The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2022: breakthrough

"Early day after tomorrow!" Only at this moment, Xia Ming reached the realm of the day after tomorrow. This is also a thick accumulation. Before that, Xia Ming had been practicing in the Forest of Warcraft and experienced such a life and death trial. Plus, this time the apprenticeship apprenticeship experienced this battle.

, Can also be regarded as accumulation.

But logically speaking, it is the easiest thing to break through to the perfect level, but Xia Ming even broke through to the early days of the day after tomorrow, which is a little faster.

"Hmm ..."

There was another muffled sound, these elder eyes almost stared out.

"The day after tomorrow!"

"Hmm ..."

The elders looked at the scene inconceivably.

"This boy, even broke into the realm of the day after tomorrow, how could it be so fast?"

"One big realm, two small realms, this kid hangs up."

"Yeah ... Although he's older, the kid's talent ..." Speaking here, these elders are staring at Xia Ming. At this time, Xia Ming's realm stays in the middle of the day after tomorrow. Xia Ming felt as if his body had reached saturation. Even if he continued to cultivate, he would not make much progress, but overall he was still fairly

Is satisfied.

Breaking through two small realms and one big realm is worth it!

At least you don't have to worry about being kicked out of Xuan Xinzong, because he has reached the state of the middle of the day after tomorrow.


Xia Ming turned his vitality on, and spit out a bit of turbid gas. Xia Ming was pleased at this moment. He suddenly found that his aura had been transformed into two!

As long as all the remaining 80% are transformed, that is the real spiritual conversion!

However, this transformed 20% of the aura, which is also a huge benefit for Xia Ming, because when he is against the enemy, his aura is even more weird.


At this moment, Xia Ming suddenly noticed a hot look, which made him all uncomfortable, and Xia Ming suddenly looked at the figure not far away.

I saw all these elders staring at him in a stunned way. It was as if they were looking at a rare treasure. Xia Ming realized that these eyes were like eating people, and Xia Ming couldn't help it.

"What are you doing." Xia Ming was also taken aback by these people and couldn't help but swallow.

"Don't do anything!" The elders chanted in unison.


Xia Ming was speechless for a while, this cooperation was almost extinct. Xia Ming looked at it, and then informed the pig Eryisheng and took back the futon. At this time, Xia Ming looked at the time, and Xia Ming suddenly found out ... How come it ’s been so fast for more than 20 days?

"I rely on ..."

Xia Ming's complexion changed for 20 days before he knew it. What about the special 20 days? Time passed like this?

Xia Ming's face was not very good-looking, it was too fast!

Xia Ming counts the time and feels that he can still practice for some time. However, if it continues to cultivate, it has lost the meaning of cultivation, but if it is not practiced for the remaining days, will it be a little wasteful?

"I don't know if I can accumulate the remaining days?" Xia Ming thought of this, and felt a bit of pain for a while. It would have been nice to know before asking.

Thinking of this, Xia Ming shook his head helplessly.

"The juniors would like to thank all the seniors for their care. Now that the juniors have been cultivated and are about to leave here, the juniors will leave." Xia Ming did not leave, but he gave a fist to these people and said, ready to leave.

"and many more!"

Suddenly, an elder came out and said aloud. Xia Ming heard that his body was stiff, and he couldn't help looking at these people. For a time, Xia Ming was a little embarrassed in his heart, and thought secretly, "Should the elders have discovered something? Want to be in their own futon? Ah, if the other person really wants his futon shamelessly, it should have been

Rob, or do these people have other meanings? "

Xia Ming's mind was turning quickly, Xia Ming glanced at the people present! Xia Ming said: "This senior, dare to ask any advice."

"Boy, what's your name?" The elder was dressed in a gray robe, with some white hair **** by a bun. This long goatee looked meticulous and very clean.

But the old man's eyes were mixed with fiery fieryness.

"Younger Xia Ming." Xia Ming paused.

Xia Ming wondered, he seems to have reported his name before, right? However, Xia Ming didn't think much, but looked at the old men in front of him, and didn't know what the old men thought.


The old man nodded slightly and paused, "How old are you?"

"Younger 28!" Charmington paused.


The elder's brow frowned slightly, it was indeed a young age of twenty-eight! It stands to reason that some of the heavenly pride should have entered this spiritual realm, even higher.

And Xia Ming ’s state in the middle of the day after tomorrow, it is indeed a little weaker in general. However, Xia Ming ’s epiphany is a kind of unthinkable, especially the speed of Xia Ming ’s cultivation. Xunzi, even their elders, had to admire.

Xia Ming's practice speed is too fast, and he broke through three realms in the blink of an eye, of which there are two small realms, which are hard to attach quickly.

If Xia was only 15 or 6 years old, they would have scrambled to take him as an apprentice.

"So have you ever been a teacher?" The elder paused, still speaking.


Xia Ming heard that for a while, what was the meaning? Does it mean to accept yourself as an apprentice? This seems a bit wrong. For these people, their talent is not high, after all, they are a bit older.

However, it would be scary to say Xia Ming's cultivation time, but he never said his own cultivation time. If I knew the most clearly, I'm afraid there is only a dragon head.

For a while, Xia Ming didn't know what the old man wanted to do.

Xia Ming took a deep look at the old man and groaned slightly.

"younger generation……"

Xia Minggang just wanted to say something, and suddenly there was a blast in this mysterious tower, and then a sound of anxiety and corruption came along.

"I'm relying on you, those old immortals, to rob Lao Tzu's apprentices."


With the sound of this desperate anger, countless eyes looked towards the stairs of the Xuanxin Tower, and when they saw this somewhat drunk figure, all the elders present were slightly changed.

"Elder Liquor." Seeing this familiar figure, all the people present looked at him with dread!

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