Chapter 402 The auction begins!

In fact, most of this auction is held internally, because the top-level media has no way to enter and it is not public. In fact, it saves a lot of trouble. After all, the current media is really a bit scary. Any arrangement can cause business problems. Influence.

But of course it doesn’t matter to Lin Moyuan. Anyway, his favorite is to line up with those Internet sprayers. Not only can he vent his breath, but he can also harvest a lot of villain values. Why not?

Regarding Lin Moyuan’s imminent appointment as the chairman of the Lin Group, the Internet spray will definitely stand up and say that he is ready to reap the villain value.

As for the face issue…Now that people do business, it is all about your strength, and absolutely no one cares what kind of person you are! If you have money, resources, and prestige, even if you are a little grumpy, you will blow up the gunpowder keg, and I will have no pressure at all. What do you need to pay attention to when doing business? It’s a kindness!

You can do whatever you want to be happy. We have to do a good job of business and I get the money. Who are you and what does it have to do with me? Do you like scolding on the Internet? If you pull me, I can scold you together!

Lin Moyuan is now willing to go all out, daring to pull the emperor down!

This society is afraid that people with a personality like Lin Moyuan not only can’t rub the sand in their eyes, but also have a sinister and cunning character even better than his father!

Now if anyone still believes that Lin Moyuan is an unlearned dude, then he is a proper idiot.

When Chang Nanhua saw the meeting room gradually calm down, he said with a smile:

“I just told you that the decision to make Lin Shengtian the chairman is something I have already considered, so you don’t need to bother about it. Let’s concentrate on welcoming the next auction! ”

Everyone nodded helplessly. The old man clearly told them that I have settled this matter, and it is useless for you to think about it!

The most ugly face right now is the bosses of these companies who had previously had grudges with the Lin Group. There is really no way. They and the Lin Group can be regarded as bitter and deep. Lin Shengtian is in the top position, unfortunately. There must be them!

The faces of Hong Ran’s family are the most unsightly, but the auction is still more important at the moment.

Chang Nanhua said with a smile:

“The first lot is a cruise ship of my South China Group! It has just been delivered recently, but my old man didn’t use it. It was originally a gift from an old friend, but I couldn’t bear to watch it stop at the pier until it was scrapped. , So just take it out and sell it!”

Cruise ship?

The backing of this cruise ship is not small! It was built by one of the most famous ship manufacturers in China. This ship manufacturer has a continuous history. This cruise ship is not a commodity of bad street, but a real private order!

Even if you are in the circle of billionaires, you always have a face when you drive out!

The name is also very domineering, called “Sea Dragon King”!

This cruise ship took three years to build, and it cost nearly one billion! Carefully crafted, many decorative parts are made of real gold, you can imagine its value!

Now Chang Nanhua has put up the cruise ship for auction. What does it mean?

Of course, there are also rumors that Chang Nanhua has a more luxurious cruise ship, but no one has ever seen it.

However, according to Chang Nanhua’s personality, there is probably such a cruise ship hidden and tucked away, and it has not been made public.

Lin Moyuan raised his brows, and said curiously:

“Chang Lao, you took out all this cruise ship, did you mean you still have a more domineering one? Tell us the name for us to listen to?”

Chang Nanhua froze for a moment, then smiled and shook his head, and said:

“Your kid is a ghost, but I can’t just take it out like this! This cruise ship is my granddaughter’s dowry! As for the name, you will know it when my granddaughter gets married. of!”

Lin Moyuan smiled and joked:

“It’s still always domineering, using cruise ships as a dowry, I really don’t know which outstanding Toshihiko can have such a good blessing!”

The girl sitting next to Chang Nanhua seemed to be pouting, somewhat dissatisfied with her grandfather’s words, but still did not speak.

Lin Moyuan frowned when he saw this scene. It seemed that there were some unknown things in it. Why didn’t Chang Nanhua’s granddaughter speak?

From Chang Nanhua’s appearance until now, his granddaughter hasn’t said a word, and hasn’t even communicated with Chang Nanhua. Is the relationship between the two grandparents not very good? That shouldn’t be, it seems that Chang Nanhua treats his granddaughter quite well!

Or is it just not being heard by yourself?

But this is even more impossible!

There is basically no such possibility!

At the moment when Lin Moyuan was depressed, someone had already begun to bid!

This sea Dragon King cruise ship is very popular, especially for those rich people who love Face very much. With such a cruise ship, how good is it to go to sea?

“I give out one billion!”

This cruise ship cost one billion to build, and it is one billion lower. Who dares to make a move? Didn’t that wipe Chang Nanhua’s face?

The most expensive cruise ship in the world is the Ocean Charm manufactured by Royal Caribbean Cruises Co., Ltd. The value of this cruise ship is 10.5 billion!

What is this concept? Can buy a full ten Chang Nanhua cruise ships!

But Royal Caribbean is in this line of business. Who in business would have the brains to buy a cruise ship for $10.5 billion?

Isn’t that purely sick?

So a billion-dollar cruise ship is already a ceiling. After all, it is for personal use, not for commercial purposes, so it is enough.

One billion is only the reserve price. Of course, this cruise ship is more than one billion, and soon someone will bid again.

“I give out eleven billion!”

“Twelve billion!”

“Thirteen billion!”

“Five hundred million!”

At 1.5 billion, no one wants to continue to increase the price.

The extra five hundred million, even if he respected Chang Nanhua, Lin Moyuan was stunned.

In this position of Chang Nanhua, a face is worth five hundred million!

What is the ceiling? That’s it!

Chang Nanhua smiled and looked at the boss who offered 1.5 billion, and said:

“Yun Yun, after so many years, you still have the confidence! Find time to relive the past!”

The entrepreneur named Yunyun smiled and responded very gracefully before sitting down again.

Lin Moyuan twitched the corners of his mouth, 1.5 billion for a meal?

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