Chapter 394: Hong Zhanfei

Hearing Qin Chiyue’s ridicule, Lin Moyuan said helplessly:

“I’m rich, and I’m not sick. It’s natural to give money for meals. If I have a little money, I want everyone in the world to know how humble you are and how noble am I?”

Qin Chiyue did not continue to tease, but sighed and said in a deep voice:

“Isn’t this the way some people in the Qin family have been doing this over the years?”

Lin Moyuan nodded, looked at the hotel where the business summit was about to be held in front of him, and slowly narrowed his eyes.

Let alone the Qin family, how many people think so? How many people do this? Not to mention anything else, just talk about these rich second-generation locals in Yunhai City, no matter whether they are men or women, who is not a superior person?

It is indeed a society where everyone is equal, but people like to use money to divide people into different categories! This is the status quo that cannot be changed.

These problems cannot be solved by Lin Moyuan, not to mention that he is about to become the chairman of the Lin Group. Even if he wants to become the head of the Rothschild family, this problem is unsolvable.

Lin Moyuan squinted his eyes and said:

“I want to see how many clowns come out at this business summit, chattering endlessly!”

Qin Chiyue sighed and took out a paper towel and wiped his mouth, and said with a very helpless expression:

“You have to calm down. Although the group of people is unlikely to fight back head-on, they are definitely going to trip you secretly!”

Lin Moyuan shrugged his shoulders and said in a deep voice:

“So what? They don’t like me after all. If I pretend to be a grandson in front of them, won’t they still see me as an unpleasant? There is an ass to hide and tuck! If anyone sees me as an unpleasant, Xiaoye will fuck him After he was defeated, he naturally wouldn’t dare to look at me!”

Qin Chiyue smacked his tongue, but that’s the truth!

There is a preconceived notion in it. Anyway, the characters that are not pleasing to the Lin Group are not one or two. At this time, what is needed is a hard spirit!

Soon, Lin Moyuan’s noodles were brought up. Just as Lin Moyuan picked up the chopsticks in his hand, he heard a strange sound from Yin & Yang, which rang at the door of the noodle restaurant.

“Isn’t this Lin Shao? Why do you have time to come to the noodle restaurant to eat noodles? What can this small noodle restaurant have?”

“Could it be that Lin Shao has any problems? Then you can tell Little Brother to me! I’ll help you solve it!”

The person who was speaking also had some background. Standing behind him was one of the few companies that received a diamond invitation letter, Hongtu Group.

This is the prince of Hongtu Group, Hong Zhanfei.

Hong Zhanfei and Lin Moyuan had met several times before, but they got along very unpleasantly.

At that time, the Hongtu Group was competing with the Lin Group for the construction rights of a cross-sea bridge. The chairman of the Hongtu Group at the site of the bidding made many remarks, but Lin Shengtian did not take it seriously.

In his eyes, Hongtu Group is just a staged opponent. His silence made the chairman of Hongtu Group look like a clown.

The relationship between the Hongtu Group and the Lin Group on the desk was very stiff, and the same was true under the desk. When Lin Moyuan went to the bar to spend time at the time, he met Hong Zhanfei, who was also the prince of Hongtu Group.

When two people met, it was naturally a sneer at each other, and finally ascending until the punches and feet were added, and the fathers had to wipe their ass.

The only difference is that the chairman of Hongtu taught his own son that he was ignorant, but he did not really blame it, while Lin Shengtian praised Lin Moyuan’s behavior. He said that he is a hero, a tiger and a father without a dog. The father and son of the group were very embarrassed.

Even if this incident was forged a grudge, and later the project of the sea-crossing bridge finally fell into the hands of Lin Shengtian.

The Hongtu Group and the Lin Group are also one of the most representative industries in the southern region, but the relationship between them is really not very good. After so many years of fighting for me to win, no one is convinced at all.

When Hong Zhanfei saw Lin Moyuan sitting in such a shabby noodle restaurant eating noodles, it was not his character to not come up and mock him.

However, what he didn’t expect was that Lin Moyuan was in a very irritable time now, and it was so exciting to gather such a punching bag right now!

Lin Moyuan picked up the bowl of noodles with his backhand and buckled it directly on Hong Zhanfei’s head!

“Come on, Hong Shao, I have this bowl of noodles! Don’t be polite to me!”

There were two people behind Hong Zhanfei. They knew they were bodyguards by looking at their clothes. Seeing that Hong Zhanfei was completely covered in noodle soup by the young man in front of him, he immediately took a step forward and had to do it. As a result, he was sitting on the other side of the table and just wiped his mouth. Qin Chiyue smashed a bowl on her head!

Qin Chiyue’s movements were unexpected and very swift, and the bodyguard was immediately smashed.

When Ji Kun and Yan Kexiang saw that the situation was not right, they immediately got out of the car. The original three-on-two situation instantly turned into three-on-four, and Hong Zhanfei did not actually have much combat effectiveness.

The owner of the noodle shop naturally saw this movement and felt distressed, but where did he dare to stand up?

Who knows how much energy is behind these brothers? What if the own store goes bankrupt?

Hong Zhanfei just took off his jacket, which was full of noodle soup, and cleaned up all the noodles on his body, before he said fiercely:

“Lin Moyuan! You are looking for death! We will walk and watch at the business summit!”

Lin Moyuan spat in disdain, and said in a deep voice:

“Don’t let me see you at the business summit! Otherwise, you won’t have the face to look forward to it!”

After leaving with the two bodyguards, the shop finally calmed down. Lin Moyuan took out a bank card from Ji Kun’s pocket and put it on the counter, and said to the trembling noodle shop owner:

“It’s not much money, just treat it as compensation, sorry! Boss! Come to eat noodles next time!”

The boss was stunned for a moment, and just about to say no, Lin Moyuan and others also left the noodle shop.

The boss subconsciously checked the pos machine, and there were nearly 200,000 in the card!

This card was actually used by Ji Da Young Master to buy computer equipment. Before the company purchased a batch of brand new computer equipment, Lin Moyuan handed it over to Ji Kun, so how much money is left, of course Lin Moyuan thought There are countless.

“Uncle Lin hasn’t come yet, I didn’t expect an annoying fly to come first!”

Hearing what Ji Kun said, Lin Moyuan said with a smile:

“I probably understand, so let’s go in first!”

Go in first?

Ji Kun was stunned for a moment, and asked curiously:

“Why? Don’t wait for Uncle Lin? Isn’t it the chairman who usually goes first?”

Lin Moyuan smiled and said:

“My father is telling these people that in the future, I will be the chairman!”

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