Chapter 466: People Oriented

There are so many departments under the Lin Group. If you want to check it from the grassroots level, you don’t know how long it will take, so Lin Moyuan chose to check randomly.

As for what is being checked…it is very simple, working atmosphere, working environment, departmental leadership style, and that is, is the whole department truly united?

After following Lin Moyuan and experiencing the atmosphere of the entire group firsthand, Chang Jing may be able to learn something, but it must be very limited.

For Lin Moyuan herself, whether Chang Jing can grow up, in fact, the most important thing is whether she can change her own personality.

What is Chang Jing’s character? Not to mention indecision, in fact, it was somewhat compassionate and weak, but after this meeting, Chang Jing’s eyes were a bit more determined, she might not have noticed it, but this could not escape Lin Moyuan’s eyes.

Naturally, Lin Moyuan’s eyesight needless to say. At least it should be no problem to see through Chang Jing. Those who can’t see through are the old fritters of Chang Jing and Lin Shengtian’s level, so he wants to give Chang Jing a little more excitement. Only brought her to the company.

As soon as the three people entered the company, Ji Kun walked into the elevator with a mysterious smile on his face. He was going to do some handover work. He was mixed with a managerial position, so he couldn’t drive a sports car all over the street like before. Isn’t it just wandering around? Ji Kun’s girlfriend is about to graduate soon. After Ji Kun has the position of manager, he will be able to bring his girlfriend to the company.

Lin Moyuan naturally knew what Ji Kun’s smile meant, and Ji Kun was telling Lin Moyuan to enjoy the two-person world.

Now there are rumors throughout Yunhai City and Nanhua City that the relationship between Lin Moyuan and Chang Jing is not normal, and most of them are tricky, but can Lin Moyuan and Chang Jing stand up for this kind of thing to refute the rumors? Of course it is impossible, there is a plan between the two!

In order for Chang Jing to truly control this huge group in the future, it is the best choice to come up with some rumors to attract the attention of the public and draw people’s attention to Lin Moyuan. After all, Chang Jing’s attention The degree is much smaller than Lin Moyuan.

In this way, almost all the screams and doubts would return to Lin Moyuan, and no one would pay attention to Chang Jing anymore.

Don’t underestimate these rumors, sometimes, rumors are the most ruthless killer!

After seeing Lin Moyuan, the company’s front desk immediately greeted him respectfully. Lin Moyuan just nodded and turned to the elevator entrance on the other side. Seeing these pure and pleasant front desks, Chang Jing asked curiously:

“How much is the salary of these front desks?”

Lin Moyuan raised his brows and said helplessly:

“I thought your focus on the problem might be a little different from that of normal people, but you are too jumpy, right?”

Chang Jing sighed and said, “I’m just curious…”

Lin Moyuan said in a deep voice:

“Basically, it’s about ten thousand five to ten thousand. My father set this price before.”

Can I get 15,000 yuan at the front desk?

Hearing this, Chang Jing was a little surprised!

“Then what degree are they? Specialist?”

Lin Moyuan raised a finger and said in a deep voice:

“Don’t talk about academic qualifications in the company, we are looking at strength! There are many directors in the marketing department, do you know what their academic qualifications are?”

Chang Jing shook her head subconsciously and said:

“I don’t know, what degree?”

Lin Moyuan smiled and said: “It may surprise you to say it. The directors of the three marketing departments, two are specialists and one is a high school degree. Your skills have nothing to do with your academic qualifications. At the time of the interview, my father said that. !”

Indeed, such companies are very rare. To the outside world, many college students may think that undergraduates are much better than junior college students, but the facts cannot be generalized.

For various reasons, college students failed to enter the undergraduate course, but this does not mean that they are any worse than college students. On the contrary, they have more research on the experience of being in the world, more understanding of the world, and better able to survive in this society.

This is the so-called “mixed well”. As for what is meant by mixing well, everyone’s definition is different.

From an outsider’s point of view, is Lin Moyuan playing well? Of course it is! What do you want, luxury car beauties, in Yunhai City can be said to call the wind and rain, but who would have thought that Lin Moyuan would still be in danger of life all the time? Once you can’t beat Son of Luck, it will be a complete fate!

So these are all relative terms. Within the Lin Group, the same is true. What depends on ability, education is only secondary. Most of the shareholders and directors of the board of directors are actually junior high school or high school diplomas. Why can they sit in this seat? It was all because of the opportunity of the times and luck.

What’s more, I met Lin Shengtian, a noble man, and invested in the Lin Group. It was as simple as that.

Many of the senior executives of the Lin Group have uneven academic qualifications. Some are even Ph.D. students overseas, and some are only from technical secondary school, but the cooperation between them is very tacit!

You are your market, and I play my stock market. Everyone has an ability to be good at, and there is no difference between each other.

After knowing this, Chang Jing was shocked all at once!

Does such a company really exist? Like before, in the world that you have traveled over, which company is not just a high-achieving student from a prestigious school?

So in another world, is there such an operation?

At the moment when Chang Jing was shocked, Lin Moyuan and the others had already arrived on the second floor. The second floor was the marketing department. The three marketing departments were all gathered here, but it looked like they were having a concert. It turned out to be very lively. scene!

Lin Moyuan didn’t wear a suit today. Instead, he wore a sweater and a hat. Chang Jing was also wearing half sleeves and jeans, so it was not very eye-catching.

The two had just found a place to sit down, and there was a loud noise from the market department.

“Everyone listened to me. Yesterday, Xiao Li told me that if our performance at the end of the month can surpass Lao Yang and the others, we should propose to Xuan Xuan! The report came out yesterday, and we really surpassed Lao Dog and them. ! What do you think?”

Suddenly, the entire marketing department was filled with documents and papers!

“Propose! Then you must propose! This must not be a song to celebrate!”

“That’s right! What a nice girl Xuan Xuan, Xiao Li has a foresight!”

“I think Xiao Li is also a talented person. The two have been together for three years, so it’s time to propose!”

Chang Jing suddenly became a little worried. If Lin Moyuan saw this, how good would it be?

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