Four hundred and thirtieth chapter: dialect power!

He glanced at Yuan Dezhi up and down in the dialect. Yuan Dezhi possessed considerable aspiration blessings, and he did not seem to be a simple character. Such a person usually does not leave any handles when doing things, let alone find clues, he doesn’t know a single hair. Stay on site!

The dialect said in a deep voice:

“Yuan Dezhi, I’ll just call you Mr. Yuan for the time being! I don’t know which genre you inherited from, but you are really good at being a good man! The old man’s condition worsened, do you have a credit for it?”

Yuan Dezhi slowly narrowed his eyes and looked at this young man who looked like he was in his twenties and seemed to be a young man with no full-length hair. He said in a deep voice:

“Boy, which genre do you belong to? You just come up without shame, hasn’t your Master taught you how to be inferior and inferior?”

The dialect snorted coldly, and responded fiercely:

“Mr. Yuan, this title is already my greatest respect for you! I hope you don’t know good or bad! You know, I am thinking of your group!”

Slowly standing up from the chair, Yuan Dezhi said solemnly:

“Are you the one Hong Ran found? I advise you to withdraw your hands as soon as possible! This matter cannot be handled by you alone!”

Hong Ran sneered and waved his hand, and the three bodyguards immediately surrounded him and sealed Yuan Dezhi’s escape route!

Yuan Dezhi sighed slowly, the situation is now clear.

Hong Ran was a murderer if he killed himself! The one who moved the Feng Shui formation without authorization!

This matter is simply unreasonable! Because he didn’t have any evidence to prove that he didn’t do this thing!

What does the Hong family mean? Is it really going to cross the river and demolish the bridge?

“Hong Ran, I, Yuan Dezhi, asked myself until today, I have never done anything harmful to the interests of the group. You are going to cross the river and demolish the bridge!”

The grief and anger in Yuan Dezhi’s voice is definitely not a falsehood. The dialect can be heard, but the dialect is unwilling to believe it!

Looking at the entire Hongtu Group, there is only one Yuan Dezhi who has the ability and opportunity to do this!

Not to mention the other people’s eyes on Feng Shui’s bureau, there is no chance to get close to Grandpa Hong’s side at all!

So the dialect quickly became firm, and he said in a deep voice:

“You should leave this question to the old man! Yuan Dezhi, I know that your accomplishments are not under mine! But shouldn’t you come up with an explanation for this matter?”

Yuan Dezhi slowly retreated a step, approaching the edge of the window, his face still gloomy:

“What’s the explanation? I’m innocent! This matter has nothing to do with me! You have to show evidence when you speak! You can’t wrong me for nothing!”

Hong Ran snorted coldly, took a step forward, and looked straight at Yuan Dezhi:

“It’s late! Yuan Dezhi, come back with me!”

As soon as the voice fell, Yuan Dezhi jumped in depth and jumped out of the window!

This hand is really unexpected to everyone!

The dialect reacted first, and rushed to the window to look down. Where is Yuan Dezhi’s figure? All that is left is a coat left by Yuan Dezhi!

Originally, this floor was not high, and there were too many places to grab outside, there was nowhere to be found!

Hong Ran smashed the wine glass on the table and said with a gloomy expression: “Damn! I knew it must be him!”

At this moment, everyone had already determined that Yuan Dezhi was the murderer, because if Yuan Dezhi had no ghosts in his heart, why would he run? Why run? According to Mr. Hong’s trust in Yuan Dezhi, there is no need for Yuan Dezhi to run!

But these people have overlooked a problem. If Yuan Dezhi does not run, this time he will basically be dead!

Who is Hong Ran? Grandpa Hong’s real son! But Yuan Dezhi is just a son adopted by Hong Lao! This is the root of the problem!

Mr. Hong has high hopes for Yuan Dezhi!

In fact, everyone in the company can see that Yuan Dezhi is more like Mr. Hong’s son. Mr. Hong is biased towards Yuan Dezhi in many ways, and even wanted to give him the chairmanship at the beginning!

But fortunately, Hong Ran is not eating rice. He has been developing his own forces for so many years, and has won the support of many big bosses of the board of directors in one fell swoop, and this has firmly held the chairman of the board in his hands!

In fact, Hong Ran has always been dissatisfied with Own’s father, especially with regard to Yuan Dezhi’s case!

So this time I definitely want to take advantage of the topic and get rid of Yuan Dezhi in one fell swoop!

At first, Hong Ran really didn’t have such an idea, but when Hong Ran came back to his senses, he would definitely start with Yuan Dezhi!

Yuan Dezhi has been with Mr. Hong since he was a child, and he was killed all the way in a bloody storm!

Of course, this bloodbath is just a simple adjective. Along the way, various companies are annexed, markets are opened up, lawsuits, commercial disputes, and everything, big and small, is full of Yuan Dezhi!

When Yuan Dezhi was worth more than 100 million yuan, he didn’t need to be in the company anymore. He could get a dividend every year. After all, Hong Ran took over the chairmanship. He worked as hard as before. Of course it was not appropriate. In my eyes, this is what you mean to rob the ban duo dynasty!

But Yuan Dezhi doesn’t care. He is just fighting for this Hongtu Group. It doesn’t matter if he is a manager. As long as he can contribute a little bit to the company, he can do any job!

Hong Ran didn’t know Yuan Dezhi’s thoughts, which led to this situation today.

The dialect was also unclear. He just saw that Yuan Dezhi had a great background, and the resentment in Yuan Dezhi’s heart was not like a fake. He could not see anything else, and Yuan Dezhi had already run away.

But from this point of view, Yuan Dezhi is indeed a murderer!

Hong Ran said in a deep voice:

“Notify the company’s security and search the city for news about Yuan Dezhi! You must see people alive and dead!”

One of the bodyguards nodded, turned and left.

Dialect slowly sighed, Fuyuan City must be messed up tonight!

One of the bodyguards stepped forward and whispered:

“Yuan Dezhi’s woman, should we pay attention?”

After hesitating for a while, Hong Ran waved his hand and said:

“Look for a chance to take someone to deal with it! Yuan Dezhi didn’t take that woman seriously at all!”

The bodyguard nodded blankly and took out the phone from his arms.

Dialect frowned! It would be too much for Hong Ran to do so!

Not even a woman let go?

“Chairman Hong, I don’t think this is necessary!”

Hearing the words in the dialect, Hong Ran turned around and asked curiously:

“Master Fang, is there any problem?”

The dialect said firmly:

“This woman is innocent, I don’t think there is any need to start! It hurts God!”

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