Chapter Sixty-Nine: You don’t understand the life of the open

Lin Moyuan sighed, but suddenly remembered something!

That is the own villain value, which should be enough to open a treasure chest!

So is it possible to drive a driving skill directly?

Lin Moyuan thought about it carefully, and found that it was not without such a possibility!

As long as you have enough lucky charms, you may not know what you want!

It seems necessary to open the box once!

Of course Lin Moyuan’s father knew about the hot pot restaurant incident.

But he didn’t take it to heart, he just thought that Lin Moyuan was jealous of whom he was fighting with again, so he didn’t know.

Anyway, Lin Moyuan’s ridiculous behavior was not once or twice.

When Lin Moyuan returned to Dongsheng Huating Villa, it was already an hour later.

Before he went back, Ji Kun was always very worried, because he grew up with Lin Moyuan, and what is Lin Moyuan’s car skills, can he not know in his heart?

Lin Moyuan’s driving skills are far worse than his own! Let alone compare with Yan Kexiang!

Lin Moyuan just waved his hand and told Ji Kun not to worry, and then returned to the villa by himself.

Tang Yurou is currently in the exam week, so she lives in the school, and in the huge villa, only Lin Moyuan is left, which is quite quiet.

Lin Moyuan came to the room and slowly closed his eyes.

“System, I want driving skills, is there any good way?”

【drop! There is no shortcut! It can only be obtained by drawing treasure chests! 】

Lin Moyuan sighed when he heard these words. Although he had expected the ending a long time ago, he was still a little unwilling.

Although the explosion rate of the treasure chest is not low, whether it can be used for skills is still between the two!

Although it is nothing to lose the game, it is just to send out a sports car, but Lin Moyuan can’t swallow this breath!

Who is he Lin Da Young Master? That’s villain!

Villain has always been the only one who grabbed other people’s things, and no one dared to grab villain’s things!

If he can’t get his skills this time, then Lin Moyuan intends to let his subordinates lie in ambush on the road around the mountain, and then contact Mofeng, if he loses, then take back all the people and cars!

However, all of this is based on the situation where the driving skills cannot be extracted. If this time is really lucky, a wave of Ou Huang directly wins the driving skills, Lin Moyuan does not need to spend so much time and effort.

Wait, lucky? Lucky charm!

Lin Moyuan suddenly thought of this magical setting!

He found that as long as he used the lucky charm, when he went to draw the treasure chest, the explosion rate would be much higher, and even the quality of the reward would be much higher!

It seems that this system is still humane!

“System, I want to draw a lottery!”

【drop! The host’s current villain value is 23,600,324. Are you sure you want to draw a lottery? 】

“OK! Give me ten intermediate lucky charms!”

【drop! Intermediate lucky charms must be exchanged with villain values! Excuse me, whether to redeem! 】


【drop! Ten intermediate lucky charms have been put in the backpack! 】

“Ten lucky charms, use them all! Target: Lin Moyuan!”

With ten familiar golden rays of light lit up, Lin Moyuan immediately felt refreshed!

The light of the intermediate lucky charm turned out to be golden! Don’t know what a high-level lucky charm looks like?

Putting this thought behind his head, Lin Moyuan’s eyes slowly became firm!

“System! Give me two tens of millions treasure chests!”

【drop! Confirmed to spend 20 million villain value in exchange for two million-level treasure chests? Once this operation is performed, it cannot be changed! 】

Lin Moyuan saw the number of lucky value of 20 million, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. This was all his savings during this period of time!

Lin Moyuan couldn’t help thinking, if he could exchange the value of villain with money, wouldn’t it be cool?

But this idea was ruthlessly blocked by the system!

【drop! Currently this system does not support real currency exchange for villain value! 】

“Dog system! I just think about it! What are you doing so seriously?”

“Don’t talk nonsense, open the box for me!”

【drop! Order received! Two tens of millions of treasure chests have been put in the backpack! Do you want to open it now! 】

“Yes! I drove them all!”

【drop! The treasure chest opened successfully! Congratulations to the host for obtaining: Gold Scroll! Category: Commercial! 】

【drop! The treasure chest opened successfully! Congratulations to the host for obtaining: Palace-level driving skills! 】

I rely on! It’s really out!

This thing is the golden legendary equipment!

Looking at the skills in the backpack, Lin Moyuan was excited!

Unexpectedly, he was really able to get a hall-level driving skill!

This is really a relief!

Yan Kexiang, your kid is ready to wash your car, and then go away in a desperate manner!

While facing this way, Lin Moyuan’s eyes looked at this golden scroll.

“System, why is this scroll still a business? Is there anything special about this thing or is it not classified?”

【drop! The content contained in each scroll is different, so there will be various classifications! 】

After understanding this matter, Lin Moyuan said:

“System! Use hall-level driving skills!”

【drop! The order has been received! The hall-level driving skills have been used! 】

A burst of light flew out of Lin Moyuan’s body, and after spinning around Lin Moyuan a few times, it slammed into Lin Moyuan’s chest!

Lin Moyuan suddenly felt that a huge change had taken place in his whole person!

But where the changes are happening, I don’t know.

“This is over? Isn’t this too easy?”

Lin Moyuan observed Own’s body up and down, and found nothing abnormal.

Simply came to the own underground garage, Lin Moyuan wanted to see what kind of effect this palace-level driving skill could have!

Just when he came to the garage below, the moment he saw his own cars, Lin Moyuan had a lot of data in his mind!

Which manufacturer makes each car, how many kilometers per hour is the fastest, how many seconds does it take to accelerate from 100 kilometers, how does the engine work…

Lin Moyuan is all clear!

“Hahahaha! The system won’t deceive!”

While talking a little excitedly, Lin Moyuan opened the door of his Lamborghini Reventon, and then got in.

The moment when he held the steering wheel with both hands, Lin Moyuan suddenly felt a strange feeling that this car and himself are one!

This system is really powerful, and the hall-level driving skills are not blown!

After that, slowly opening the door of the garage, Lin Moyuan drove this Reventon directly out of the garage!

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