Chapter 397: Hong Zhanfei’s Unhappy

The atmosphere in the lobby is very solemn, and the reason is very simple. Some people do not give the face of Hongtu Group’s son. This kind of thing is not common. It stands to reason that according to Hong Zhanfei’s urinary sex, even if he is not walking sideways in Yunhai City, very few people are on it. Offended him, right?

But the two brothers who did not know where they came from, didn’t treat Grand Young Master Hong Zhanfei as a dish at all!

This consequence is not something ordinary people can bear!

However, everyone looks at the situation in front of them with the mentality of watching the excitement together. Anyway, Hong Zhanfei has always been the heir of the Hongtu Group. This matter is definitely not that easy to end.

Wang Yan’s face was also very calm at this time. He knew Hong Zhanfei too much. He had been spoiled and raised since he was a child. No one dared to disobey him. He has formed a fixed mindset for others. , I did not expect to encounter a situation of resistance suddenly.

At this time, there was naturally a kind of anger rising in my heart, how dare you actually resist me? This is simply intolerable!

Once you find that things are out of control, you will feel a little flustered and at a loss. What should you do at this time? Of course it is called a parent!

These people still rely on their parents in their subconsciousness, and the probability of dealing with emergencies by themselves is basically zero.

In the beginning, Wang Yan’s prediction for Lin Moyuan was the same, but Lin Moyuan used his actions one after another to prove that not all the disciples of the rich family are brain-suppressed like Hong Zhanfei.

Sure enough, Hong Zhanfei picked up the phone in his hand. Now this situation has entered a stalemate, and it is natural to move the rescuers.

Wang Can gave Own Dage a questioning look, meaning to inform Lin Moyuan?

If this kid handed over Hong Ran, the chairman of Hongtu Group, then things would be a little troublesome.

This old immortal is an old fox. He has always been the best at playing tricks, and he is very cunning, he can be regarded as half a hero.

As for why it counts as half, the reason is very simple, acting too weak, and there is a fact that everyone is laughing…that is, being afraid of wives!

When his wife stared, Hong Ran immediately persuaded.

No way, Hong’s Hongtu Group can have today’s status, mostly because of Hong Ran’s wife. His wife’s family is also considered a big family. He has given Hong Ran a lot of help in the early stage, so Hong Ran’s status is naturally compared. Low.

Hong Zhanfei’s fearless and fearless character was used by his mother, so he inherited a lot of his mother’s unreasonableness, but inherited a small part of his father’s cunning.

There is a saying that the Hongtu Group continues to do so, and when Hong Zhanfei takes over, it is estimated that it will go downhill, and it is inevitable that it will end up with a rich but three generations.

Although Hong Ran wanted to discipline his son, his wife couldn’t see him beating and scolding the child at all. Even if she was pregnant when she was in college, her mother had come forward and lost a lot of money.

This shows what kind of character Hong Zhanfei should be. Compared to Lin Moyuan before, it is no different.

But the Lin Moyuan now is not the Lin Moyuan before. If Lin Moyuan wants to play Dead Hong Zhanfei, he has no less than a hundred ways!

Had it not been for the Hongtu Group behind Hong Zhanfei, he would have been unable to stand and leave Yunhai City.

To be honest, Wang Yan was actually very puzzled. Lin Shengtian’s doting on Lin Moyuan was not bad compared to Hong Zhanfei’s mother’s to Hong Zhanfei! Why is Lin Moyuan now a sophisticated and sophisticated look, but when I look at Hong Zhanfei, he looks like this?

Wang Yan has always been puzzled by this question, but Hong Zhanfei did not give Wang Yan more time to break the casserole and ask the question.

“Boy, do you think, where do you come from?”

Wang Yan came back to his senses, then smiled and said:

“Pan Dao? Okay, the Patriarch of the Wang Family in Gangdong City, Wang Yan!”

People from the four major families in Gangdong City?

The moment Hong Zhanfei heard these words, he was taken aback!

Of course, the assets of the four major families in Gangdong City cannot be compared with Hongtu Group, but they control 80% of Gangdong City’s resources! In other words, if you want to develop in Gangdong City, you must at least get the approval of these families in Gangdong City!

This can be regarded as an unwritten rule, but people who do not follow this rule really have no way to take root in Gangdong City.

With the rapid development of Gangdong City, there are naturally many people watching here. Hongtu Group has a three-year plan in Gangdong City. If it succeeds, there may be a business opportunity to leave the Lin Group behind!

Although Hong Zhanfei is very arrogant and domineering, he is definitely not a fool! Now that I have offended the Wang family, it’s a bit uneconomical!

Thinking of this, Hong Zhanfei’s expression eased slightly, and he said in a deep voice:

“It turned out that it was the Patriarch of the Wang Family in Gangdong City in person, but today this matter is not so easy to solve. It is better to do this, we each step back, I will assume that the matter just did not happen, you leave this woman to me to deal with, how about ?”

To make herself ashamed in front of so many people, this woman must take care of it, or else there is any face in this circle?

The people in the lobby began to slap their tongues. This Hong Zhanfei Hongda Young Master took the initiative to step down for the first time. It seems that this welcoming Miss is probably going to be miserable. Bin, offend a behemoth like Hongtu Group!

The innocent welcome Miss, standing behind Wang Can, suddenly turned pale, and the bright red palm prints on her face became more obvious.

When Wang Yan heard Hong Zhanfei’s words, he almost laughed.

WTF? You don’t care about us, and then you have to take away people?

It seems to have given us a great favor!

Even if Wang Yan does not have the status of Hong Zhanfei, he is still the head of the family anyway! Will you take care of these things?

“You must not take the person away. The business summit is about to begin soon. I don’t want to waste time with you here. It’s all here. Then fight for the background. Let me see whose background is better. hard!”

Since Hong Zhanfei has this attitude, it is clear that there is no talk.

If you don’t have to talk, don’t you have to fight backstage. For these routines, Wang Yan is very familiar with them.

Hong Zhanfei nodded blankly, and then two figures appeared in people’s sight.

One is a middle-aged man wearing glasses and smiling, and the other is a middle-aged woman with a gloomy face!

One is Hong Zhanfei’s father, Hong Ran, and the other is Hong Zhanfei’s mother, Qin Lian!

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