The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 1955: The power of Lin Hong

"Xia Ming, you haven't run yet!"

Lin Hong looked at Xia Ming with a smile, and there was a bit of coldness in the depth of his eyes, but there was a little sneer and pleasure in the depths of his eyes.

"You dare to come back." Xia Ming looked at Lin Hong indifferently, and then Xia Ming's eyes fell on another figure. When Xia Ming saw this figure, Xia Ming's face was also the same A little bit dignified.

This person's breath is surging, obviously not a level-level warrior, that is to say, this person is a level-level consummation or an acquired state. Only in this way can he have such power, even Xia Ming dare not to underestimate.

"Xia Ming, you dare to hit me. Today, I see what you do." Lin Hong looked at Xia Ming with a magnificent look, and there was a bit of coldness in the depths of his eyes, as if looking at a beaming clown!

At this moment, the people around me are getting more and more. Many people are around here and look at the scene in front of them. This scene is seen by many people with a little surprise.

"It turned out to be Lin Hong and Xia Ming. What happened to these two?"

Many people were secretly surprised, and it was obvious that Xia Ming was going to have a bad relationship with Lin Hong.

"You are Xia Ming?" At this moment, the figure standing in front of Lin Hong spoke. The young figure, dressed in a green robe, looked indifferent, and there was a little shame in this indifferent complexion. The look towards Xia Ming was even more disdainful.

"Who are you doing." Xia Ming stared heavily at the figure in front of him, but he also took extra care. If this person is not weak, even if he fights, it is difficult for him to say clearly whether he can fight.

"I am Ye Ming."

Ye Ming glanced at Xia Ming indifferently, and sneered coldly, "Lin Hong is my man. You hit me. You said how to deal with this matter."

"Ha ha……"

Xia Ming heard the words and grinned. The man came to Lin Hong for his affection, but he had already guessed that if no one supported him, Lin Hong would never dare to come alone to get revenge.

"It turned out to be Ye Ming ..." As soon as this word came out, many people around him were shocked and said inconceivably.

"Is that the outside door Ye Ming?"

"That's the person. I didn't expect that the foreign name went to the miscellaneous disciple to support Lin Hong. No wonder Lin Hong was able to enter here, and the mixed wind and water were up."

"I'm afraid this guy named Xia Ming is going to be unlucky."

"Huh, it's just a waste in the twenties. It's also wondering why Xuan Xinzong still keeps such waste."

"This is, if this is changed to another person in his twenties, it is estimated that he will have become a strong party for a long time. Where is the same as him, it is only in the early days of grade."

"There was a good show this time, Xia Ming offended Lin Hong, and Ye Ming wanted to support Lin Hong. Hey, how do you say Ye Ming will deal with Xia Ming this time?"

"Our miscellaneous apprentice died and he died. This time, I'm afraid Xia Ming is going to be unlucky."

For a while, all the people present were talking. The people present looked at Xia Ming and shook their heads and sighed. They were not very optimistic about Xia Ming. After all, Lin Hong was supported by people like Ye Ming, and Xia Ming However, they went out arrogantly and did not dare to offend Ye Ming in their opinion.

Xia Ming smiled and said, "Who is my Tao? It turned out to be Lin Hong."

Xia Ming glanced at Ye Ming indifferently. At this time, Han Qianxuan carefully reminded: "Xia Ming, be careful, this person is an outsider disciple, and his strength has been promoted to the postnatal realm."

Xia Ming nodded calmly, but there was no fear.

"Ha ha!"

Ye Ming smiled and admired: "When you hear my name, there are not many people who dare to talk in front of me. You are one."

"Really? It's my pleasure to say so?" Xia Ming smiled, isn't that true of the current arrogant? Think you are amazing? Besides, this guy is just an outsider disciple, and it's just a grade higher than the miscellaneous disciple.

Ye Ming looked at Xia Ming indifferently, and said coldly: "I don't want to talk about nonsense. If you dismiss martial arts yourself and leave Xuan Xinzong, I can spare you a life. Your life is lost. "

"His ... Abandoning martial arts ... a cruel means." People around them heard that they could not help but took a breath and looked at the scene in shock, self-discarding martial arts. Is this a joke? ? In the ancient continent, strength is respected. If self-defeating martial arts, it is almost waiting to die. It is difficult to survive, even to leave this mysterious sect.

It ’s difficult. There is a beast around Xuan Xinzong. One accident is that the bones are not there. At the moment, Ye Ming actually let Xia Ming self-defeated martial arts. Such a means is really not ordinary.

Xia Ming heard the words and laughed: "Let me self-defeated martial arts? Leave Xuan Xinzong?"

Xia Ming laughed for a while, it seemed to be ridiculing, ironic Ye Ming, others saw this situation, thought Xia Ming was crazy.

If Xia Ming really listens to this guy's words, he will not martial arts, then Xia Ming is not really Xia Ming.

Ye Ming looked at Xia Ming indifferently, but did not speak.

Immediately after, Xia Ming's eyes froze suddenly, and suddenly he became sharper: "What kind of thing do you deserve to make me self-defeated martial arts."


With this remark, the whole scene was silent.

"Brush ..."

Countless eyes were all gathered on Xia Ming's body. These people opened their mouths and glared at Xia Ming in front of them.

After a while, this could not help but take a breath.

This kid dare to talk to Ye Ming like this? Is this living impatient?

Sure enough, Ye Ming listened to Xia Ming's words, and her face was suddenly solidified, a little bit gloomy, and a pair of suction eyes stared at Xia Ming.

Xia Ming did not have any fear, and met Ye Ming's eyes.

"very good……"

Suddenly Ye Ming laughed, the eerie laughter, and the weirdness caused people to shiver unconsciously after listening. The next moment, Ye Ming looked at Xia Ming and said coldly.

"I want to know that you have just entered the Xuan Xinzong, and you do n’t know the methods of the outside disciples. Good ... Today, I will let you try, the methods of the outside disciples. Mouth is so hard. "


Ye Ming's voice had just fallen. From Ye Ming's body, suddenly there was an oppressive momentum. After such terrible oppression, Han Qianyu's face changed dramatically, and he took a few steps back instantly.


Han Qianzhen opened his mouth and spit out blood.

"Early day after tomorrow!" Too strong, even in this realm, he couldn't even resist the momentum.

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