The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 1533: Rolling

Chapter 153rd Crushing


A faint voice came out, and at this moment, the people present looked at Xia Ming, opened their eyes wide, and felt the trembling in their heads.

What kind of eyes are these?

Deep? The vastness? Cold? ruthless? Invincible? overbearing? Zhang crazy?

A variety of strange emotions poured into the hearts of these people, which made the people present to be mad and looked at Xia Ming inconceivably.

"This kid ... what did you just say?"

"Did he let Tang Xiyang go?"

"I rely, did I hear it wrong? This kid made Tang Xiyang go? Damn, is this kid enough?"

"This is Tang Xiyang. On this big round, Tang Xiyang is the big brother, but he said get off ..."


The people present were a bit shocked. In their opinion, Xia Ming was simply trying to find his way out of his head and his brain was drained.

This is Tang Xiyang. Offending Tang Xiyang, do you still want to mix on this big round? Imaginary dream.

But here on the big wheel, there is water all around, that is, the Xuan-level warrior fell into the sea, which was a life of nine deaths, but Xia Ming just let Tang Xiyang roll, and the people present couldn't help but admire Xia Ming.

Similarly, some people shook their heads again. In their opinion, Xia Ming was too arrogant, ignorant, and did not look at any place. He dared to be so arrogant, and such an arrogant person usually lived shortly.

as expected……

Tang Xiyang's face gradually gloomed and became extremely ugly. Tang Xiyang looked at Xia Ming indifferently, his eyes flashed, and there was a bit of murderousness in his eyes.

He Tang Xiyang has been here for such a long time, and no one has ever been so arrogant, but now he is scolded by an unknown boy, and in front of so many people, if she is indifferent today, then ...

He won't have to confuse in the future.

As for Yang Wen and Xiao Yu, they were frightened by Xia Ming directly. You know, this one in front of you is Tang Xiyang. You just scolded it like this?

Even Yang Wen couldn't help but swallow.

"very good!"

Tang Xiyang laughed. The laughter was full of anger. Tang Xiyang looked cold and screamed, "Throw me into the sea to feed the fish."

With the order of Tang Xiyang, several people came out from these four weeks. These people were strong and were strong in the middle of the yellow class.

These people are also obviously the guards on the big wheel. When these people ran towards Xia Ming, Yang Wen's face changed, and the vitality in his body was rippling, ready to shoot at any time.

However, Xia Ming's eyes were dull, as if he had never thought of it.

At the next moment, these people rushed towards Xia Ming. Yang Wen could not help but wanted to start first. However, at this time Xia Ming's hand fell on Yang Wen's shoulder, which made Yang Wen confused. After a while, Yang Wen saw Xia Ming wave with his hand.


Several steel **** were projected and removed by Xia Ming in an instant. Naturally, the skills used by Xia Ming were the skills of his master to play steel balls. In addition, Xia Ming has now practiced eight wastes and was driven by eight wastes. The power is even more powerful.


The next moment, a mist of blood spread out, and the people present looked at them in a flash, and when they looked at them, time seemed to freeze at this moment.

The people present were all with eyes wide open, mouths wide, and they looked at the scene inconceivably.

In the eyes, a little more fear and horror gradually appeared.

"This ... this ... how is that possible?" Someone pointed tremblingly at these people. It turned out that a big **** hole appeared in the brain of these people, this big **** hole, Blood was flowing, and when these people died, their eyes widened, and it was clear that they didn't even know how they died.

Just a wave of hands, the four middle-level strong men died like this? How can this prevent the people present from shaking? How can we not be afraid.

Even Tang Xiyang looked at the scene in shock. When Xia Ming beheaded his four men, he could see how easy it was.

With just a wave of a hand, a hidden weapon broke out and killed all his first ones. This was simply incredible. Even his Tang Xiyang became cautious this time.


After a long time, the people here took a deep breath, and even Yang Wen's heart was pounding, feeling shocked, and his strength was not weak, but if he wanted to be like Xia Ming With a wave of his hand, the four people were killed directly, even he could not do it.

But Xia Ming did it. For a while, Yang Wen felt a kind of unpredictable. Xia Ming's strength was really terrifying.

But Yang Wen was more excited, and the more terrifying Xia Ming's strength was, the better it was for them.

At this time Xia Ming looked at Yang Wen coldly, and said indifferently, "I don't want to kill you. If I come to death again, I will send you back to the West."

The faint voice was so calm, but it was a bit chilling in the ears of those present.

Tang Xiyang looked at Xia Ming with a complex complexion, with a strong sense of murder.

"Okay ... Okay!" Tang Xiyang said angrily, "I have never been afraid of Tang Xiyang. Boy, if you dare to make trouble here, you must be prepared to be chased by us. This time, no one can save you. . "

Xia Ming heard his words, frowned, looked at Tang Xiyang indifferently. It didn't seem to take Tang Xiyang to heart. Xia Ming didn't want to cause trouble, but this Tang Xiyang was aimed at him. Xia Ming naturally didn't give him face. Although only the peak strength, Xia Ming has that confidence.

There should be no one here to help him, because he opened his eyes and looked at the situation here. He didn't know everything about the situation here, but he stayed intact.

"You want to die!"

The next moment, Xia Ming stepped on the Eight Immortals and came to Tang Xiyang's side in an instant. Tang Xiyang was not just a simple warrior, but also had the strength of the late Huang level.

When Tang Xiyang saw Xia Ming disappear instantly and ran towards him, this startled Tang Xiyang, and Tang Xiyang hurriedly distanced himself from Xia Ming.

However, Xia Ming's speed is so fast. Even if Tang Xiyang pulls his distance all the way, when Xia Ming steps on the fifth step, he has already approached Tang Xiyang's body. The next moment, a cold mang landed on Tang Xiyang gently. For a time, Tang Xiyang stopped immediately.

Xia Ming looked at him in shock, with deep fear.

Especially ... The long sword that stretched around his neck made him feel the threat of life, life and death, in an instant.

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