
The deafening sound is clear. The transparent palm is one foot in size. When the transparent palm falls fiercely, the ground is rumbling and even overwhelmed, and it suddenly cracks, like a cobweb spreading all over the ground. Many people who watched the scene were stunned.


However, at this time, a roar followed, and then they saw that the invisible head falling from the sky turned into a flying dragon. This flying dragon was transparent, but it swooped down. .

It seemed to be a violent dive, an anger!

I want to kill the enemy in front of me!

This is Dragon Steleman! It is also the most powerful form of Dragon Steleman.

This martial art is quite overbearing, because he needs a strong body as a support. If there is no arrogant body, this martial art has only harm and no benefits, and practicing this martial art requires not only talent, but also strong perseverance.

"Roar ..."

Almost in a blink of an eye, this invisible dragon came to Xia Ming!

"Xia Ming ..."

Countless eyes are all nervous looking at Xia Ming, with inexpressible tension and excitement!

"Are you going to lose? Are you really going to lose?"

"Unexpectedly, I still lost to this prince ..."

"Yeah ... but even so, he is enough to be proud of being able to use one enemy to two and lose a person's fighting power, which is really terrible."

To countless people, Xia Ming almost lost.

That is, when the crowd was nervous, the dragon came to Xia Ming and crashed into Xia Ming's body.


The sound of thunderous thunder from the nine days resounded through the air. These people shrank their pupils and stared nervously at the performance field in front of them, their expressions tense and excited.


The next moment, a surging force swept away like a wave.

"Bang ..."

Many people around were instantly lifted off, and some stones on the ground were also instantly shaken, with a loud boom, as if a mountain peak had collapsed.

The whole mountain seemed to shake.

For a while, the dust was flying, covering up the entire Yanwu Stadium!

As for the prince, he had his hands on his back and looked at the front quietly. There was a little dignity between his looks, and there seemed to be any general idea!

However, there was an exclamation sound between the heavens and the earth, and all the disciples on the sidelines watched the scene in front of them.

"has it ended?"

This is the only idea these disciples have.

"I really lost ..."


Countless people sighed, and Xia Ming was able to show such strength, and indeed he could be called proud, but it happened that ... he encountered the abnormal state of prince.

Failure is also reasonable.

At this time, when everyone looked at the prince, there was a touch of worship and a respect. Such strong people are worthy of their respect. In this ancient continent, they are also respected by strong people. The more respected.

"I lost ..." Lin Jiantian breathed a sigh of relief, and said softly, "It's really a lot of pressure."

"Yeah, what we say is one or two years earlier than that guy. If it is compared by a newcomer, it will be better after that."

Fang Lei also sighed slightly.

"Fortunately, this guy lost." Lin Jiantian nodded slightly, agreeing to Fang Lei's statement, and had to say that they did have a lot of pressure in the face of Xia Ming. "You and I have been defeated by this guy. It seems that you and I still have to work harder." Fang Lei said with a sigh, after being defeated by Xia Ming, he practiced hard for a while, but did not expect this one After a month, the gap between him and Xia Ming turned out to be bigger and bigger, which made him a little bit

Difficult to accept.

Xia Ming said that the grade is a bit older, but this practice is too fast, right?

"Well! After today, I will retreat." Lin Jiantian, his eyes also became sharper, Shen said.

"I also retreat, but I can't be compared with them." Fang Lei also sighed slightly.

When the whole audience thought that Xia Ming was defeated, the prince did not relax, but instead stared at the front with a serious brows. I do n’t know why, he always had a bad feeling, that is, Xia Ming did n’t lose.

"That kid ..."

Jiu Lao in the distance also seemed to be a little aware, and immediately smiled: "It is indeed an old man's disciple, I didn't expect him to have such a card ..."

"Boom!" Just as Jiu Lao's voice just dropped, a terrible loud sound followed, and a terrible vitality also hit the moment, breaking some of the surrounding ground into pieces. The terrible power is rippling and erupting, as if to break through the sky


That terrible power is really terrible.

Boom boom!

Waves of majestic strength spread out, and even the princes, at this moment, their shirts are swelling out! Unconsciously, he closed his eyes.

That is, at this time, a figure slowly appeared under everyone's sight. When the figure appeared, the prince's complexion was also a little stiff, and finally he became dignified.


That is, at this time, a series of eyes fell on the performance martial arts field, all of them looked at the thin figure in front of the shock.

This figure was wearing a black gown, but this gown seemed to have gone through a big battle, and looked a little embarrassed and a little embarrassed.

However, this figure is standing here, watching the prince in front of you quietly. If you observe carefully, you will find that the figure is full of vitality, even with a touch of aura, although the aura is rare , But it does exist.

When this figure is seen clearly, all the people present will have narrowed pupils.

"What ..." Fang Lei and Lin Jiantian looked at the scene in shock, with inexplicable horror and thriller.

"Xia Ming ..."

Han Qianyi looked at Xia Ming in surprise!

"He He……"

"He's fine!"

"His ... how could this be ... how could he be fine."

The uproar also rang up at this moment, and countless figures looked directly at the scene in front of them, with inexplicable horror and movement in their eyes. "You ... actually blocked it ..." After a long time, the prince hid the surprise in his heart and couldn't help it. Obviously, even the prince was shocked. How could this be ... his dragon monument The hand turned out to be broken by Xia Ming.

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