The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 1125: Xia Ming's Grandpa

Chapter 1125 Xia Ming's Grandpa

A word from Xia Ming made Bai Lan's heart bleed, 13 million. This prodigal son bought such a broken car and looked ugly.

Such a young person drove such an old-fashioned car.

If someone else knows, I don't know if I will be mad, Rolls-Royce looks ugly ... I guess Mom Xia Ming can say this afterwards.

Xia Ming was ashamed for a while, and his mother was too powerful.

"Bye mom, is my grandpa back?" Xia Ming asked curiously at this time.

"Come back!" Bai Lan said, "If you have time, go and see your grandpa. Your grandpa hasn't been very well recently!"

"Okay, I'll take a look later!" Xia Xia Ming nodded, and the next morning, Xia Ming ran towards Grandpa's house. Grandpa Xia Ming's house also lived in Niujia Village. It's almost a kilometer away.

Speaking of Xia Ming's grandfather, even Xia Ming is not very understanding.

Because Grandpa Xia Ming participated in the Anti-Japanese War very early, it is said that he was also a great official at that time. As for why Grandpa suddenly didn't do it, Xia Ming also asked, but every time the answer was not satisfactory!

Xia Ming and Lin Shanshan ran towards the grandfather's house. When Xia Ming came to the grandfather's house, Xia Ming saw that the grandfather was smoking a dry cigarette at this time. At that time, ordinary people could not afford cigarettes, so many elderly people Can only smoke.

Xia Ming's grandfather Xia Xiping also, because he could n’t borrow, he kept smoking, and because he was not used to other cigarettes, Xia Xiping never smoked.


When Xia Ming saw this Xia Xiping who was smoking in front of the door, Xia Ming shouted happily.

"Daming, you are back!" At this time Xia Xiping saw Xia Ming, which made Xia Xiping very happy. Xia Xiping said: "Daming, you will eat here at noon today, and I will let your grandma give you Make something delicious! "

In general, the relationship between father and son is not very good. It is good if they do not fight, but the old man loves his grandson very much. For example, when Xia Xiping treated Xia Dahai and Xia Ming, There are basically two concepts.

Many times, Xia Dahai wonders whether he is biological.

"Okay!" Xia Ming said happily.

"Daming ... these two are ..."

At this time, Xia Xiping suddenly saw Lin Shanshan and the two, which made Xia Xiping's eyes light up and said happily, "Daming, is this Sun Aunt? Can you, my son, suddenly find two daughters-in-law, Sun Aunt, Come in quickly, you two! "

"Wife, wife, our grandson's daughter-in-law is here, come out and see you!"

As Xia Xiping shouted and shouted 1 with this shout, an old man came out of this room. The old man was full of wrinkles, and he was not very dressed. It looked like an authentic countryside people.

This person is Grandma Xia Ming.

"Grandma!" Xia Ming called after seeing Grandma Xia.

"Big grandson, you are back!" Grandma Xia was very happy after seeing Xia Ming, and said, "Big grandson, granddaughter Sun, please bring it out for a quick look!"

"Um, grandma, grandpa is wrong. These two are not your granddaughter. Your granddaughter is still in Jiangzhou now!" Xia Ming said silently.

"What a wonderful girl, it's so beautiful!" At this time, Grandma Xia had already seen Lin Shanshan. For a time, this made Gu Xiaoya and Lin Shanshan flush with red.

"Oh grandson, these two granddaughters are also good, so you can simply marry!" Grandma Xia said fiercely.

"I go……"

Xia Ming was sweating a lot. Xia Ming suddenly felt that his grandmother was also a nervous grandma, and they were all married. This is not a joke ...

"Grandma, let's not say this!" Xia Ming quickly said, "I will eat here at noon today! Grandma, you should go and prepare something delicious!"

At this time Xia Ming suddenly thought of something, and said, "Grandma, I'll make it for you in a while. You should not have tasted my crafts. Let me make you a full table for you today."

"Will you cook?" Grandma Xia looked at Xia Ming in confusion and asked hesitantly.

"I must!"

Xia Ming's speechless words, how to say that he is also a **** of cooking, this cooking is naturally a piece of cake for him.

There are only a handful of people in the world who can surpass him.

"That relationship is good, grandma is going to buy vegetables now, you are waiting for grandma!" Then Grandma Xia left here immediately, apparently to go shopping.

At this time Xia Ming looked at Xia Xiping and said, "Grandpa, I heard that you have been feeling sick recently. Let me show you!"

"You see?"

Xia Xiping looked at Xia Ming and asked casually.

"Yes!" Xia Ming said with a smile: "Your grandson and my medical skills are brilliant, and now many experts have to look at me and act."

"You just blow it!" Xia Xiping gave a scornful look at Xia Ming, and then came to: "That line, you show me, I feel like I'm feeling weak lately, it seems like a cold!"

"Okay, you reach out, I'll show you!"

Later, under the eyes of Gu Xiaoya and Lin Shanshan, Xia Xiping started to be sick, and Lin Shanshan asked curiously.

"Xiao Ya, will he still see a doctor?"

" not sure……"

Gu Xiaoya suddenly felt that Xia Ming seemed to be a different person, feeling more and more unfamiliar, which made Gu Xiaoya helpless.

"What the **** isn't this guy?" For a while, Lin Shanshan became curious about Xia Ming.

After Xia Ming finished the pulse for Xia Xiping, it caused Xia Ming to frown slightly. At this time Xia Ming said: "Grandpa, let's go into the house, you take off your coat, I will show you!"

"Drink, your kid really found out!" At this time Xia Xiping gave Xia Ming a surprised look and said with a smile.


"Yes, it's not convenient outside here, let's go inside!"

Then Xia Ming and his party entered the room. After entering the room, Xia Xiping began to take off his clothes. As for Gu Xiaoya, he was a little embarrassed and didn't dare to see it, but Lin Shanshan didn't have this problem.

However, when Lin Shanshan saw the wound on Xia Xiping's body, this shocked Lin Shanshan.

"This ... this is ..."

Lin Shanshan looked at this scene in shock. For a while, she was speechless, which made Lin Shanshan extremely shocked.

There are too many wounds on this body, and ... and ...

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