The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 1973: Life and death stage begins

"Xia Ming ..."

This thin figure slowly landed on this stage of life and death!

For a moment, all the attention! Countless eyes have converged on this platform of life and death, and they have fallen on Xia Ming's body. At this moment, Xia Ming stood quietly on the platform of life and death, but I don't know why, when Bai Bingqing and Han Qianyi looked at Xia Ming's At that time, I felt that there was a kind of heartache in Xia Ming.


Xia Ming stood here quietly, like a stone sculpture, motionless, but the breeze came, but his clothes moved with the wind, and that long hair also moved with the wind, shaking gently in front of his eyes, Xia Ming was Stand here quietly, motionless.

When he saw Xia Ming's Ye Ming, the corner of his mouth finally showed a faint smile.

"You are finally here, I thought you were afraid to come."

Xia Ming picked a corner of his mouth, and a slightly funny smile appeared on his face. He smiled and said, "I'm here to kill you, why don't you come?"


Ye Ming twitched his mouth. This guy was really arrogant, and even uttered words in front of himself. Do you really think you dare not kill him?

Life and death platform, life and death have life and wealth in heaven.

"He really dared to come back!"

In the distance, there are two Qianyings, who are the second daughter of Bai Bingqing, and this is Chu Ruoxuan who speaks in amazement to Xia Ming, and her eyes are full of wonder.

Actually came back! Everyone knows that Ye Ming is an outsider disciple. It ’s not as good as the day after tomorrow. Without going into the outside world, Ye Ming can be promoted to an outsider disciple. Obviously, it is already the state of the day after tomorrow. Ming dare to come back, does he not know that this return represents


As for Bai Bingqing, the corner of his mouth picked up, showing a little comfort, as if to appreciate.

"kill me?"

Ye Ming smiled, laughed wildly, and smiled aggressively. Ye Ming's sharp eyes suddenly shot at Xia Ming, as if turned into two sharp swords, went straight to Xia Ming.

"I'll see how you kill me."

"Om ..."

Ye Ming exuded a violent momentum, this momentum is the momentum of the acquired realm, when these momentums came out, his shirt agitated, with a kind of arrogance that did not put the world in his eyes.

"Out of your own power!"

Not far away, countless figures laughed when they heard such a statement.

"Just because he wanted to kill Brother Ye Ming, it was a dead end."

"This time, he's dead ... If he doesn't come, maybe he can escape. If he comes today, then there is no need to go back alive."

"Yeah ... outdoor disciples shouldn't be provoked. This guy ... really doesn't know how to die."

The sound of the discussions was also ups and downs with each other. Obviously, the people present were still not optimistic about Xia Ming. Although Xia Ming was back, he just admired his courage.

Between heaven and the day after tomorrow, such a leap is insurmountable.

"Hehe ..." Xia Ming licked his mouth, his eyes mixed with a bit of fiery, in this World of Warcraft Forest, he has been honed for two full months. Within these two months, he is always there Spending in life and death, as for his strength, he also got a qualitative leap. This span can be described as unpleasant.


In the past, when he faced Ye Ming, it can be said that there was no power to fight back, but now ... it is different ... he has the confidence to fight against one another.

"I wanted to give you a life. Now it seems ... it doesn't seem necessary." Ye Ming smiled indifferently, and said lazily.

"I will not show mercy." Xia Ming smiled.

Hearing that, Ye Ming stared at Xia Ming deeply, then exhaled a stale gas, slowly clenched his palms, and then there was a faint light surge, which was a surge of vitality.


Suddenly, Ye Ming shouted and hit Xia Ming without any fancy. He punched the past fiercely. This punch directly hit Xia Ming's head. If he was hit, this blow would be enough. It killed Xia Ming.

In the face of Ye Ming's fist style, Xia Ming not only refused to retreat, but also stepped out under these many misguided eyes. His five fingers clenched into a fist, and a punch against Ye Ming also blasted the past.


For a moment, the two met each other, the punches collided, and they made a muffled sound, like a thunderous thunder, which was really horrifying.


The next moment, the two split apart instantly, and the two separated from each other. They stepped back a few dozen steps, and then they were able to stabilize their bodies. Then they saw that Xia Ming and Ye Ming exhaled a cloud of breath.


The uproar also echoed through each other at this moment. They all looked at this scene in shock, deep in the eyes, mixed with incomparable horror.


Turns out to be indistinguishable!

The appearance of this scene, all the people present couldn't help but took a breath of air. Two months ago, Xia Ming was not Ye Ming's opponent at all, and even Ye Ming's light blow required every effort to stop him. But now, a flick of the blow is comparable to Ye Ming.

how can that be……

How could this guy be so strong.

Not only them, but even Ye Ming frowned. He looked at Xia Ming with dissatisfaction, and seemed to be extremely dissatisfied with the power of his fist just now.

"The original strength has improved a bit."

Ye Ming still didn't put Xia Ming in his eyes. Although Xia Ming's strength can be improved, Xia Ming is a heaven-level realm after all, and there is an insurmountable gap between the realm and the realm.

"Ha ha!"

Xia Ming smiled indifferently and did not want to say anything to Ye Ming. What he said at this time was meaningless. The main thing was to defeat Ye Ming!

This is the most important thing.

"Next ... I won't try it out! I will end this meaningless battle soon." Ye Ming stared at Xia Ming and said seriously.

"There is so much nonsense ..."

Xia Ming frowned. Why does the villain always have so much nonsense when fighting? Is this villain contagious?

"court death!"

Ye Ming was furious, his hands changed quickly, and then a strong energy came out of his body. This strong energy enveloped Ye Ming's body. For a moment, Ye Ming's momentum was also rising.


Ye Ming shouted, and his hands changed quickly. A set of mysterious palms was beaten by Ye Ming. Once this set of mysterious palms appeared, it caused Dadao's exclamation.

"It's Sanpin Martial Arts, Piao Ye Palm."

In this ancient continent, there are many martial arts, and it is difficult for many people to tell clearly what martial arts are the most powerful, but in this land, martial arts are divided into nine grades, with the lowest grade, the highest grade, and the highest grade. The grade is heavenly, but few people know about it. Because of that level of martial arts, even Xuan Xinzong never owned it.

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