Chapter 371: Arrive in time!

With the sound of the engine, a car slowly appeared in the sight of everyone. It was Lin Moyuan who arrived at the scene in time!

Seeing Lin Moyuan with an indifferent face coming off the car, Xing Feng frowned. It seems that this matter is in trouble today! Some are not ending!

Since Lin Moyuan has already appeared, it means that they don’t want to talk at all!

But why does Lin Moyuan have to stare at the dialect and Tan Yingshan?

What’s going on in Tan Yingshan? Is there any baby, let yourself Dage, let dialect, and let Lin Moyuan stare at it at the same time?

Lin Moyuan came to Xing Feng and said in a deep voice:

“Step aside!”

Xing Feng frowned, what kind of attitude is this? Who does Lin Moyuan think of Xing Feng?

Say you let him go?

“Lin Moyuan, you’d better pay attention to your tone! You also know that I am not a good temper! You are doomed to not get through this Tan Yingshan today!”

Lin Moyuan nodded lightly, and then struck Xing Feng’s face with a punch!

“I’ll let you go! A good dog doesn’t stand in the way, didn’t you hear clearly?”

A group of experts from the Xing family standing next to Xing Feng saw this scene and immediately rushed forward together and took Lin Moyuan down, but Ji Kun stepped forward and blocked their way.

Xing Feng wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and also reached out to stop the group of Xing masters.

No way, now is not the time to tear his face with Lin Moyuan, and Lin Moyuan can’t let Lin Moyuan destroy the Xing family’s plan, or when he goes back, he can’t explain it to Dage!

“Lin Shao, you better go back, you can’t get in this Tan Yingshan today!”

The situation was deadlocked for a while, and Lin Moyuan’s expression became more and more ugly!

No dialect was seen in the field, but the ominous premonition in my heart became stronger and stronger!

Obviously, dialects are now close to their goals! It’s about to get the chance!

Can’t drag anymore!

Thinking of this, Lin Moyuan gritted his teeth and decided to come up with his final killer!

“Ji Kun, let me tell you the truth, you don’t have the right to develop Tan Yingshan at all! So you don’t have any qualifications to move Tan Yingshan’s plants and trees!”

Hearing Lin Moyuan’s words, an ominous premonition rose in Xing Feng’s heart.

“Lin Shao, what do you mean by this? We don’t have the right to develop? Do you have the right to develop? This is a joke! You’d better leave immediately! Don’t affect our work!”

Lin Moyuan sneered, and said in a deep voice:

“Unfortunately, just a few days ago, we had already obtained the development rights of Tan Yingshan! Keep these words to the people of the National Resources Management Bureau! Now I warn you and immediately remove all of your people from me. Go! Otherwise I will call the police!”

【drop! Your words angered Xing Feng! The behavior conforms to the villain style! villain value +999! 】

Xing Feng’s face was gloomy, and he said in a deep voice:

“What do you mean? I really think that Xing Feng is so good to deceive? I warn you, leave immediately and don’t delay us from doing business!”

Naturally, Lin Moyuan would not be brought down by Xing Feng’s words. He sneered and dialed the alarm number directly!

Seeing Lin Moyuan’s confident appearance, Xing Feng’s heart was lost!

“Lin Moyuan, do you think this trick to fool children will work?”

Lin Moyuan sneered when he heard the words. After a while, Xing Feng will see the real result!

On the dialect side, people have already come to the interior of the stone wall!

A hole was opened on the top of the stone wall. It was not too big and could only allow two people to go down side by side at the same time, but for dialects, it was enough.

Along the gap and came to the inside of the stone wall, the dialect really saw a passage that seemed to be dug out by man!

The upper and lower sides of the passage are exactly the same width, but the inside is pitch black and there is no light.

The dialect hasn’t understood until now, why would anyone build such a passage here?

What are the plans of the people who built this passage? Do you want to hide something here?

Why is there no light in the channel? Of course, it is because the sealing is very good. This degree of sealing is definitely to preserve something. With this mindset, the flashlight in the dialect hand is held tighter.

“Master Fang, how do we go? There are two paths here!”

Just after falling below the stone wall, the dialect and others discovered two roads inside the stone wall. The dialect frowned and thought for a while, and finally chose the right.

“Go to the right!”

The dialect takes the lead first and walks to the right.

Not long after they left, the dialect and others came to a very strange cave. Only then did they realize that they had come underground! If the cave is a very peculiar landscape, according to common sense, it is not something they can touch at all, and it should not exist in Gangdong City!

But the scene in front of me is indeed a karst cave, and the dialect can almost guess why this stone wall is so special!

Because near the cave, there is a spring water!

This is similar to the spring water in Changxi area. It is called fairy water!

Of course, this is just such a name. In fact, there is some scientific basis. Because the magnetic field in this place is very special, the water source is almost infinitely close to zero pollution. Therefore, such a situation has occurred. Under the cutting action of the magnetic line of force, Water molecules are more easily absorbed by the body.

And this so-called fairy water does have countless benefits to the human body. It has the effects of beauty, anti-aging, health preservation, etc., and there is also the so-called “cure all diseases”, which also proves from the side. The preciousness of the spring.

And if this spring water falls into the hands of dialects, it will cure all diseases and it will no longer be a legend!

As long as some suitable medicinal materials are combined with the spring water’s ability to promote absorption by the human body, most diseases will no longer be a problem!

This spring water is a priceless treasure at all!

Thinking of this, the dialect’s face immediately became serious!

Whether you can negotiate terms with the Xing family depends on the spring water!

Dialect took out the kettle in the backpack, poured out the water in it, and then filled a bottle full of ‘fairy water’!

Seeing the movement of the dialect, the Xing family experts who came along did not take it to heart, because there was no concept of fairy water in their minds.

This also provides a certain degree of convenience for the dialect plan in disguise.

The dialect calmly collected the spring water, then turned and looked at the side of the rock wall, where there was a cave that was obviously carved out by man.

For the experts of the Xing family, this cave is obviously more attractive than the spring water.

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