Xia Ming followed Alice toward Alice's friend's house, but the two of them were on a train, which made Xia Ming a little surprised.

Because after Alice got on the train, this look, that look, the whole person looks like a curious baby, it seems that she has never been on the train.

Xia Ming wondered, why are there so many rich people who have never even taken a train?

Xia Ming didn't know that, with this identity of Alice, this family is huge, often going farther away, has its own special plane, even if it is not a special plane, you can also take a passenger plane, so this train, It seems to be retreating.

"Xia, why do you say the people in the car are so happy? Even people you don't know can chat together." Alice blinked her big eyes and smiled. "Maybe they are all brothers in the world." Xia Ming said something that Alice did not understand. Huaxia can be said to be the most difficult language in the world. The main thing is still a lot of linguistic, idioms, and some Old Xu words, these are accumulated over thousands of years


The most colorful language is undoubtedly the Huaxia language of Huaxia.

This is truly profound, polysemous and polysemous. No matter what it is used to describe, Huaxia is more clear and impressive than other languages.

Therefore, this Chinese language is also the most difficult language to learn, not to mention that even the native Chinese people who study Chinese culture, many people fail.

"All Men Are Brothers?"

Alice thought thoughtfully, and looked at Xia Ming with a smile, and said, "Xia, you are really knowledgeable."

Xia Ming smiled and said nothing.

"Xia, do you know, this is my first time on a train," Alice said with a smile.

However, Xia Ming was not surprised, because she could see from the appearance of Alice, a curious baby. She must have been on the train for the first time.

"Really?" Xia Ming said as surprised as possible.

"Xia." At this moment, Alice said straightly, "You know what, you're not funny at all."


Xia Ming was a little scratched by Alice's words and only listened to Alice saying: "Xia, you saw that I hadn't taken the train early in the morning, but still showed a look of surprise, really hurt Alice. heart."

Xia Ming took a deep look at Alice and took a deep breath. This Alice was so terrible that she even saw it, making Xia Ming shake a little.

She covered it up well, and she was still seen by Alice. Xia Ming looked at Alice directly. For a time, she couldn't see what Alice was thinking. Xia Ming felt that anyone was in this chick. In front of them, there is nothing to hide.

"Well, Xia, wait a while, where we are going is a mountain." Alice giggled, and said, "Don't you want to ask my good friend what it is?"

Xia Ming heard the words, and did not answer Alice's words, but smiled and said, "What you want to say, naturally you will say, what you don't want to say, I may not ask you."

"Xia, you know, sometimes you really hate it." Alice gave Xia Ming a white look, but Xia Ming did not speak and continued to cultivate.

Xia Ming is practicing all the time and improving his strength all the time, because Xia Ming finds that this world is becoming more and more difficult.

The opponents he encountered are also getting stronger and stronger.

When Alice saw that Xia Ming was not talking, she pouted her lips for a while to express her dissatisfaction. On the way, the two did not continue to talk, and Alice seemed to be sulking. She did not talk to Xia Ming. When the train stopped, it was half an hour later. After getting off the bus, one was waiting. They, the driver, are a man, about thirty years old

Around, Xia Ming didn't know the origin of this person.

As the car moved forward, Xia Ming and his party came to this forest. Fortunately, the asphalt road was repaired in this forest, which made the road a lot better, but if a stranger walks in the deep forest at night, I am afraid Lost direction. After walking for about an hour, they finally saw a castle. The castle looks very large. No one can tell the area, but the castle changed Xia Ming's eyes. You have to be calm, because the breath from the castle makes Xia

Ming felt shocked.

I don't know why, in this kind of place, Xia Ming felt a bad hunch.

Xia Ming saw the car slowly driving into the castle. As he entered the castle, Xia Ming was at a loss, and immediately opened his eyes to observe everything around him. Xia Ming thought secretly: "This castle is not easy. what."

In this castle, Xia Ming saw a lot of gears. Although he didn't know what these things were, Xia Ming could feel it. Once this castle was attacked, it would be protected soon. , The whole castle, as solid as gold.

"Xia, we are finally here."

Alice heard the words and said excitedly.


Xia Ming looked around at the castle without saying anything. At this moment, the steward said, "Sir, madam, please ask inside."

This housekeeper looks very elegant, especially the action, at first glance, is specially trained.

Xia Ming was not polite, followed the housekeeper to enter the castle, the castle is very large, there are many doors in the castle, these doors are all interoperable, and there are about four floors in this building, which makes some people Admire.

The design of the castle, even Xia Ming, was stunned.

What is a real castle, this is a real castle. Xia Ming estimates that the area of ​​the castle may exceed 10,000 square meters. The number of rooms in it can be said to be countless. However, as soon as he entered the hall, Xia Ming was deterred by the interior decoration here. Magnificent decoration, elegant stained glass, elaborate wood

Craftsmanship, luxurious Victorian furniture, and complete water and electricity equipment can highlight the owner's wealth and status.

The floor here is about four floors high. On this floor, it should be a room. However, this floor is the living room, dining room, library, and living room.

As for the upstairs, Xia Ming also saw the dancing hall, movie hall, storage room, games room, etc. through perspective, which can be said to be everything.

And it is estimated that there are more than forty guest rooms here. It is conceivable how big the space here is. Even when Xia Ming saw the castle, he couldn't help taking a breath. Nima ... building a castle, 100 billion can?

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