The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 1930: Rain culvert scroll

"What the **** is going on?"

Chen Xiao also looked at this scroll, but the lines on the scroll ca n’t be faked, and they do exist. However, this situation seems to be a little bit wrong. There was no such thing as a line on the scroll before. Why blink? I have this line, it shouldn't be.

"No, this scroll did not pass by Xia Ming's hand, but when it passed by Chen Yuhan's hand, it did, it must be weird." Thinking of this, Chen Xiao looked at Chen Yuhan.

In fact, it is not only Chen Xiao who thinks about this situation. Even other people are all looking at Chen Yuhan. They are just after the hand of Chen Yuhan. It must be Chen Yuhan's rhythm.

Feeling this weird look around him, Chen Yuhan was all uncomfortable. Chen Yuhan looked at Xia Ming and others, and said timidly: "Brotherhood ... you guys ... what do you do when you look at people like this ... Well……"

"Yu Han ... tell your brother-in-law, what have you done on this scroll?" Xia Ming saw Chen Yuhan's pitiful look and it was a headache. The little girl was so pitiful that she couldn't move. It is easy to cause sympathy for others, which makes Xia Ming a bit speechless.

This little girl didn't know it was too long, but as long as this little girl was miserable, others would be fooled.

"No, they didn't do anything." Chen Yuhan's small head was shaking like a bell, and he kept shaking, indicating that he didn't know anything.

"Teacher, look at this red line, isn't it blood?"

At this time Chen Xiao found something again and hurriedly asked.

Xia Ming heard the words, quickly took the scroll, took a closer look, then put it in front of the nose, sniffed, and murmured: "It seems to be blood, but it is a little strange. What is strange in it, why? Can't tell? "

Thinking of this, Chen Xiao was also a little bit puzzled. The blood stains are blood stains. Why is it strange? Is there any difference in blood? Or to say abo type?

At this moment, Xia Ming looked at Chen Yuhan, and this look surprised Chen Yuhan too. Chen Yuhan carefully looked at Xia Ming, and hurriedly said, "Brother ... What are you doing?"

Chen Yuhan looked scared, and Xia Ming coughed.

"Xia Ming, you can't premise about Yu Han, she is my sister." Lin Wanqing stared at Xia Ming for a while and couldn't help reminding.


Xia Ming looked at his wife with a cry and a smile, and couldn't help but whisper: "Wife, where do you want to go, I'm not interested in her, but I feel she can lend me two drops of blood."

"What blood?" Lin Wanqing blurted out.

"It's Yu Han's blood."

At this time, Xia Ming looked at Chen Yuhan and paused, "Yu Han, how about giving your brother-in-law some drops of blood?"

"No ... no ... no ..."

Chen Yuhan's little head shook like a rattle, saying nothing.

"Yuhan, just a little bit better?" Xia Ming couldn't help but comfort.

"It's not good, people are afraid of pain." Chen Yuhan looked at Xia Ming pitifully: "Brother-in-law, do you have the heart to make people hurt? People hurt so much."


Xia Ming spit out for a while, this chick is really ...

At this time, Lin Wanqing couldn't help but persuade: "Yu Han, rest assured, your brother-in-law is a doctor of the Grand Master level, to ensure that you will not hurt, what do you think?"


Chen Yuhan asked carefully.


"All right, brother-in-law, you want to be lighter."

Chen Yuhan stretched out his jade arm, Xia Ming saw it, nodded slightly, then took out a silver needle, and gently pierced Chen Yuhan's jade arm with such a small drop, and soon a drop of blood was taken out. Chen Yuhan did There was no yelling, obviously, Xia Ming didn't hurt at all.

Xia Ming looked at the drop of blood in his hand, and then carefully placed the drop of blood on the scroll. When the blood enlarged the scroll, Xia Ming was surprised to find that the blood turned into a small blood drop. For a while, Xia Ming was curious.

"what 's wrong?"

Xia Ming hesitated and spread the blood, but what puzzled Xia Ming was that the little blood beads had turned into countless little blood beads and were not absorbed by this scroll at all. For a time, Xia Ming was on the spot. .

"How are you, Master?"

Chen Xiao and others couldn't help asking.

"Still, you see."

Xia Ming handed the scroll to Chen Xiao and others. When Chen Xiao and others saw the situation, they found that there was blood on the scroll, but all the blood was condensed into small blood beads, which had no effect at all. , Chen Xiao was also on the spot.

"How could this be?"

Chen Xiao looked at the blood in doubt. This blood was indeed taken from Chen Yuhan. Why did things become what they are now? How is this possible?

Not only Chen Xiao was puzzled, but also other people. Obviously, just after Chen Yuhan took it, this line appeared. Why is it not enough to put Chen Yuhan's blood on it?

Everyone couldn't figure it out. At this time, Xia Ming looked at Chen Yuhan in confusion. Is it Chen Yuhan's ghost? But after thinking about it, Xia Ming shook his head. However, at this time, Xia Ming seemed to notice something, and immediately grabbed Chen Yuhan's jade hand. Chen Yuhan was suddenly acted by Xia Ming.


"Daming, what are you doing?" At this time, Xia mother yelled out loud, in the eyes of so many people, grabbing Chen Yuhan's hand, what kind of system, especially her daughter-in-law is still here, Xia Ming This is too much, so Xia mother can't help but scold.

"Mom, wait a minute."

Xia Ming looked at Chen Yuhan's jade, and at this time Xia Ming saw a little bit of blood. At this time Xia Ming was puzzled, Chen Yuhan was intact, so where did the blood come from?

Xia Ming couldn't help looking at Chen Yuhan, pointed to the blood on Chen Yuhan's hand, and couldn't help asking: "Yu Han, where did you come across this blood stain?"


Chen Yuhan didn't notice at the beginning. When Xia Ming pointed at the blood stain, Chen Yuhan reacted instantly, exclaimed immediately, and hurried back two steps. At this moment, Chen Yuhan's pretty face was also under these eyes. After a brief pass, it became red.

It looked like shy.

"Yu Han, you are talking. What are you blushing?" Xia Ming couldn't help asking when Chen Yuhan was surprised. "me……"

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