

Hearing Lin Moyuan’s tone, it didn’t seem like he was joking. At this moment, Master Qian was a little curious. What is the origin of this young man named Lin Moyuan? Why can you have the courage to say such a thing?

Does he also have some Feng Shui teacher inheritance? Otherwise, why would there be a heavenly eye? But it’s not right, it seems that Lin Moyuan really doesn’t know anything about Feng Shui!

Lin Moyuan smiled and said to the Master Qian:

“Master, you clean up, we are going now, it is not safe here, Xing Chuan has found you, then you follow us, it is the safest!”

Master Qian nodded, and then walked into the wooden house. After a while, Master Qian held a small iron box in his hand and walked out.

Lin Moyuan was stunned for a moment, and asked curiously:

“Master Qian is this one thing to take away?”

Master Qian nodded when he heard the words, and said in a deep voice:

“This is the only thing I think about, nothing else matters!”

Although a little strange, Li Yi nodded and didn’t ask too much.

After bringing Master Qian to the car, Lin Moyuan didn’t bother with the two Xing family thugs who were still in a coma. He turned around and drove towards Gangdong City.

Although it is on a barren hill in the suburbs, there is no possibility that wolves will appear in this place. The two Xing family thugs will not be surprised. Originally, Lin Moyuan did not intend to let them leave alive, but he remembered that he was targeting In the Tan Yingshan development rights incident, he almost beat Wang Cheng to death, so he controlled it with the unconsciousness.

Lin Moyuan felt that his current state was a bit strange, because some extreme psychology often appeared. At first he thought it was a problem with the villain system, but after asking the system, the system did not give any explanation for it, so Lin Moyuan had no choice but to Looking for the source of the problem.

But it really made Lin Moyuan find some details, that is the spiritual eye!

Every time after opening the spiritual eyes, there will always be a period of time, and the thought will be a little out of control, and will have some violent tendencies. It will take some time to calm down before this feeling will disappear.

Could all of this have something to do with the spiritual eye?

Lin Moyuan sighed helplessly, the system couldn’t give an answer at all, and he had to rely on himself.

But the only thing Lin Moyuan knew was that he must use less spiritual eyes. Although this ability is very heaven-defying, it still has many side effects.

No one can get extraordinary abilities without paying a price. This may be a conservation law.

This Grand Cherokee slowly parked in the parking lot in front of the hotel. Seeing the towering luxury hotel in front of him, Master Qian couldn’t help but slap his tongue, and said:

“The Feng Shui of this hotel is truly amazing. This luck has a feeling of being able to move mountains and fill the sea! I don’t know if it was the work of the master Feng Shui!”

Lin Moyuan heard this and asked with a smile:

“To be so admired by Master Qian, it seems that Feng Shui at this hotel must be very good?”

Master Qian smiled and nodded, and said:

“Occupational sickness, you have to look at Feng Shui wherever you go. This hotel is not ordinary. This dragon of luck was moved from other places, and it used a lot of money, and it was facing the sea to get this luck. The dragon can absorb the luck in the sea. It may sound mysterious, so just listen to it for fun!”

Lin Moyuan frowned when he heard this.

He knows best what Zhao Duan comes from.

The Shangri-La Hotel, as the Zhao family’s base, is certainly not as simple as it seems, and the problem of dragon veins has appeared again. Is it a coincidence? No, this is no coincidence.

Zhao Duan must have a different plan! Now that the dragon veins are being used to collect Qi Luck, this idea is not something ordinary people can come up with!

Thinking of this, Lin Moyuan’s face suddenly became serious.

No matter what, Zhao Duan has always helped his own person. What Zhao Duan wants to do, the Lin Group must be the leader!

But Zhao Duan didn’t say what he wanted to do, Lin Moyuan could only wait for Zhao Duan to take the initiative to find out.

Sighing slowly, Lin Moyuan said to Master Qian:

“Master Qian, let’s go in first!”

When Master Qian heard the words, he smiled and nodded. Once he came, he was at ease. Things are already like this, and Master Qian can see clearly.

Xing’s House, Central Garden Building.

Listening to the reports of the two thugs, Xing Chuan looked a little dignified.

Someone prevented the operation from proceeding?

They said they saw a young man, but who is this young man?

Why does this young man know about their actions this time? Why did he stand up to save the money master?

Is it the enemy of dialects?

As the head of the Xing family, Xing Chuan must look at issues very carefully and comprehensively.

“Okay, you two go down to heal your wounds! I already know things!”

Hearing Xing Chuan’s words, the two humiliated thugs who had just returned from the suburbs, nodded, and walked out of Xing Chuan’s office respectfully.

Xing Chuan not only didn’t blame them, but gave them more bonuses.

Like the kind of people who beat and scold their subordinates at every turn, they will only appear in the movie. If you really do this, who will kill you?

“It seems that the Tan Yingshan incident has caused a lot of chain reactions. I hope that this matter can be resolved as soon as possible before the business summit is held! In this way, the Xing family can also be more confident in the business summit!”

At this moment, the door of Xing Chuan’s office was slammed open!

“Did you send someone to fight Feng Shui in Gangdong City?”

The visitor was the dialect that just got the news. The dialect learned that for the smooth progress of Tan Yingshan’s stone cliff plan, Xing Chuan even let his subordinates attack all the Feng Shui teachers in the entire Gangdong City, and the whole person suddenly became angry!

This matter is really hurtful! Very likely to receive retribution!

Xing Chuan was very calm, and said in a deep voice:

“I’m clearing the way for you! These Feng Shui masters don’t know when they will jump out and point out. Their inheritance is different, but the starting point is not as high as you! I’m showing you that you are better than them. Chance!”

Hearing the dialect, his face became more gloomy!

“Xing Chuan! Do you know what you are doing! You are going to be condemned by God!”

Xing Chuan smiled when he heard the words, and said in a deep voice:

“First let me say that I don’t believe in God’s condemnation. If it is true, it will be my Xingchuan condemnation! It has nothing to do with your dialect! You can just do what I need you to do!”

The dialect complexion still doesn’t look good, but he knows that there is no point in arguing now, so he had to turn around and leave!

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