The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 1925: New World (2)

As everyone went to work, at this moment Xia Ming was sitting with Han Qianji. At this time, Xia Ming looked at Han Qianji and paused: "Dragon, what kind of world is this new world?"

As soon as the words fell, Han Qianyi's eyes became a little deeper. He looked at Xia Ming deeply and paused: "Since you have reached the prefecture level, it must be that this strength is not much different from that of the heavenly class. , Then I will tell you about this new world. "

With that said, Han Qianyi's heart seemed to be touched. "The new world is a whole new world, where there are no high-tech on the earth, and no planes, because in the presence of the warriors, the so-called aircraft cannons are nothing more than that. Even nuclear weapons are not as powerful as the warriors. Really powerful. Warrior, you can turn your hands into clouds and cover your hands with rain.

It is true power. "

Speaking of which, even Han Qianji is slightly aspiring, but Han Qianji sighed a little, and said helplessly: "But I have never seen such a superpower."

"Have you never seen it?" Xia Ming shook slightly.


Han Qianyi said helplessly: "In the past, I came to the earth through a space by accident. I really want to say that all this is a coincidence. On earth, I have searched for so long that I haven't found the way back. And I do n’t know what the new world has been like. "

"Will your strength rank in the new world?"

"My strength?"

Speaking of this, Han Qianxuan could not help but smile a bit, and said a little helplessly: "My strength is everywhere in this new world. Do you still think that my strength is strong?"

"What? Everywhere?"

Xia Ming was shaking a bit, everywhere, what is this concept? Wouldn't it mean that anyone who comes here casually can single out any martial art on earth.

Is it true that martial arts are so prosperous in other worlds?

Xia Ming can't imagine that the heavenly powerhouses are everywhere. Such heavenly pride is too terrifying.


Han Qiandi paused and said, "Xia Ming, shouldn't you have been practicing for a long time?"


Xia Ming nodded. He has been practicing for only three or four years. It's not too long. It is good to be able to practice in this state in three or four years. At least in his opinion, Very good.

However, at this moment, Han Qianji said a little helplessly: "Xia Ming, do you know what a twenty-year-old heaven class represents in this new world?"

"What does it mean?" Xia Ming couldn't help asking.

"Represents waste."


Xia Ming looked at this Han Qianyu with a shock, and he did not expect that the twenty-year-old heavenly power in this new world represents waste?

This is too exaggerated, right?

Han Qianyi also seemed to see Xia Ming's meaning, and immediately laughed at himself, and said, "Do you feel funny?"

"It's ridiculous," Xia Ming said gravely. "We practice step by step, isn't the new world really so strong? Twenties are all waste?"

"indeed so."

Han Qianzhen solemnly said: "In this new world, the twenty-year-old heaven class is waste, not even waste."

"Do you know how old they are to practice?"

"How old?"

"Five years old."

As soon as Xia Ming stayed, he immediately said, "Five years old? This five-year-old seems to be a child? I guess I don't know anything?"

"Yeah ... you're right, five years old or a child, but this grinding of bones and muscles starts at the age of five, and when you are fifteen, you can be promoted to heaven."

"What ... you can become a heavenly power when you are fifteen?" Xia Ming shuddered.

"Good." Han Qianyi said lightly, "But there are still a lot of arrogant sons. When they are five years old, they can begin to practice. By the time they are ten, they can become masters. By the time they are fifteen, they have already entered other Realm, and even some true heavenly pride, they have surpassed fifteen

Too much too much. "

"Of course, those heavenly pride can't be compared, but even ordinary people, it would be nice if they could surpass them." Han Qianyi said with a sigh.

"Then you belong to other schools, too?" Charmington paused.


Han Qianyu said: "I belonged to Xuan Xinzong originally, but in Xuan Xinzong, I am a disciple."

Speaking of this, Han Qianji smiled bitterly and seemed to be ridiculous for his own strength.

"What are the conditions for recruiting disciples?" Xia Ming could not help asking.

"do not know."

Han Qianyi shook his head slightly and said, "Xuan Xinzong's conditions for recruiting disciples are changing every time, and it may or may not change. No one knows that everything is determined by the suzerain."

Xia Ming thought about it, but what Han Qianyu said today made him all shocked. In this heart, he could not be calm for a long time, it was really terrifying, ten-year-old master, this mother ... this is still people?

Is this the new world?

However, Xia Ming is still a little more excited, and the more such a world is the real excitement.

Han Qiandi paused and said, "But you don't have to be discouraged. Although you are older, you are very talented. If you practice hard, you will definitely catch up with them."


Xia Ming nodded slightly, of course he would not be discouraged. You must know that he is the person with the system. No matter how strong the other party is, as long as he is given time, he can pass the system and let his strength reach a higher level.

"By the way, when are you going to leave?" Han Qiandai paused and asked.

"In a while, I will arrange my family, and I will leave here." Charmington paused: "Dragon, are you going to be on the earth or are you going to leave the earth?" Han Qianyi thought for a moment: "I am still Leaving here, although the earth is good, but the pollution is serious and the vitality is increasingly disintegrating. If it continues like this, I am afraid that it wo n’t be long before the earth will be destroyed. It ’s better to go to the new world, work hard, and maybe have a chance to increase life Indefinite, while

And there are many treasures in the New World. In case of getting a treasure, you may be able to fly into the sky. "


Xia Ming nodded, but said nothing, but said: "Since then, let's leave together on the day of departure."

Xia Ming and Han Qianxuan left their own thoughts. After all, he knew nothing about the new world. If Han Qianzhen was together, there would be some care. "Okay!" Han Qianji nodded and answered.

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