Chapter 458: Goodbye, Hongtu Group!

There are many snack shops in the alleys. There are not many people at this time. Before the bustle, I was lucky.

The two cars ran into a rampage, and the pedestrians reacted quickly, and they immediately hid in the surrounding shops. Some shops had glass doors that opened outward. Naturally, there was no way to escape, and they were directly hit by a shard.

The following jeeps have suffered a big loss. Although they run faster than Audi, they are the small alleys that test the driver’s technology the most! If you miss the direction a little bit, you will encounter a lot of problems!

In the last jeep, the driver was too nervous to turn the steering wheel. The car plunged into a shop in a small alley!

Suddenly the whole shop was knocked out of recognition!

Lin Moyuan saw this scene through the reversing mirror, with a disdainful smile on his face.

Just this technology? Let alone Yan Kexiang, Ji Kun can abuse them all!

Yan Kexiang’s Audi was in front, and Lin Moyuan’s Audi was behind. Although the road ahead was very rugged and accidents could easily happen, the jeep behind was still biting to death.

Because the jeep behind has no way! After being forced by Lin Moyuan, only after surpassing these two Audis can he catch up with Lu Feng’s dash!

In fact, if you look at the current situation alone, the five jeeps behind are the dominant ones. These five cars are professionally modified. Yan Kexiang will be able to tell when he hears the roar of the engine!

Not to mention the horsepower, maneuverability and endurance, as well as the acceleration of 100 kilometers must far exceed the two Audis that he and Lin Moyuan drove!

But they did ignore one question, that is, who is the person who opened it!

Each of these Jeep drivers is also an old driver, but none of them can surpass the technology of Lin Moyuan and Yan Kexiang!

Needless to say, Lin Moyuan had already become more proficient in the hall-level driving skills, and he was actually half a step away from the god-level.

Yan Kexiang’s car skills have been developed since he was a child, not to mention, he can be ranked in the country. If these two people drive the same jeep as Hongtu, then these people who have been dumped can not see the car. The taillights are up.

“Old Yan, there is a sharp turn ahead! It’s an opportunity!”

Yan Kexiang immediately understood when he heard the words, but he was very curious. There was no time to navigate at this moment. How did Lin Moyuan know that there was a sharp turn ahead?

However, it is not the time for doubt, Yan Kexiang made a very beautiful tail flick, and the difficulty coefficient increased linearly, but he surpassed the obstacles in front of him smoothly!

This sharp turn is almost ninety degrees, which is enough to see Yan Kexiang’s skills!

Lin Moyuan followed closely, and he did not show any weakness. A beautiful drift passed without deceleration!

But the driver of the jeep behind was not so lucky. He didn’t realize what was going on, so he slammed his head into the concrete wall at the corner!

Although the jeep behind reacted, it was directly pushed up by the companion who was not able to brake afterwards! Suddenly, a very tragic serial car accident occurred in a very narrow alley!

All five jeeps are scrapped!

Fu Da Mingda’s uninjured driver got out of the car, looked at the taillights of the two Audis leaving with gloomy eyes, and picked up the phone very unwillingly!

“Hello? Chairman! We failed!”

Hongtu Group, headquarters.

Hong Ran stood at the desk, facing the huge floor-to-ceiling window, closing his eyes tightly, and slowly lowering the mobile phone in his hand.

After a while, Hong Ran threw the phone out with his hand! Smashed directly on the tempered glass of the floor-to-ceiling windows!

An inconspicuous trace of a brother appeared on the tempered glass, but the mobile phone was totally unrecognizable!

This is already Hong Ran’s second mobile phone!

Seeing this scene, the secretary was silent for a moment, and at the same time he sighed secretly. It seems that Hongtu Group really can’t survive this time!

As a result, this sigh fell on Hong Ran’s ears, but it was extremely ear-piercing!

“What are you sighing?”

Hearing Hong Ran’s emotionless voice, the secretary shivered suddenly! Then immediately lowered his head and said:

“No! Chairman! I don’t!”

This secretary can be regarded as an intern. He has just graduated from university, and his appearance can be regarded as a very standard beauty face. He is also a class flower in the university class. He is also very arrogant when he treats the classmates in the class. At that time, the Human Resources Department of Hongtu Group The director of when he went to the school to recruit people, he fell in love with the secretary at a glance.

The secretary thought it was because of his own talents and intelligence, but only after he came to know that Hongtu Group is not a treasure of Feng Shui at all, but a wolf’s nest that makes people tremble!

The secretary can still stay in perfect shape now, all because Hong Ran is very busy now, other people in the company are not in the mood. To put it bluntly, this secretary is just a plaything. You don’t need to know anything at all, only you need to have eyesight. See you!

Although the salary is not low, more than 20,000 yuan a month, the secretary has almost become one of the lowest-ranked people in the entire company!

Only when you really get out of this society will someone tell you that no one takes you seriously, unless you have that kind of very tough background, otherwise it is the original sin to look beautiful!

If this secretary had a background like Lin Moyuan or Ji Kun, he could be a big Miss and live this life proudly, but unfortunately she is not.

So when he saw Hong Ran’s angry face, the secretary was scared!

God knows what Hong Ran will do now?

Sure enough, Hong Ran walked slowly to the secretary’s body, and slapped him with a slap!

The secretary was knocked to the ground by this slap!

“Chairman! I was wrong! Chairman! I was really wrong!”

Hong Ran just wanted to vent now, so he slapped the secretary’s face slap after slap, and didn’t know what Lianxiangxiyu was!

It was not until the sound of the police sirens that a group of police rushed into the office and pressed Hong Ran to the ground to control the secretary. This secretary was saved!

Even so, there is more air outflow and less air intake.

These police officers came to arrest Hong Ran and the senior executives of the company involved in the case, and the head of the detachment was the leader.

The leader of the detachment had just rushed over from the train station. He didn’t expect to see such a scene at a glance, and he was naturally angry.

“Come here! Put me in handcuffs and immediately take it back for interrogation overnight! I will interrogate myself!”

A group of police officers nodded one after another, and directly took away Hong Ran who was still silent.

After asking people to send the secretary to the hospital again, the detachment leader began to let people search the office to see if they could find any evidence.

This time, Hongtu Group is completely planted!

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