Chapter 424: Starting today, I have the final say!

Someone always needs to stand up and carry this burden. If Lin Moyuan doesn’t carry it, who will carry it?

Sophie? Of course Sophie has this ability, but what Lin Moyuan thinks is not what it feels like.

After all, Sophie is his titular Big sis, your eldest son is still there, let Big sis take over the group? What is your incompetence?

Although Lin Moyuan didn’t care about other people’s opinions at all, let Sophie stand up, is he still a man?

Scratching his head and sighing, Lin Moyuan solemnly said to the cheap daddy own:

“Don’t worry, daddy, although I am not as talented as you are, I still need to simply manage the group and achieve two small goals!”

Lin Shengtian turned his back to Lin Moyuan’s face, and a smile gradually emerged.

As long as Lin Moyuan agrees, is he afraid that this little bastard doesn’t care?

Lin Shengtian knew all about what Lin Moyuan was doing during this period. Although he didn’t know why his son had to deal with a Doctor Rivers and Lakes who didn’t know the background, Lin Moyuan definitely knew what he was doing and just let him do it.

Moreover, Lin Moyuan’s intentions and Lin Shengtian generally understood. The son of own wants to develop a branch of the Lin Group in Gangdong City based on the Xue family’s Kaitian Group!

Unlike the Lin Group, this branch is completely built by Lin Moyuan himself, and it is Lin Moyuan’s own team!

This branch company sounds like a projection of the Lin Group in Gangdong City, without much deterrence, but inside it is supported by the Wang family, one of the three major families in Gangdong City!

Coupled with Lin Moyuan’s desire to let the Qin family go to Gangdong City for development, as well as the Shangri-La Hotel, and the existence of Zhao Duan, this force should not be underestimated whether it is financial or background!

It was for this reason that Lin Shengtian decided to hand over the entire Lin Group to Lin Moyuan now, and his side was leaving for the headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce of the Southern Business Alliance to take over the duties of the Chamber of Commerce President.

Before leaving Long Nation and looking for Lin Moyuan’s mother in Western Europe, he had to pave the road for his own son, otherwise Lin Shengtian would leave without worry.

Parents are mostly like this. When the son is not promising, he hopes his own son will be promising, and the son is promising, and he is afraid that his son will encounter any setbacks. This kind of contradictory mood is exactly what Lin Shengtian feels now.

“Okay, let’s do it, Chang Jing is a good girl who treats others better, even if it’s just acting, then she must act in place for me! The little girl is innocent, just don’t pull the little girl in.”

Lin Moyuan nodded when he heard the words, and said:

“Don’t worry, father, I have a sense of measure. When are you going to go to the business alliance?”

Lin Shengtian gently patted the chair that had accompanied him for many years. Some parts of the chair had been worn out, but after a simple treatment, it was still in use.

“Leave right away. I will have a meeting in the afternoon. If you don’t like this chair, I can take it away. Back then, your mother said that my spine was not good, and she personally selected it for me. I have met, hurry up and settle the matter, and I will go to her!”

Lin Moyuan smiled and said:

“Of course you took it away. This is the chair my mother chose for you. The big deal is that I will let my mother choose one for me. My mother’s vision is the best. It can be reflected!”

Lin Shengtian nodded when he heard the words, and said with a smile:

“Okay, let’s not say much. In the afternoon, I called all the shareholders over for a meeting and announced that you would take over as the chairman of the board. Several other members of the board of directors will also be there!”

Lin Moyuan nodded, knowing that this matter would be over.

It’s just not clear. What kind of feelings will the people on the board of directors have if they learn about this situation?

In the afternoon, some members of the Lin Group’s board of directors and the shareholders’ meeting came to the largest meeting room. Lin Shengtian summoned everyone. It sounded like there was something important to announce. Everyone They all agreed that it must be Lin Shengtian’s announcement to be the honorary president of the Southern Business Federation, so they came to congratulate them.

There were more than 30 senior executives, all sitting in the wide and solemn conference room, but they were all talking about it at the moment.

“Now that’s all right, our chairman serves as the chairman of the business alliance. After that, will our development be close to Nanhua Group?”

“These are all trivial things! Let me tell you, as long as the chairman sits in this position for another ten years, then the first high-tech industry of Longguo will definitely belong to us!”

“Small! The structure is smaller! We are to be the world’s number one technology industry!”

Lin Moyuan was sitting in the lower seat, and Lin Shengtian was sitting in the main seat. The strange thing was that almost all of the people in the room chose to ignore the second generation ancestor at the same time, and they all stepped forward to congratulate Lin Shengtian.

Lin Shengtian naturally responded with a smile one by one. After a while, he smiled and said:

“Everyone! Everyone! Let’s be quiet. I am here today. There is one thing I want to announce to you. To be precise, it is two things!”

“First, I will soon take over as the honorary chairman of the Southern Business Alliance. I believe you all know this!”

Suddenly, everyone below was thunderous with applause.

Lin Shengtian continued smiling and said:

“The second thing is also very simple. The chair of the president is not so easy to sit on. After becoming the president, I can’t be distracted to take care of the company’s affairs, so I decided…”

“Let Lin Moyuan formally succeed as chairman! Lead everyone to move on!”

The prolonged applause just stopped for an instant, and the more than 30 people in the entire conference room stopped their movements.

Afterwards, a lot of discussion and whispering kicked off the curtain.

“Does Lin Moyuan have this ability? Does he have half the talents of the chairman?”

“Don’t say what you learned, even if you have half the momentum of the chairman!”

“With this prodigal thing, can you become the chairman?”

What these people said was polite, and the people sitting in the back row had already begun to curse.

Lin Moyuan had anticipated this scene a long time ago, so he was not very surprised. He patted the table hard and said in a deep voice:

“Quiet! Be quiet!”

After the discussion became quiet, Lin Moyuan said in a deep voice:

“Regardless of whether you agree or disagree, I will tell you! I have taken this seat! From now on, the company is my final say!”

At this moment, a middle-aged man wearing a blue tie stood up and said in a deep voice:

“Lin Moyuan, what are you doing?”

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