Chapter 37: Crazy Woman-Qin Yexuan

As one of the cities with the largest increase in Longguo’s GDP index, Yunhai City has naturally become the economic development center of Longguo. The prospects of this city can be described as unlimited. It is no exaggeration.

Among them, the newly developed commercial plaza in Yunhai City, which is the largest commercial center in Longguo, the central plaza, has just been completed and put into use this year.

This time the World Business Expo will also be held in this place.

As the main force of this project and the general contractor, the Lin Group is naturally eligible to be invited to participate in this expo.

Among the top 500 companies in the world, seven companies have already arrived in Yunhai City, and the hotels that have fallen are all Lin’s properties.

According to Lin Moyuan’s identity, no one dared to stop walking horizontally in the venue. It was too easy to enter the Expo.

Xiao Fan is the opposite. In fact, this time the Expo is dedicated to high-end companies. Only those who have the right and money can visit the center of the venue and are eligible. Participate in the stone gambling.

Many entrepreneurs are still looking forward to this part of gambling on stone. After all, they really don’t have much fun, and gambling on stone is one of the most attractive ones.

At the beginning of the expo, a figure also appeared on the periphery of the exhibition hall.

The owner of this figure is naturally Xiao Fan.

Xiao Fan’s admission ticket was bought from the security guard of the exhibition hall, because according to common sense, he couldn’t buy this kind of ticket at all. He had to be invited before he could enter the scene.

After some investigations, Xiao Fan was able to walk into the exhibition hall.

But what he didn’t know was that on a Rolls Royce not far away, there were two pairs of eyes looking in his direction with scorching eyes.

“Young Master, that’s Xiao Fan, he went in.”

The masters of these two pairs of eyes are naturally Lin Moyuan and Ji Kun.

Lin Moyuan saw Xiao Fan’s figure, smiled at the corner of his mouth, and said:

“Go, let’s go in too, look at this big Young Master, how do we want to play!”

Ji Kun suppressed a smile and nodded, then opened the door and walked out of the Rolls Royce.

Lin Moyuan also opened the door, but the moment he opened the door, his eyes immediately locked in one direction.

Not far in front of the exhibition hall, there is a long motorcade, all BMWs, and in the middle of this motorcade, there is a Maserati president.

And looking at the shell of this car, it was obviously modified. There is only one such car in the entire Yunhai City, in the hands of the big Miss from the Qin family!

Don’t think about it, the one sitting in the car now is Qin Yexuan, Miss Qin Yexuan from the Qin family.

Lin Moyuan couldn’t help but patted own forehead, and suddenly cursed unlucky, this woman could not deal with him.

The position of my own Rolls Royce is so obvious that I will definitely be seen!

With Qin Yexuan’s hot temper, he will definitely come up and criticize himself, and hurt himself!

For this woman, Lin Moyuan always stayed away.

Not only is it because a good man doesn’t fight with a woman, but more importantly, this woman has a special identity.

If you mess with her, you don’t need anyone else to take action, and the cheap dad of your own can interrupt her own leg.

Because Qin Yexuan is the daughter-in-law that the old man found for him, so sad!

After giving Ji Kun a wink, Lin Moyuan sat back in the car directly.

Can’t provoke me yet can’t hide?

Anyway, he had almost guessed Xiao Fan’s purpose, and he was not in a hurry.

The Maserati president slowly stopped in front of the exhibition hall, and a curvy figure wearing a khaki windbreaker slowly appeared in front of everyone.

The owner of this slender figure, wearing a pair of valuable sunglasses, was just about to walk into the exhibition hall, and out of the corner of his eye he saw the Rolls Royce in the parking lot that had just been turned off.

“This car is familiar?”

Hearing the words of Miss, a bodyguard in a suit replied respectfully:

“Miss, this car belongs to Young Master Lin’s family, which is my uncle…”

Qin Yexuan interrupted the bodyguard before he finished speaking.

“Okay, I see, let’s go to meet this big Young Master for a while.”

“I want to see if this waste is still as decadent as before!”

Seeing Miss’s angrily posture, the bodyguards in suits also sighed, but they could only bite the bullet and follow.

Of course Ji Kun saw this big Miss. Seeing the anger on this Miss’s face, Ji Kun sighed for Lin Moyuan in his heart.

This Qin Yexuan is indeed very beautiful, but his temper is really…

His own Young Master can only ask for his own blessings.

At this time, Qin Yexuan was already standing in front of Ji Kun, and of course she knew Ji Kun. This was the first doggie beside Lin Moyuan.

“Ji Kun, where is your Young Master? Where are you hiding?”

Ji Kun coughed slightly, and then said:

“This… don’t tell Miss Qin, I really don’t know, I am also looking for my Young Master…”

Qin Yexuan only rolled his eyes when he heard Ji Kun’s words, and then directly bypassed Ji Kun and came to the front of Rolls Royce.

“Lin Moyuan! I know you are inside! Get out of me quickly!”

Lin Moyuan, who was sitting in the car, suddenly twitched the corner of his mouth when he heard these words. What happened to this big Miss?

It’s like taking gunpowder as soon as it comes up?

Lin Moyuan naturally chose to turn a deaf ear, simply picked up the phone and played a short video.

Qin Yexuan laughed back when he saw that there was no movement in the car.

“Okay! Lin Moyuan! Are you not coming out? I burned your broken car today! I don’t think you can come out!”

While talking, Qin Yexuan turned to look at own bodyguard.

“Who brought a lighter? Bring it to me!”

“Also, bring me some gasoline!”

The headed bodyguard reluctantly handed over his own lighter to Qin Yexuan’s hand, and then called someone to fetch gasoline.

They all knew that their Miss was mostly scaring Lin Moyuan, so they just acquiesced.

When Ji Kun saw Qin Yexuan’s appearance, he was shocked!

This big Miss, shouldn’t it be real?

Soon, an oil drum was brought over, and under Qin Yexuan’s sign, the bodyguards took the oil drum and poured it around the Rolls Royce, and then placed the oil drum beside the car.

Sitting in the car, Lin Moyuan was shocked when he saw this explosive scene!

Is this woman crazy?

With so many people in the exhibition hall, she has to come up and play such a hand?

Seeing this scene, Lin Moyuan would naturally not continue to hide in the car. He simply pushed open the car door and got out of the car.

“Qin Yexuan, you crazy woman! What do you want to do!”

“I can’t figure it out, Young Master, what hatred do I have with you!”

Seeing Lin Moyuan coming out of the car, Qin Yexuan sneered, and then he was about to put away the lighter in his hand.

But at this moment, a little spark broke away from the lighter, and it happened to fall on the ground full of gasoline!

In an instant, there was a flame of fire directly on the ground!

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