The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 1902: Dad's Wonderful Thoughts

Zhuge Liuli is also a joy, and it is naturally best to be able to enter this other world without effort.

Zhuge Liuli said: "Since then, Xia Jiaozhu, I will leave here first."


Xia Ming nodded slightly.


As soon as Zhuge Liuli's figure moved, it instantly disappeared into Xia Ming's sight. As Zhuge Liuli's figure disappeared, Chen Xiao couldn't help but said, "God leader, this woman is a very dangerous character, or still It is best to deal with this person. "

After all, Chen Xiao has lived for so many years. For many things, he can see through at a glance, but on this Zhuge Liuli, he saw a mystery, and he could not see Zhuge Liuli.

And Zhuge Liuli revealed a breath that was only revealed by the wise, Chen Xiao could not help reminding Xia Ming.

Xia Ming heard a laugh and laughed.

"If you don't say, this woman is indeed a very dangerous person. If the Zhuge family's woman is also an ordinary person, then the Zhuge family is not the Zhuge family." Xia Ming laughed.

"The Zhuge family?" Chen Xiao said with a change of mind, "But the Zhuge family of the four hermit families?"


Xia Ming nodded slightly.

"So it is."

Chen Xiao came to realize this, and then came, "God, where are we going now?"

"Back to Jiangzhou."

"My parents are still there, and I don't know if they will be in danger. I have to go back and see."

"it is good!"

Chen Xiao nodded, and the two hurried toward Jiangzhou.

Xia Ming and the two returned to Jiangzhou by plane. After all, this Kunlun Mountain is a long way from Jiangzhou. As for the train, this is really a bit troublesome, so Xia Ming did not choose to take the train.

After Xia Ming returned to Jiangzhou again, Xia Ming breathed in the air of Jiangzhou with unspeakable comfort. Xia Ming smiled and said, "Let's go back."

"Yes, the leader."

Then Xia Ming rushed towards his villa quickly and came to his villa. Xia Ming felt the familiar atmosphere and familiar place, which made Xia Ming have an inexplicable sense of relaxation.

"Sure enough, it's still a good home." Xia Ming sighed.

Xia Ming has been homesick for a few months, and now he is back at his home again. He has a familiar feeling, as if he is nowhere better than his home.


Xia Ming walked in through this gate, and Xia Ming said again, "Don't walk around, follow my pace, be careful not to get lost in the formation."

"The formation."

Chen Xiao was startled, and hurriedly and carefully followed Xia Ming's steps. Xia Ming walked to the door and knocked on the door. It was Xia Mother who suddenly opened the door.


"Ming dynasty."

Xia mother hurriedly said, "Your dead child, where have you been, it will take you so long to walk."


Xia Ming said awkwardly: "Isn't I going out and doing something?"

"Huh, you know how to come back." Xia Mu hummed again.

"This is my home, of course I have to come back." Xia Ming grinned. He knew that Xia Mu was not really angry, but he was blaming him for leaving too far.

Charmington said, "Mom, my wife, what about them?"

"You still have your wife in your heart." Xia mother pouted and said dissatisfied.


Xia Ming was speechless for a while.

"Xia Ming is ..." Xia mother suddenly saw Chen Xiao and asked curiously.

"Mrs. Hello, I am Mr. Xia's housekeeper." Chen Xiao smiled.


Xia Mu glanced at Chen Xiao strangely. He remembered that there was no housekeeper here, but he became increasingly unaware of his son, and Xia Mu said nothing.

"Go in and sit down."

Xia Ming followed Chen Xiao into the room. At this moment, on the sofa, there was a figure sitting on the sofa.

At this moment, Xia Dahai frowned and called, his face was not very good-looking.


Xia Ming yelled, Xia Dahai turned off the phone at this time. At this time, Xia Ming saw Xia Dahai, who was frowning, and asked curiously, "Dad, what's wrong with you?"


Father Xia sighed.

"Don't worry about your dad." Mother Xia hummed. "It's not that your dad is so busy every day that he goes to work as a contractor. That's not it. There is less money on top." "

Xia's mother's words frowned, and she asked curiously, "Dad, we have nothing in our family. If you are short of money, I will give you a few hundred million."

"I **** you to death."

Father Xia couldn't help cursing: "You prodigal son, how can money be spent like this?"


Xia Ming was speechless and didn't know how to say this.

"Ahem, my son is almost fine." Mother Xia said in a hurry: "Your dad has been too busy lately, and your stinky boy hasn't given me a big fat grandson hug. Now we are almost bored here every day. Now. "

"This, it's got two lives." Xia Ming was ashamed for a while, and said in a hurry: "I'm not working hard."

"By the way, what happened to Dad?" Xia Ming asked curiously.

"Your dad recently contracted a project. Who knows, this job is done, a total of three million jobs, and finally gave 1.5 million dollars." Xia Mu also said helplessly.

"Pack works?"

Xia Ming was stunned for a while, couldn't help but said, "Dad, aren't you? Why do you think of contracting? This project is so tired."

Xia Ming couldn't figure out why his dad had to do this kind of work, and there was no shortage of food and clothing at home, and it was not necessary.

"It's not that your dad is too busy." Mother Xia said helplessly: "Your dad plays chess every day except chess. He wants to go back to his hometown but can't bear the boredom of those people, so he has a project. . "

"Then what?" Xia Ming asked curiously.

"Your dad is also a crop farmer. He is also used to being a crop farmer, so he has contracted a project. At the construction site, you can meet all kinds of crop farmers. Isn't it more or less shy?" Xia Mu said silently. Said.

"..."? Not only Xia Mu, but even Xia Ming was speechless for a while, but a little helpless, what are you doing badly? You have to do engineering, which is not something anyone can do.

The main reason is that the pressure is very powerful, not to say that the salary is settled clearly within one year, sometimes you have to wait a few years to finish the work before you can settle it clearly.

Unexpectedly, his own dad would come up with such a nagging idea. However, Xia Ming said indifferently: "Dad, if you don't give it, don't give it to me. Anyway, we have money, and don't care about this melon."

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