The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2033: challenge


Countless eyes looked at Xia Ming one by one, and the people present looked at Xia Ming, all of them were shocked! It's incredible.

"This guy ... really ..."

"Does this guy really think he is not qualified to challenge the first two?"

"How long is this? It's only about a month before and after. He even tried to challenge the top two in the Yellow List. This guy, can he live?"

"The time is too short. Xia Ming is only the peak of the heavens. He was able to defeat Fang Lei, and he has exhausted all his strength. This Lin Jiantian and the prince are not comparable to Fang Lei. The gap between the first three is too big. In particular, this prince is said to have qualified for the day after tomorrow. "


People around here looked at Xia Ming, all of them were talking and shaking, after all, they were facing the top two in the Yellow List.

Xia Ming stood before this yellow list slowly, his eyes flickered. Now he is qualified to challenge the yellow list. At this time, Xia Ming's eyes fell on the names of Lin Jiantian and the prince.

Xia Ming's faint voice opened up, and the sound spread far and far. The people present were heard clearly, and countless eyes gathered on Xia Ming's body.

"Xia Ming, challenge Huang Jian second Lin Jiantian and first prince."

This statement was even more uproarous. Numerous eyes were looking at Xia Ming, with deep horror in his eyes.

"What ... he is going to challenge two people?"

"This guy……"

The people present were all surprised!

at the same time! In this other place!

The prince, Lin Jiantian, and Fang Lei stood on a mountain, the mountain was lush, the green grass was flying, and each tree stood tall. It looked unusually beautiful and full of vitality.


At this moment, the mysterious heart of Wang Hou and Lin Jiantian suddenly lighted up. The two who were on the spot suddenly noticed that the King Hou was a little surprised at this time.

"Someone challenged me?"

"You have also been challenged?" Lin Jiantian looked at the prince in surprise, wondering: "It's really interesting. Someone dare to challenge you, I don't know who it will be."

This Xuan Xin Ling has many functions in Xuan Xin Zong. He can be used to convey orders, store honor values, and represent the identity of Xuan Xin Zong. Therefore, this Xuan Xin Ling is equivalent to the ID card on this earth.

"So you have been challenged?"

Wang Hou looked at Lin Jiantian in surprise, said a little, said.

"Huh!" Lin Jiantian nodded slightly, behaving as an answer to the prince!

"Both of you have been challenged?" Fang Lei was on the side but a little shocked and said inconceivably: "It's been a long time since no one dared to challenge you two. I didn't expect that it was my turn as soon as I was challenged. The two of you are really getting more and more interesting. "

"Yeah ..." Wang Hou's eyes flickered for a moment, becoming deeper, like a deep pool without a bottom.

"But you are relaxed. You have been promoted to become a disciple. It seems that it is time for the two of us to enter the gate and become a disciple ..." Lin Jiantian sighed slightly, then glanced at Fang Lei.

In the days of Xia Ming's cultivation, Fang Lei had broken through to the state of the day after tomorrow, and he was naturally promoted to an outside student. In fact, this has a lot to do with Xia Ming. By itself, Fang Lei has the qualification to make a breakthrough, but he has always occupied the third place in the Yellow List. He also hopes to make a good accumulation and wait for his accumulation to a certain degree before conducting an external assessment. However, after meeting with Xia Ming, World War I was given this opportunity, so it was

Naturally promoted to the outside door and become a formal outside door disciple.

As soon as you enter the door, you don't need to worry about being kicked out of Xuan Xinzong. At this time, Xuan Xinzong's regulations will also be more stringent. Of course, the benefits obtained are naturally better.

It's just worse than the top three on the yellow list.

As for the princes and Lin Jiantian, they are all qualified for immediate promotion to the outside door, but they are not in a hurry to break through and advance, but to lay the foundation for themselves, the stronger the foundation, the better for future cultivation.

"Well, let's go and see. What guy is actually trying to challenge us."

The prince waved his hand and motioned to Lin Jiantian to stop. Lin Jiantian heard the words and nodded slightly.


Later, the two turned into a streamer that disappeared as quickly as lightning. Fang Lei saw it and grinned, "It's really interesting, I'll go and see."

"Hmm ..."

Immediately, the three of them disappeared.

At this moment, there are many discussions in this practice ground, and countless eyes are falling on Xia Ming. Some of them admire Xia Ming, while others think that Xia Ming is in power.

However, for Xia Ming, they never showed scornful eyes, because today Xia Ming is already the third in the yellow list, this strength is unfathomable.

Enough to deserve their respect!

But respect is respect, but they are not worshiping blindly!

Xia Ming stood here quietly, motionless. At this time, Han Qianyu looked at Xia Ming, hesitated, and couldn't help but said, "Xia Ming ... Do you really want to challenge the two of them to fail? The strength of these two is absolutely impossible. Measurement."

"Huh!" Xia Ming smiled and said, "That's natural. Only in this way can you grow quickly, doesn't it?"

"You ..."

Han Qianyi heard the words and sighed slightly. In his opinion, Xia Ming is really impulsive. If Xia Ming cultivates for another half a year, he may not be his opponent. At least then there will be a great chance of winning. But this is only a month, how much power can Xia Ming improve.


"Eh!" The next moment, a sound was heard, and Xia Ming's eyes were also condensed, slowly looking at the sky above the left, but there were several figures in the sky, coming out of the air, of course, This is a trivial task, not a flight ... Only if all the vitality is converted into aura will you be eligible to fly


Xia Ming squinted and looked at the figures. These figures were the three princes, but what surprised Xia Ming was that the breath on Fang Lei was a bit wrong, and it seemed ... breakthrough.

"It seems he has become a disciple?"

Xia Ming glanced at this Fang Lei in surprise, but only one glance. The most striking thing was the two princes.

"Xia Ming, are you going to challenge us two?"

The prince looked at Xia Ming, and for a moment, he asked in amazement.

Xia Ming heard the words and smiled, "Yes, I want to challenge you two." "Oh?"

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