Four hundred and seventeenth chapter: dialect into the grand plan!

Hongtu Group is located in Fuyuan City, a distance from Yunhai City, and a Suiyuan City across.

The situation in Fuyuan City and Yunhai City is similar, and it is also a unique scene.

The more than 70,000 employees of Hongtu Group are scattered in various branches, which are distributed all over the country. This is completely different from Lin Group.

First of all, the Lin Group itself has only one headquarters and there are no branches. Secondly, the hotel industry of the Lin Group seems to be the only hotel industry scattered across the country, and then the real estate industry. If there is business, most of them are only from outside the headquarters. Just send employees.

Hongtu Group mainly focuses on the development of the automobile industry. Others are mainly shopping malls, pedestrian streets, and the catering industry. It is widely spread, but its influence is far less than that of the Lin Group, because the Lin Group’s main business is real estate and hotel businesses. , This is a question of popularity.

Although the headquarters of Hongtu Group is not as spectacular as the Lin Group Building, it is better than the large area and unique landscape. It can almost be said that the entire ecological park has been moved to the home!

I have to say that there are still some ingenuity, and the surrounding buildings are very elegant and full of national flavors, which are very pleasing to the eye.

When dialect, Xing Feng, and Xing Chuan first came here, they didn’t realize how big it is, but after entering the park, the car drove for another half an hour, which felt unusual.

There are already three Xing’s homes here, and they have not yet come to an end.

Several people in dialect were sitting on an extended Lincoln, and asked with a serious face:

“Where did the genius doctor Fang learn from? I want to know which old genius doctor you studied with?”

The dialect shrugged helplessly, and said in a deep voice:

“Mr. Hong, there are rules in the teacher’s door, so please forgive me if you are not allowed to say it!”

There are rules! It seems that the rules of this division are very strict! But with that said, Hong Ran even more believes that dialects do have the ability!

Because the average Rivers and Lakes crooks will say that they have learned from everyone, and what generations of disciples of the masters of Chinese medicine. Although this name sounds bluffing, it is 100% fake, or there is no such person at all. Master, or this master has no such disciples at all.

However, this kind of thing that even the teacher and the inheritor would not be allowed to say, most of them really have Secret Technique in them!

Thinking of this, Hong Ran asked in a deep voice:

“Master Fang, can you help me see, my spine hurts uncomfortably in the rainy weather, what is the disease? Can it be cured?”

The dialect smiled and said:

“It seems that I’m no different from those Rivers and Lakes crooks just by talking without proof, but the knowledge of Chinese medicine is true and true! Let me talk about some simple symptoms first!”

Hong Ran nodded immediately, putting on an humbly asking for advice.

After watching the dialect intently for a while, he said solemnly:

“Did Mr. Hong in the rainy weather start from the tail vertebrae and along the spine? First, he felt a small worm crawling on the body surface. It was unbearable. It was about a quarter of an hour, oh, that’s about fifteen minutes. Is the pain gradually getting worse?”

When Hong Ran heard this, he patted his thigh and said in a deep voice:

“Yes! That’s right! The genius doctor Fang is really a genius doctor! Not bad at all!”

The dialect continued:

“This situation will become more intense in summer and autumn, especially when the autumn rainy season comes, and then it will be lessened in spring and winter every year. It repeats this way, and today there are 18 or 9 years. This happened when Mr. Hong was in his early thirties?”

Hong Ran’s eyes on the dialect suddenly changed! Become a little in awe!

You can even see this in dialects? Only the wife of own and the old father of own know about this! Even his own son doesn’t know when the disease started!

The dialect can be said so accurately!

This is simply the gods descending from the earth!

In fact, the richer people, the more they have a sense of indescribable awe for these gods, gods, and ghosts. In fact, to put it bluntly, they have too many things, and they are a little suspicious of people who are concerned about gains and losses. It’s just normal.

Dialects have followed Master to identify many incurable diseases in the world, and these things are still not a problem.

As for how to see it, dialects don’t really want to explain it. In fact, these things are a combination of insight and experience.

“Mr. Hong’s disease can be roughly judged as intermittent cold disease. This disease is indeed called so in my Master’s place, and it can be inherited, and it is strange that it is passed on from male to female, but it is also very helpless, but It’s not that there is no cure!”

When I heard this sentence, Hong Ran’s wife, Hong Zhanfei’s mother Qin Lian, was obviously very nervous, and immediately said:

“The genius doctor Fang! How to cure it? Can you give me a way! Any money is fine!”

The dialect waved his hand and said with a smile:

“You don’t need money, even if it’s a personal relationship, after all, the owner and Mr. Hong have negotiated everything, and the transaction between us is actually on this condition.”

Qin Lian breathed a sigh of relief, and said in a deep voice:

“That’s good, I can rest assured, thanks to the genius doctor Fang!”

The dialect nodded, but he was a little strange in his heart.

This Qin Lian was in the lobby before, but it wasn’t like this. In the lobby before, it was fierce, like a tigress, but now she is still gentle and frugal?

If you think about it carefully, it’s not surprising.

After all, Hong Zhanfei is Qin Lian’s life/roots! If you are a mother, you will be strong, and naturally you will be soft when you are a mother.

The dialect couldn’t help but think of own parents, as if they didn’t have any impression. Since I started to remember, there was only one Master who seemed to never grow old.

Where are own father and mother?

He sighed slightly, and the dialect came back to his senses. The vehicle had entered an underground parking lot. The entire parking lot was very quiet, full of cars, but there were not many people, only a security guard at the door was standing guard.

“The old man originally wanted to come out to receive the genius doctor Fang, Patriarch Xing and others in person, but he has physical inconvenience and there is no way to come out. The genius doctor Fang must forgive me!”

The dialect immediately waved his hand and said, “Where is it, we should disturb the old man!”

Xing Chuan also said with a smile:

“This visit was too sudden and hastily. I didn’t bring any gifts. I hope that Chairman Hong will not see outsiders!”

Hong Ran suddenly smiled and said:

“What is Patriarch Xing talking about? It is already the greatest favor to our Hongtu Group to invite the genius Doctor Fang over! I have not had time to thank Patriarch Xing!”

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