Four hundred and forty-seventh chapters: The soldiers are divided into two ways

Seeing the manager’s reaction, Wang Yan and Yan Kexiang reacted immediately, Wang Yan’s dark dagger fell into his palm again, and Yan Kexiang picked up the fruit knife from the fruit plate on the coffee table.

Lu Feng motioned to Xiaoyan to hide in the room, but he found a corner and hid it.

The most important situation now is that neither Lu Feng nor Xiao Yan can be seen by Hong Ran. If they are seen, then it will be over!

The manager saw such a big reaction from the crowd, but he did not know whether to laugh or cry……

“Everyone calm down! It’s the chairman! The chairman is here!”

Hearing these words, Wang Yan immediately took a step forward and looked over the gap. Isn’t it? Lin Moyuan wore a simple clip to overcome, standing at the door of the hotel, with a cigarette in his mouth, looking like Just like a normal tourist!

Yan Kexiang breathed a sigh of relief, and then he was a little confused, why did Lin Moyuan come here?

Isn’t there a lot of things left unfinished in Yunhai City?

After the manager opened the door, he looked around and confirmed that no one noticed, then he turned sideways to let Lin Moyuan walk in.

Lin Moyuan took off his sunglasses, pinched out the cigarette butt, and said with a smile:

“Are you surprised? Are you surprised?”

Yan Kexiang put down the fruit knife in his hand and said helplessly:

“You are really my boss! You are going to scare people like this, you know?”

Wang Yan put away the dagger without a trace, and said with a smile:

“Is there something we missed here? Why did you come here in person?”

Lin Moyuan smiled and said:

“I just found one thing, it’s important, so I don’t feel relieved, just come over and take a look, how is the situation?”

Hearing what Lin Moyuan said, Lu Feng walked out of the corner of the room and said with a wry smile:

“At present, we are in a very embarrassing situation. Hong Ran searched for information about Lehua throughout the city. It was difficult for us to get close to the flower shop. Even when we arrived at the flower shop, it was difficult to take people to the train station! Even when we arrived at the train station. Station, it is estimated that it will be discovered soon!”

Although the flower shop where Lehua is located is very close to the train station, there is not enough time!

It is indeed safe to reach the train station, but you have to wait for the train to leave, right? You have to wait until the ticket has been checked and boarded before it is completely safe!

This process will take at least an hour to half an hour. As long as Hong Ran reacts, Lehua must be in danger!

After getting a rough idea of ​​the current situation, Lin Moyuan said in a deep voice:

“That’s not as good as this. We were divided into two groups. We went all the way to the train station to make a little movement to attract Hong Ran’s attention. Another wave of people went to the airport and took people away from the airport!”


Wang Yan frowned, then suddenly realized!

Yan Kexiang didn’t understand, and asked:

“Airport? There are also a lot of surveillance cameras at the airport, and there are security checks… Then it’s better to get on the train!”

Wang Yan said with a smile:

“You got it wrong. The airport doesn’t have to be only passenger planes! Our chairman can come from the airport with a sway, then it means that the airport is not like an iron barrel!”

Lin Moyuan smiled and nodded, then continued to explain:

“I came by helicopter. Although the time may be a bit longer and not as safe as a passenger plane, I can finally leave Fuyuan City safely!”

Hearing Lin Moyuan’s words, Lu Feng’s eyes suddenly lit up!

This is indeed a good idea! The take-off time of the private helicopter can be adjusted at will, and you can fly whenever you want!

What if Hong Ran arrives at the airport? How can he stop it?

“Good way, then we have to determine the issue of manpower allocation, who escorts Lehua and Lu Feng’s girlfriend to the airport, who goes to the train station to do things, attract attention!”

In the Fuyuan City Police Department, Yuan Dezhi was sitting in the interrogation room, and was counting down the hidden things that Hongtu Group had done to the police officers in front of him.

“This was a forced increase in rent in May last year. In a shopping mall, more than 160 merchants, each of which charged an extra 20,000 rent. This money went into Hong Ran’s pocket and I can take it out now. Prove that the data is on my phone…”

The transcript alone is about to break through ten thousand words! And every thing Yuan Dezhi has detailed proof in his hands!

The next person who was interrogated personally was the previous detachment leader, who was trembling angrily while listening to Yuan Dezhi’s words!

This Hongtu Group obviously does not treat ordinary people as human beings!

“Is there any more? Don’t worry, you can be regarded as guilty and meritorious now. Although you will still be held accountable, the law will be dealt with lightly!”

Yuan Dezhi took a sip of the mineral water in the disposable paper cup on the table and laughed mockingly.

Originally, what kind of good wine has not been drunk before? Lafite, Romani Conti, whiskey, but not as comfortable as the cup of tea in front of you!

“Police officer, can you give me a call?”

The leader of the detachment frowned and asked suspiciously:

“Who to call? Do you want to confuse?”

Yuan Dezhi shook his head and said:

“I want to call the chairman of the Lin Group, Lin Moyuan!”

Lin Moyuan? Does this matter still have something to do with Lin Moyuan? I heard that Lin Shengtian just handed over the chairman’s seat to that kid some time ago. Is that kid really credible?

“This… we need to consider…”

Yuan Dezhi smiled bitterly and said:

“I only have this one request, police officer, Lin Moyuan has information about Hongtu Group’s tax evasion and tax evasion, so please be sure to let me contact him!”

Hearing this, the leader of the detachment was also very helpless. Although he did not comply with the regulations, he had a great opportunity to bring down the Hongtu Group in one fell swoop! If you missed today, it will be hard to say in the future!

This time, Hongtu Group must be completely taken down! Judging from the information just given by Yuan Dezhi, this Hongtu Group, as well as the Hong family father and son, are simply cancerous! They can’t let them go so rampant in Fuyuan City anymore!

So the detachment leader gritted his teeth and handed over his own phone directly!

The police officer who was in charge of the record froze for a moment, but still did not stop, he also hated this Hongtu group!

“Use mine directly! Do you know Lin Moyuan’s mobile phone number? If you don’t know, I’ll ask someone to check it!”

Yuan Dezhi nodded and said with a smile:

“Don’t worry, officer, you know!”

Yuan Dezhi had kept Lin Moyuan’s phone number firmly in his heart before, just for this moment!

After a while, the call was connected.

“Hello? Who? I’m Lin Moyuan!”

Yuan Dezhi said in a deep voice:

“This is Yuan Dezhi! How is the situation now? Have you found Lehua?”

Lin Moyuan was taken aback for a moment, isn’t Yuan Dezhi in the police station?

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