The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2016: System task

"Thank you." Fang Lei gave Xia Ming a grateful glance. If Xia Ming did not give him this bottle of liquid medicine, he would probably have to rest for three months before he could fully recover. Right now, this bottle of liquid medicine can be greatly enlarged. Shorten his recovery time so that he can recover within a month.

"We are friends, aren't we?" Xia Ming smiled.

"Hahaha ..." Fang Lei laughed loudly, "Yes, we are friends."

Xia Ming also smiled. Fang Lei's personality is very good. Being able to make friends with Fang Lei, Xia Ming naturally feels good. He is alive and naturally has a few trusted friends.

At least with Fang Lei's personality, don't worry about Fang Lei stabbing a knife in the back.

"Xia Mingsheng!"

Xia Ming got this voice, and Wang Moxi also stood up and took a deep look at Xia Ming. Even the talents Xia Ming showed today are a little surprised.

Of course, it is just a surprise, because Xia next year is too big, this grade is naturally out of their eyes. If Xia next year is about fifteen years old ... it is estimated that people have been robbed of blood.

"Xia Ming, now that you have won this first game, do you want to continue the challenge?"

As soon as this remark came out, many people looked at it in unison, but there was a little expectation in this look.


Xia Ming just wanted to speak, and suddenly, his heart moved.

"Didi, system mission ..."

A rapid sound followed, and Xia Ming was shocked.

"Start the task."

The system's somewhat cold voice resounded in Xia Ming's mind, only listening to the system saying: "The host takes the first place in the top four and rewards the host with four million honor points!"

"The host mission failed, go home and plant sweet potatoes!"


Xia Ming was startled, and immediately stunned and said, "Well, what kind of ghost is this sweet potato?" The system's taunting voice sounded in Xia Ming's mind, saying: "The speed of the host's cultivation is too slow. Now, it's all 28, and it should be mixed with a group of little farts. It is really shameful. Now the host must challenge these lists as soon as possible and become the first person.

It was the host that failed and went straight home to plant sweet potatoes. "

"Your uncle."

Xia Ming's face turned black, and he made himself go home to plant sweet potatoes. Are you kidding me? However, the reward of this system is to let Xia Ming move.

Four million honor points, but this can be drawn forty times. This is the first time in his history that he has seen so many honor points. This is equivalent to one million for each list. Honor point.

Xia Ming soon calm down!

The third place on the yellow list is still so difficult to challenge. The first place on the yellow list is definitely more terrible. If not, how can it be called the first place on the yellow list?

Not only that!

This mysterious list, the top list, the top list, that's another horror list ... If it breaks into the first place, it will be the year of the monkey. No wonder the system has given so many honor points directly, the feeling is like this.

For a time, Xia Ming's face was not very good-looking.

"Didi, does the host accept the mission?"

The sound of the system was like a spur, Xia Ming groaned and said, "Accept it."

"The mission failed, didn't you just go home and plant sweet potatoes, plant sweet potatoes and plant sweet potatoes. I still don't believe it, but these four million honor points must not be lost and must be obtained."

Thinking of this, Xia Ming couldn't help but get a little excited.

"Didi, the host successfully picked up the task. We also hope that the host can complete the task as soon as possible. If the host cannot complete the task, it will go home and plant sweet potatoes."

Xia Ming heard the words and understood in his heart.

However, when Xia Ming was communicating with the system, from the perspective of outsiders, Xia Ming was thinking. Of course, it was only a short while before and after.

Wang Moxi is still waiting for Xia Ming's answer. Even Bai Bingqing is waiting for Xia Ming's answer. Will Xia Ming continue to challenge? If you continue to challenge, I am afraid to challenge the second and first place in the Yellow List. However, for such a long time, the first place in the Yellow List has never been challenged successfully. You must know that all of these people are in the Yellow List. Master, as for Lin Jiantian and Fang Lei, he has never challenged the prince

They all ended in failure.

They all know that the strength of the prince has reached a rather terrible level!

"Senior, can juniors challenge the first and second at any time?" Xia Ming thought for a while and asked.

"The challenged person can only be challenged once within a month." Wang Moxi said lightly. Xia Ming heard a word, slightly surprised, it can be challenged once a month, but it is not bad. Being challenged once can also be considered as a limitation for some people to often find others to challenge, after all, everyone must cultivate, it is impossible to face you Challenge, so this challenge is suppressed

Some conditions.

It is reasonable to challenge once in this month.

"The juniors will not challenge for the time being." Xia Ming shook his head, of course, the people between this world and the world could not help but feel a little disappointed, but only a little disappointment. The reason why Xia Ming chose not to challenge is because he has consumed a lot. If he continues to challenge, even if he takes the elixir that can restore his vitality, he cannot continue to challenge. Every battle is extremely exhausting. Yes, if one is not careful, it may cause

Fail yourself.

What's more, I can challenge once a month, and I'm not afraid of anything!

"Okay! In this case, let ’s announce the reward for today ’s game!" Wang Moxi's voice faintly resounded in the sky, listening only to Wang Moxi: "These top three are rewarded once to enter Xuanxin. Opportunity for tower training, Xia Ming, who is ranked first, rewards one month of practice time, Wang Qingdong, who is second, rewards half a month of practice time, third, Yun

Not to mention, reward the Xuanxin Tower for one week of practice time, and the remaining seven are rewarded with one bottle of Baiyangye. "


This statement shakes the sky!

Countless people are a little shocked.

"What a generous reward, oh my god, this reward is so generous, this ... this part-time job ..."

"Xuan Xin Pagoda, this is Xuan Xin Pagoda ... who wouldn't want to practice in Xuan Xin Pagoda? This Xuan Xin Pagoda is a famous pagoda ... It can be practiced in it for a day, even as much as a month of hard work outside, This guy actually got a month of cultivation time! "

"Damn, why am I not so lucky!"

"This reward is really terrifying. I knew I would also participate in this game."

"I am so angry, I am so regretful ..." Some people stamped their chests and regretted them.

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