Chapter Fifty: Mistakes!

Ji Kun looked at the phone, Xiao Fan’s last left back, his eyes narrowed slightly, and then he called Lin Moyuan directly.

“Hello? Young Master, Xiao Fan has a new situation…”

A few minutes later, this Lamborghini sports car stopped directly on the side of the road!

“What are you talking about? The house Xiao Fan wants has been rented out?”

Lin Moyuan’s voice was full of doubts.

What’s happening here? He hasn’t even made a move on this side, but Xiao Fan has already come back with a feather?

Then this kid is too memorable, right?

“You didn’t check, who is the one who rented that house?”

Upon hearing Lin Moyuan’s words, Ji Kun immediately replied:

“I’m going to check now, but listening to Qi Zhenyu’s meaning, Xiao Fan doesn’t seem to let it go so easily. What should we do next?”

Of course Xiao Fan would not simply give up!

Lin Moyuan knows Xiao Fan’s character too well, once this kid has spotted one thing, he will definitely use all kinds of methods to achieve his goal!

Lin Moyuan asked Ji Kun to find out about the tenant of this house, while continuing to rush to the Tianfu Garden.

In the first phase of Tianfu Garden, Tang Yu and Su Xiaomi had just walked out of the community.

They have already negotiated the price with the owner of the house, and the rent has dropped to 3,000. However, the owner’s request is that the rent must start in one year. This request is not excessive. Considering the problem of convenient transportation, Su Xiaomi finally paid the money happily.

This house fell into Su Xiaomi’s hands.

It’s just such a coincidence that the house that Su Xiaomi rented was exactly the one Xiao Fan was interested in!

That is, the one with an astonishing number of gold bars!

However, when Tang Yurou and the others came out, they had already missed this time, so they did not meet Xiao Fan head-on.

Under the circumstances, the gold bars that were originally nailed to be held by Xiao Fan disappeared like this, and Xiao Fan’s mood can be imagined.

From the first phase of Tianfu Garden to Yunhai University, you have to pass through a long alley. This alley was from the 1980s and 1990s, so it is relatively remote and there is no surveillance.

There are also frequent thefts and robberies here.

But it’s just noon, so it looks peaceful.

The two women passed through the alley while joking, and did not notice that behind them, there were a few strangely dressed punks with tattoos on their bodies, which had already blocked the alley.

At this time, Su Xiaomi found a bald head wearing a vest standing in front of him, and there was a long scar on the neck of the bald head.

It didn’t look like a good person’s bald head. It was naturally very pleasant to see that the target turned out to be such two pure and beautiful female college students.

Su Xiaomi is two years older than Tang Yurou and is also a student of Yunhai University, but the relationship between them is very good.

Realizing that something was wrong, Su Xiaomi directly shielded Tang Yurou behind her, her eyes full of vigilance.

“Yurou, things are wrong, send a message to Lin Moyuan!”

Tang Yurou realized the dignity of the atmosphere. Hearing Su Xiaomi’s words, she naturally didn’t dare to delay, so she took out her mobile phone and called Lin Moyuan.

The bald head saw that the situation was not right, and shouted:

“Snatch the little girl’s phone to me and smash it!”

While talking, the bald head has rushed over!

Su Xiaomi was facing the direction where the bald head rushed, picked up the brick under her feet, and patted it directly!

Su Xiaomi was also a killer at this time. The bald head obviously didn’t expect the girl to be so bold, and said directly.

The brick hit the bald head and broke into three pieces, but the bald head just felt a little dizzy.

After all, Su Xiaomi couldn’t directly knock down her bald head even with great strength, the difference in physique lies here.

After finishing the bald blow, the expression in his eyes became a little bit fierce.

This bald head was naturally found by Xiao Fan. His purpose was to scare the bald head to the tenant of that room and let him retreat.

Bald head first took someone to the real estate agency. Under the threat of Baldhead, the agency naturally pours out Tang Yu and Su Xiaomi’s news, all of which are explained.

The bald head took his subordinates and followed the two girls all the way to the location of the alley. Only then did he find the opportunity and chose to shoot.

What made the bald head very angry is that this girl with a ponytail dared to hit herself with a brick!

What Xiao Fan didn’t know was that this bald head had a previous conviction. He had been in for a few years, but it hadn’t been long since he was released.

Seeing the bald head’s angry eyes, Su Xiaomi also realized that something was wrong. Just about to give him another shot, the bald head grabbed his wrist and slapped him in the face!

Su Xiaomi’s originally delicate and white cheeks were immediately printed with a green-purple palm print.

“Yeah! You scumbags!”

At this moment, Tang Yurou was also brought to the bald head by a small bastard. Tang Yurou also received a punch in the abdomen. Although it was not serious, it still caused her to lose her combat effectiveness.

These little gangsters were originally characters who often fight, no matter whether the opponent is a girl or not, the one who starts is called a black.

Looking at the two girls with their hands tied behind their heads, there was a smirk on their faces.

“Someone asked me to deal with you, but they just wanted you not to rent the house, just give me a simple warning!”

“But this little girl dared to do something, then I have to teach you what is polite!”

While talking, the bald head pushed open the door of the nearby yard, grabbed Su Xiaomi’s ponytail, and dragged it in directly!

Tang Yurou saw that the situation was not right, and immediately began to struggle!

At this moment, a little bastard standing at the back fell straight to the ground!

Tang Yurou looked back subconsciously, and then tears flowed down her eyes!

It was Lin Moyuan who held the swing stick in his hand!

Behind Lin Moyuan, there are more than a dozen bodyguards in suits, and everyone has a swing stick in their hands!

This group of gangsters suddenly changed from the arrogance just now to the bereaved dog!

“Leave everyone aside for me! Come five people and show me if there are any of them in the alley!”

While talking, Lin Moyuan untied the rope that bound Tang Yurou’s hands.

Tang Yurou threw directly into Lin Moyuan’s arms.

Lin Moyuan patted Tang Yurou’s back lightly, but his eyes were full of solemnity!

At this time, Tang Yurou’s choking voice sounded from Lin Moyuan’s arms.

“Xiaomi…Xiaomi is in the yard!”

Lin Moyuan nodded, then took Tang Yurou’s hand and walked into the yard with a few bodyguards!

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