Chapter 474: Sudden Betrayal!

Shangri-La Hotel, Gangdong City.

Qin Yexuan was sitting in the restaurant for dinner at this time. All the Qin family members currently live in Shangri-La temporarily. After knowing that these people are members of the Lin Group, Zhao Duan made a lot of money cheaper, basically giving Lin Moyuan a face.

Zhao Duan didn’t actually know Lin Moyuan’s arrangement. Zhao Duan only knew that these people were going to take over the Kaitian Group, which is the Xue family’s group. Starting today, the headquarters of the Kaitian Group will be renamed and changed to A branch of the Lin Group.

The Lin Group is mainly involved in the real estate and construction industry, and there are many construction companies in the Wang family. It can be said that they complement each other perfectly. The cooperation between the two is very beneficial to the development of the Lin Group in Gangdong City. of.

In this era, only cooperation is the kingly way. If your own group dominates one by one, doesn’t it become a monopoly in the industry? Regardless of the company, industry monopolies are always offensive and will not last long.

Zhao Duan will not interfere with Lin Moyuan’s choice, but he is still very satisfied with Lin Euro’s current state. For Zhao Duan himself, Zhao Min can have such a son. It is really a thing to be happy about.

Of course Zhao Duan knew something about Qin Yexuan, and even met Qin Yexuan once, but the relationship between Qin Yexuan and Lin Moyuan is messed up. Once the two people talk, it is a matter of work. Maybe Lin Moyuan will feel a little awkward, so in general. They all gave the task to Qin Chiyue.

Qin Chiyue, a young man in Zhao Duan’s eyes, is very good, energetic, and shrewd, but he just doesn’t know how he would feel if he knew that Qin Chiyue was carrying Lin Moyuan and Qin Yexuan on his back and secretly went to meet Xing Chuan. .

After Qin Yexuan finished eating, he leaned on a chair and looked at the beautiful view of the beach outside the window. For a while, she was a little confused. She didn’t know what else Qin Rufeng could do after being locked up. Later, Qin Rufeng was sent to court by Lin Moyuan himself, deliberately For the murder, Qin Rufeng confessed to the fact of the crime, and knew that there was no point in hiding it.

After the hatred disappeared, Qin Yexuan wanted to leave like this, but was persuaded by Lin Moyuan to come back, and after that, he devoted himself to work, basically getting the information of the entire Gangdong City out.

It was precisely because of this desperate effort that Lin Moyuan couldn’t stand it anymore, so Qin Chiyue and Qin Yexuan left Yunhai City earlier and went to Gangdong City.

After Qin Yexuan came to Gangdong City, he was a little confused because there was nothing to do. Although the Qin family is still there, what does the current Qin family have to do with her?

The parents are gone, this home is just a cold word to her.

At this moment, Qin Chiyue came back to the hotel in a humble manner and went to the restaurant to eat. At a glance, she saw Qin Yexuan sitting in front of her in a daze.

“Sister Xuan, what do you think?”

Qin Yexuan is about the same age as Qin Chiyue, Qin Yexuan is a bit older, but only two months older than Qin Chiyue, so Qin Chiyue likes to call her sister Qin Ye Xuanxuan.

Qin Yexuan slowly shook his head and said:

“I didn’t think about anything, why, is there any gain this time? The company that is most promising for cooperation, have you talked about it?”

Qin Chiyue smiled and nodded, and said:

“I’ve been out in person, of course, there will be no problem. The only problem is that this company doesn’t seem to see our current situation, so I plan to go out at night to invite a general manager of this company to have a meal. Do you want to come together?”

Qin Yexuan shook her head. What she disliked the most was the current situation. She couldn’t advance or retreat, and she had to lower her body to eat with these managers. There are many things in the wine bureau that are involuntary in private.

Seeing Qin Yexuan shaking his head, Qin Chiyue said helplessly:

“Well, it’s the first wine bureau that our branch has just landed. Why should you, the manager, also have to attend and give people a face?”

Hearing this, Qin Yexuan also sighed helplessly, and said, “Okay, then do as you said. Call me when you leave at night!”

Qin Chiyue breathed a sigh of relief, then smiled and said:

“no problem!”

I finally agreed, or else I can’t use a strong one, right? Now Qin Yexuan doesn’t know anything. In fact, according to Qin Chiyue’s opinion, it’s not impossible to take Qin Yexuan away directly, but the owner of this hotel, Zhao Duan, is always Lin Moyuan’s old friend. He seems to be very familiar with Lin Moyuan and exposes the matter. It’s not good.

Therefore, in the name of the wine bureau, can it be unobtrusive!

This afternoon, all members of the Qin family have to go to the Kaitian Group to go through the formalities, and they will not stay at the Shangri-La Hotel in the future, so even if Qin Yexuan can’t come back at night, the boss has nothing to say!

Time soon came to the evening, and the entire Qin family of Shangri-La Hotel moved to the residential area of ​​the family members of the Kaitian Group. It is a very grand European-style garden community. The buildings here have a European-style style, and they also have a quaint taste. The living environment is very good and the scenery is beautiful, so Qin Yexuan likes it very much.

At night, it was the wine bureau. After a brief look at the room, Qin Yexuan and Qin Chiyue set off together, but Qin Chiyue was in a state of contemplation along the way, and looked a little absent-minded. Although Qin Yexuan felt a little strange , But still thought that Qin Chiyue was thinking about how to discuss cooperation, so she didn’t ask.

Qin Yexuan didn’t take a closer look at the name of the hotel where he was eating. Anyway, it was just a cutscene. The weight and name of the Lin Group are placed here. How can this group of people be arrogant? Although the company in Gangdong City is only a branch of the Lin Group, as the saying goes, the skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Do they really dare to provoke the Lin Group?

After Qin Chiyue came to the hotel, the atmosphere was a bit wrong, because the hotel didn’t even have a front desk, and the name of the hotel was not visible. The decoration was very luxurious, but why did there not have a staff?

“Chiyue, what’s the situation? This hotel is so strange!”

Qin Chiyue smiled and said: “The rich have different tastes. These people are also afraid of being seen by the people coming and going. It is not very good for so many people to come out and drink together, so I deliberately found such a private one. The place, it’s just drinking anyway, what’s the difference?”

Qin Yexuan still felt something was wrong, picked up his own phone, and wanted to take a look at the time, but there was no signal!

“Why doesn’t this place even have a signal? This…”

Qin Yexuan raised his head to see, where is Qin Chiyue’s figure?

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