The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 1935: Ancient Continent (1)

"Han Chien-hyun ..."

Xia Ming was slightly surprised to see Han Qianji's Jaina, and immediately asked: "Han Qianji, why are you here?"

"I don't know ..." Han Qianji shook his head and said, "I've been here since I woke up."

"Then how did you find here?" Xia Ming couldn't help it.

"I turned around and came here." Han Qianyi said.

"Yuhan ... what about Yuhan?" Xia Ming was startled and looked around in a hurry. Chen Yuhan rushed to the altar at that time, even if he was slightly angry, Chen Yuhan was really ridiculous. where is this place? How could she be a place where a little girl can come, but it's too late to say anything now, Chen

Yu Han has stepped in here.

"I didn't see it." Han Qianji shook his head slightly, and then said, "Since the two of us have appeared here through the altar, then she won't go far if we want to come. We can look around and maybe we can find it. "

"Yes, hurry up and look."

Xia Ming was also anxious, and the two quickly searched. They searched for three days, and the whole Dongfu rummaged. They did not find the whereabouts of Chen Yuhan. Xia Ming was too anxious.

However, Chen Yuhan is indeed not here, even if he is in no hurry, there is no way.

"Xia Ming, we have been looking here for three days now, and we have searched the entire entrance. We haven't found her whereabouts. Presumably, she hasn't fallen in this place, we can go out to look for it." Han Qianyi looked at Xia Ming, who was a bit stunned, comforted with a slight sigh.

Actually, he also knows.

Chen Yuhan, a little girl alone, is really dangerous. This place is different from the earth, because this is a new world, a new world with respect for martial arts.


After a long time, Xia Ming sighed a little, but his eyes suddenly calmed, Shen said: "If I knew, who would dare to touch her with a hair, heaven and earth, I would make him dead."

Xia Ming's words were so powerful that even Han Qianji shuddered.

At this time Xia Ming said: "Dragon, where are we here?"

"I'm not quite sure, let's go and see." Han Qianji shook his head slightly.


Xia Ming nodded, and the two left here. At this moment, the two came to a city where they nodded and ate something.

Xia Ming was slightly surprised that ...

As he walked this way, there were some changes in his clothes, because the clothes worn here were all ancient clothes, which made Xia Ming slightly curious.

Because the one he wore before looked unkind, so Xia Ming also changed a bit.

As for his hair, I don't know what the reason is, it has become very long, just like the big long hair of girls on the earth. According to his ideas, his long hair is estimated to have a lot to do with that of Qing Su. It's just a pity, but I don't know what the woman's name is.

"Xia Ming, I know where we are." Han Qianyu said suddenly.

"Where is it?" Xia Ming asked Han Qianji a glance and couldn't help asking.

"The place where we are is called Cangcheng." Han Qianyi's face was not very good-looking, and Xia Ming seemed to be aware, Xia Ming asked immediately.

"Is there any difficulty?"

"There is good news and bad news." Han Qianyi sighed slightly.

"What's the bad news?" Xia Ming looked at Han Qianyu and asked in a low voice.

"The bad news is ... Cangcheng is not a good city. It is very chaotic and there are occasional killings and overstocks. The most important thing is ... Cangcheng participates in the sect election ... but it is a bit deceiving."

Xia Ming heard the words and nodded, and said, "What's the good news?"

"The good news is that this is very close to my Zongmen Xuan Xinzong." Han Qianying condensed.

"Xuan Xinzong?"

Xia Ming has heard Han Qianxuan mention this Xuanxin sect more than once. For Xuan Xinzong, Xia Ming is still a little curious, but he doesn't know what kind of ancestor it is.

"What kind of world is this world exactly?"

After so long, Xia Ming finally asked a doubt in his heart, and Han Qianyu smiled: "I thought you would never ask."


Xia Ming was speechless for a while, staring at Han Qianji, seemingly waiting for Han Qianji's answer.

Han Qianzhen straightened his body and said solemnly, "Our world is called the ancient continent."

"Ancient continent?" Xia Ming was slightly surprised. "Good!" Han Qianji nodded slightly and said, "The ancient continent already existed in the ancient times, so it is also called the ancient continent. As for our place, it is a favored place in the ancient continent. Even the legendary shrine's realm cannot be explored

Measure how old the ancient continent is. "

"Divine Realm?" Xia Ming noticed another important message.

"Shenfu Realm is a higher realm, and for now, we can't get involved." Han Qianyu explained patiently: "This place where we are in a place of partiality also has a lot of ancestors. Religion, these sect religions were all established by the strong, and they each have their own territory. On this ancient continent, the sects who fought for resources.

It can be said everywhere, but if you have the strength, you can occupy these resources, so that you or your disciples become stronger. "" On this ancient continent, there are not only countless religious religions, but also countless countries, and some of them cannot be underestimated, because the overall strength of these countries is not inferior to any one majorist, even because These countries have overbearing armies, even some gates.

The factions are out of reach. "

"But in this ancient continent, you have to be careful. This world is different from the earth. There are laws on the earth. There are custom laws on the top that can restrict some people and make them dare not go too far. Arrogant and arrogant, but not the same here. "" The ancient continent is a world of respect for strength. In this world, the strong is the respect. If you are strong, you can do anything, and no one dares to blame you. Of course, if you think that as long as I do n’t provoke the enemy in this place, the enemy will not provoke me,

If you hold on to this mentality, you will undoubtedly die. "

Having said that, Han Qianxuan's eyes flickered.

"Because in this world you don't provoke people, but it doesn't mean that others don't come to provoke you. This kind of resource robbing is commonplace. It can be said that in this world, even if it is a brother, It may hit you, so you have to be on guard at all times. "Xia Ming nodded solemnly, and he naturally knew what Han Qianyi said.

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