Chapter 383: On the eve of the meeting, liquidate the Qin family!

When Qin Yexuan and Qin Chiyue arrived at the agreed meeting place, Lin Moyuan had been sitting there waiting for a while.

It stands to reason that in order to avoid suspicion, these two people generally do not appear together in public places, but according to Lin Moyuan’s meaning, today should be launched the final blow to Qin Rufeng, at the latest before the official business summit, Qin Rufeng affirmed Is going to step down!

So Lin Moyuan naturally let them not care about these details.

The agreed meeting place was in a small pub with a closed sign. In the hall, only Lin Moyuan was sitting on a small square table, watching Qin Yexuan and Qin Chiyue push the door open. Upon entering, Lin Moyuan’s face showed a smile.

“Sit down and feel free. I just bought this pub and there is a chef from Milan. I like his pasta very much! You can try it later!”

Qin Chiyue said with a smile upon hearing this:

“We don’t have this kind of elegance! I heard that you will soon take over as the chairman of the Lin Group? Then I have to congratulate you in advance!”

Lin Moyuan settled the glass of champagne in front of him, and then said with a smile:

“Congratulations on my business, there will be time in the future! I just want to know if I let you do it tonight and completely take over the Qin family, can it be done?”

Qin Chiyue had already had a measurement in her heart. Hearing Lin Moyuan’s direct showdown, she said solemnly:

“There is no problem. At present, 80% of the basic business of the Xing family is in my hands. As for the remaining 20%, Qin Rufeng refuses to let go. It is said that it is a cooperation with a foreign-funded enterprise. Several software development studios in China can bring in a lot of income every year!”

Software development studio? Unexpectedly, Qin Rufeng is quite far-sighted. The next few years will be the era when technology development will occupy the mainstream. This old immortal sense of smell is very sensitive, but I don’t know how far it has been developed!

Qin Yexuan frowned slightly and said in a deep voice:

“The biggest problem right now is that we don’t know where Qin Rufeng’s backhand is! It is the best to solve him once! But if he is given a chance, wouldn’t it be the risk of a comeback?”

Hearing Qin Yexuan’s words, Lin Moyuan was very impressed. As the saying goes, the three caves of the rabbits, Qin Rufeng and the Lin group have dealt with each other for so many years, and every time they can’t get the handle of this old boy, if he runs away this time, then There is really no way!

Lin Moyuan didn’t worry about staring at the old man’s whereabouts every day, so if he could get it done once and for all, it would be best!

Thinking of this, Lin Moyuan said in a deep voice:

“Then I don’t think so! Qin Chiyue announced to take over the Qin family, Qin Yexuan stared at Qin Rufeng’s dynamics, and left the rest to me. I definitely won’t let him run out!”

Qin Yexuan frowned slightly and said in a deep voice:

“It’s a big deal, let me stare at Qin Rufeng, wouldn’t he be suspicious?”

Lin Moyuan smiled and said:

“Just tell me where Qin Rufeng is. Then you can clean up the inside of the Qin family, bring out all those who oppose Qin Chiyue’s head of the house, and leave the rest to me!”

Hearing Lin Moyuan’s words, Qin Yexuan was still a little worried, but nodded. She didn’t want Qin Rufeng to have a chance to escape! Someone has to pay for the death of her father!

Lin Moyuan narrowed his eyes slightly, glanced at Qin Chiyue, and then said:

“I’ll go to the toilet, you two can order some dishes, and then leave after eating, lest people doubt it!”

Then Lin Moyuan stood up by himself, left his seat, and walked towards the toilet.

As soon as he arrived at the bathroom, Lin Moyuan took out his mobile phone, edited a message and sent it out.

Qin Chiyue, who was looking at the menu, glanced at the phone and said with a smile:

“You order first, and I will also go to the bathroom and order me a rib eye steak! I’ve long wanted to try the craftsmanship of this pub, how does it compare to a western restaurant!”

Qin Yexuan nodded, no doubt there was him, and turned to look at the menu in his hand.

And Qin Chiyue came to the bathroom, looked at Lin Moyuan with a solemn expression, and asked subconsciously:

“What’s the matter? Why do you want me to come? Just the three of us, what can’t you say?”

Lin Moyuan sighed and said:

“Have you noticed? Is there something wrong with Qin Yexuan during the recent period?”

Hearing what Lin Moyuan said, Qin Chiyue slowly narrowed her eyes and said in a deep voice:

“What do you mean? Do you suspect Qin Yexuan?”

Lin Moyuan was taken aback for a moment, then rolled his eyes helplessly, and said:

“The father died in the hands of a bastard like Qin Rufeng. I doubt what she was doing? Isn’t that idle?”

Qin Chiyue said helplessly:

“I think she is normal, what kind of problem are you talking about?”

Lin Moyuan said in a deep voice:

“Qin Yexuan may have a will to die! I can feel it!”

Initiated a will to die?

Hearing this, Qin Chiyue’s face finally changed, becoming very serious!

“You mean, she wants to commit suicide?”

Lin Moyuan sighed slowly and said:

“Father’s hatred may be her last thought, right? Her mother is no longer alive. From this perspective, it is not impossible that such a possibility!”

Qin Chiyue also nodded solemnly, and said:

“Then I will stare a little! But you have to find a way! I’m not good at psychological counseling or something!”

Lin Moyuan nodded helplessly, and then the two walked out of the bathroom side by side.

When she returned to the table, Qin Chiyue had been watching carefully, but she hadn’t noticed anything unusual about Qin Yexuan. It was still the same as before. He didn’t talk much, and he always had a pensive expression.

Lin Moyuan’s worries were getting heavier and heavier, which made Qin Chiyue a little confused.

But just leave these problems to Lin Moyuan to get rid of the headache. Just complete the own task and stare at Qin Yexuan. Lin Moyuan will naturally solve all of this. Moreover, Lin Moyuan is still Qin Yexuan’s nominal fiancé. This should be the case. It’s Lin Moyuan to handle it!

Thinking of this, Qin Chiyue also relaxed a bit.

After eating, Lin Moyuan went back to prepare, while Qin Chiyue and Qin Yexuan returned to Qin’s house and began to prepare to overthrow Qin Rufeng!

Qin Chiyue has a list in his hand. These lists are all diehards. These people are Qin Rufeng’s trump cards and are absolutely loyal to Qin Rufeng. These people can only be controlled before the next move can be made.

Qin Chiyue had already started preparations. Although this day came a bit early, it was still going on in an orderly manner after all!

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