Chapter 9: You hit my car

Lin Moyuan still held the Aston Martin’s steering wheel tightly in his hands, as if he had hit the Lamborghini, not him!

And the owner of the Lamborghini, that is, the arrogant second-generation rich, was already dumbfounded!

He was in a good mood today, but he didn’t know where an old man appeared!

And so immortal, when he opened the door of the car, the old man happened to pass by the side of the own car door!

You know, this Lamborghini, I just bought it last month!

Seeing a long scratch on the car, this rich second generation’s heart is naturally very annoyed!

This was what Lin Moyuan saw.

The atmosphere in the field became a little stalemate.

The rich second generation looked at him in disbelief as his favorite car had become a scrap metal, and couldn’t believe the fact in front of him.

At this moment, Lin Moyuan also opened the door of Aston Martin and got out of the car.

“What are you looking at? Don’t you have any eyes? I hit Daddy’s car!”

“Let’s talk! How do you want to solve this matter?”

If it just sounds, this sentence does have some truth.

But the person who said this sentence was Lin Moyuan!

It was Lin Moyuan who drove his own car and crashed this rich second-generation car!

Now Lin Moyuan looked like he had been greatly wronged, which couldn’t help making it difficult for everyone to accept the change in his painting style.

【drop! Your shameless behavior made Chen Jing furious! Meet the villain setting! villain value +9999! 】

【drop! Your alternative problem-solving behavior has changed the heroine’s attitude towards you! villain value +99999! Luck value +5! 】

I lost it!

This will increase luck!

So this arrogant little bastard is called Chen Jingyi?

It seems that it should be from Yunhai Chen’s family.

Also, if a car crash can give you luck, will Xiaoye catch a sports car on the street and hit it?

However, this thought just appeared in Lin Moyuan’s mind, and he cleared it out.

Obviously, the fact that he crashed the sports car by himself, apart from causing the anger of the rich second generation, would not increase the value of luck.

This dog system can give a villain value of nearly ten thousand at most, which is the best.

The main reason for increasing Qi Luck value was the own practice, which changed Tang Yurou’s view of own.

In short, changing Tang Yurou’s view of own is the best way to gain luck.

Lin Moyuan was in a very happy mood at this time, but Chen Jingyi, who was on the side, was completely the opposite.

“Boy! Why do you say it again! Obviously you don’t have eyes! You hit my car! Quickly give me an explanation! Or today I will let you go into the game and squat for ten and a half days!”

Lin Moyuan just scratched his ears, the disdainful smile on his face became even more conspicuous:

“I said you hit my car, then you hit my car. I don’t care who you call today, you will lose money for me!”

Hearing Lin Moyuan’s words, the passers-by surrounding him looked at each other.

Why does this sentence sound so familiar?

correct! Didn’t this arrogant rich second generation just tell this old man like that?

Thinking of this, everyone felt a burst of joy!

That’s cool!

This is the so-called wicked have their own wicked grind!

Boy, don’t you have money? Are you arrogant?

Now here comes one who is richer than you and more arrogant than you!

This is the current newspaper!

The emergence of everyone’s thoughts also brought Lin Moyuan a large number of villain values!

【drop! Your arrogant and domineering behavior aroused the admiration of Li Chengyuan! Compliant with villain! villain value +999!】

【drop! Your arrogance and domineering aroused the admiration of Zhang Congke! Compliant with villain! villain value +999! 】

【drop! Your daddy’s best in the world has shocked Chen Jingyi! Meet the villain setting! villain value +999! 】

Lin Moyuan looked at his crazy increase in villain value, and he was also quite proud!

It seems that the power of the masses is really strong!

Just the more than twenty passers-by who were onlookers provided themselves with such a generous villain value!

It seems that in the future, if you want to brush up the villain value, you have to find breakthrough points from the masses!

Although he was proud in his heart, Lin Moyuan’s expression was still arrogant!

Chen Jingyi was extremely annoyed at Lin Moyuan’s play of “using his own way to treat his body”!

This is the first time he has encountered such a situation!

Since childhood, who dares to be so arrogant in front of him! there has never been!

“Boy, I will give you five minutes, and you will immediately come up with a satisfactory solution for me! Otherwise, I will make you regret being born in this world!”

Lin Moyuan heard these words, but his face was full of disdain!

Although the Chen family in Yunhai City is a family, it is only a third-rate family!

On the other hand, the Lin family, although it has been passed down for a generation, what status is the Lin family?

That is the existence at the top of the food chain in Yunhai City!

As long as Lin Da Young Master shows a little bit of dissatisfaction with this Chen family, there will be countless forces that want to please the Lin family!

In this Chen family, not even a complete tile will be left!

This is the dominance of villain!

“Boy, my housekeeper has three minutes to arrive at the scene. If you get out now, I won’t hold you accountable for your offense to me, how about?”

Chen Jingyi’s face was full of mockery!


What’s so great about being a butler?

It’s just a servant!

After that, Chen Jingyi put on a look of leisure, obviously waiting, just to see what kind of character is the housekeeper in Lin Moyuan’s mouth!

At this moment, Tang Yurou stood behind Lin Moyuan pretty pretty.

Lin Moyuan certainly sensed Tang Yurou’s movements, but he ignored it.

The current state of this girl is still very dangerous.

Once Lin Moyuan made any radical actions, it was tantamount to pushing Tang Yurou into the embrace of son of luck again!

Therefore, Lin Moyuan’s attitude towards Tang Yurou was neither lukewarm nor lukewarm.

When Tang Yurou walked out of the shadows, that was the best time for Lin Moyuan to start!

In a short time, a long convoy appeared slowly from the end of the road.

There are fifteen cars in this fleet, all Maserati!

In the eyes of everyone’s envy, he stopped steadily on the side of the road!

The door of the first Maserati was opened, and then an old man with white hair and piercing eyes got out of the car!

I saw this old man slowly walking towards Lin Moyuan’s direction in Chen Jingyi’s shocked eyes!

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