The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 1951: Xuanxinzong

After a scent of incense, the old man took back his momentum, but the only people who could stand intact were only a few hundred people. Such people frowned the old man and said indifferently, "It is really a generation Worse than one generation. "

The old man seemed unusually dissatisfied with this situation.

At this time, some people couldn't help but question: "Senior, you are very powerful, so terrible, how can we resist, you are so biased in selecting disciples like this."


When the old man heard the words, he snapped sharply: "What kind of thing are you and dare to question the old man's decision."



The old man screamed angrily, and a sound wave spread, which directly caused the young man to spit out blood. At this time, the old man looked at the people indifferently, and said coldly: "Anyone here can dare to question the old man's decision. "


All the people present were slightly changed in face, dared not to speak again, and hurt one's words. This horrible strength was really terrible.

Therefore, no one dared to provoke the old man.

Even Xia Ming was slightly shaken.

It's terrible. This is the real strong man. For a time, Xia Ming was eager to try.

"Now proceed to the second level, refining your heart. Anyone who passes the second level will become a miscellaneous disciple. If they fail, they will go back and forth wherever they go."

The old man's words made everyone present happy, and immediately said, "Yes."

"Now the second level begins."

As the old man's voice fell, Xia Ming saw that the old man's hands changed rapidly, and complicated inscriptions came out, and the mysterious inscriptions appeared, which attracted many people's attention.

Immediately, this world seemed to be blowing a strong wind. Xia Ming's heart was tight, staring closely at the scene in front of them, then they all felt a flower in front of their eyes, and then stepped into another world.

Xia Ming was startled.

"What's going on? Isn't I here in Xuan Xinzong? Why does it suddenly appear here?"

Xia Ming was surprised to see the surroundings. There was a lot of traffic in the surroundings. There were pedestrians coming and going. These people are obviously people on the earth.

Xia Ming felt a little strange. How did he come to earth? Or that he was teleported.


Xia Ming suddenly saw a Qianying, wearing a simple skirt. Even so, she still couldn't hide her charm.

Xia Ming saw Lin Wanqing left the car in a car, and then Xia Ming saw another familiar figure, it turned out to be Jiang Lai and Luo Yuxi. Xia Ming was a little surprised. Why did he see them? This happened What happened?

"No ... I shouldn't see these people. I have left the area. How could it appear on the earth? There are weird things here."

Xia Ming thought of it just now, only to feel a cleverness, and he woke up instantly. When Xia Ming woke up instantly, Xia Ming suddenly noticed a very strange breath, and then fixed his eyes.

But when I saw myself above, I was shrouded in a mysterious power. Under the shroud of this power, all the people present were in deep thought.

I don't know what these people are thinking.


Xia Ming woke up the first time, so he immediately caught the attention of the old man. The old man gave Xia Ming a surprised look and murmured: "Weird things, weird things ... really weird things."

No one knew what the old man was thinking, and Xia Ming didn't notice the old man's actions. Xia Ming looked away and looked at the people present. Soon, Xia Ming suddenly realized.

"It's a magical array ... it turned out to be a magical array." Xia Ming rang suddenly. In his heart, the whole world had nothing to make him nostalgic, and only the women at home made them most nostalgic. Furthermore, it was Chen Yuhan. The little girl fell to the ancient continent with herself, and did not know where the little girl was.

Time, even Xia Ming, was impatient.

But there is no good way. Where is the ancient continent, where is he going to find? And there is no such thing as a phone, but it is not as convenient as on the earth.

"I understand."

Xia Ming suddenly realized that the first pass of this old man was to test the willpower of everyone. If he wants to cultivate martial arts, the willpower must be firm. If not, he will easily fall into evil ways, and it is very likely that he will die in death. , Might as well be a mortal.

As for this second pass!

It is to test people's mentality. Since it is a martial art, naturally they do not want a team who is unfavorable to their martial arts. Moreover, they can use it to check whether other martial arts people have sneaked into this mysticism.

Thinking of the cause and effect, Xia Ming suddenly realized that he also had a slight admiration for the method of Xuan Xinzong, which is indeed Xuan Xinzong.

Thinking of this, Xia Ming's eyes were looking around again, wanting to see how many people in this world can step into the Xuanxinzong.

However, Xia Ming was somewhat surprised that among the last few hundred people, only a hundred or so people had the qualification to enter the Xuanxinzong. Xia Ming, who was watching this scene, was also shocked.

This horrible elimination rate is too high. If you don't have a little ability, you really can't step into this mysterious sect.

Over time, some people are caught in a fantasy, unable to extricate themselves for a long time, while others are unable to wake up by the greed in the fantasy.

Seeing this scene, Xia Ming also sighed. But Xia Ming didn't help them because this is the ancient continent. Sometimes you help them but they may not appreciate it.

This selection method lasted for a whole day. At the end, only a hundred or so people passed the selection. When the selection was over, many people were sweating, even with one in their eyes. This kind of panic and panic.

Apparently they were frightened by this illusion.

Xia Ming was slightly relieved. At first he thought it would be difficult to enter Xuan Xinzong, but he didn't expect it to be so simple, which made him a little surprised.

In fact, it is not simple, but because Xia Ming happens to be the nemesis of these two levels. If not, so many people will not be eliminated.


At this time, the old man nodded with satisfaction and said indifferently: "From today on, you will be Xuan Xinzong's disciples. I hope you will abide by Xuan Xinzong's martial arts regulations. Will be punished very severely. "

"The disciples obey." Everyone said in unison.

"Very good!" The old man nodded and said, "Next, Zhou Huang will assign your tasks. I hope you can wait for the good students to practice. After three years, you will step into the disciples. Otherwise, you will be driven down the mountain."

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