The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2054: System task 2

"You ..." The middle-aged man's face changed slightly, and his eyes were angry and burned, and he secretly thought: "This boy can fight me back with a single blow, obviously not weak, and there are three people next to him who are staring at me. It ’s unknown if we are going to fight, but we just let Mochizuki and Yan so

water? It would be difficult if the two of them escaped today, trying to catch them. "

"And this old Murong fox is still watching, it's really troublesome ..."

Middle-aged men are jealous. If it were not for Xia Ming, he might have won both of them. However, because of Xia Ming's existence, his mission failed, which is not a good thing for them.

For a time, the middle-aged man was a little cloudy.

"His martial arts is strong, today Zheng will leave first, and he will come to receive advice later."


Having said that, the middle-aged man's feet slammed on the ground, and his body suddenly burst out. Obviously, the middle-aged man has given up the mind of running away. Xia Ming frowned. If this middle-aged man escapes, even if he I dare not say that I can force it to stay.

"Hmm ..."

As soon as Xia Ming thought about the crickets here, a breaking wind sounded, and the air shook with it. Xia Ming frowned and suddenly looked at the middle-aged man who fled not far away. man.

"Hmm ..."

Suddenly, a ray of light hit the middle-aged man's body instantly, and in the middle of the hit, the middle-aged man's body suddenly made a short stay in this mid-air.


The middle-aged man's complexion changed slightly, and then, his face was revealed.


With a scream, the middle-aged man fell down severely from the sky instantly, and a loud bang, the middle-aged man smashed the ground into a big pit. However, the middle-aged man at the moment His head was bleeding, lying on the ground, eyes closed, motionless.

If you look closely, a blood hole appears on the back of this middle-aged man. This blood hole directly penetrated his heart and led to his death.

"Brush ..." Xia Ming glanced deeply at Bai Bingqing beside him, and saw that Bai Bingqing's face was calm, but at this moment his jade fingers were still making a pop-up action. Xia Ming knew that just now It's obviously Bai Bingqing's hand. If not, no one can be so light.

Yi beheaded an acquired master.

"This woman is really powerful ..." Xia Ming was also slightly surprised. In the past, this woman was not as good as him. However, in just about half a year, she had surpassed him, and now even he is a little confused. The depth of a woman can kill the master of the day after tomorrow in a single blow. This woman is at least congenital

Maybe this woman may be together.

Once entered into the spirit, the strength of the whole body can change dramatically, because controlling the aura, it is equivalent to controlling the power of the world.

While Xia Ming was shocked, the two brothers and sisters were also extremely shocked. The man who hunted them down was so dead. How could this be ... how did she ...?

When they looked at Bai Bingqing, they were all shocked.

Xia Ming is relatively bland, after all, he understands Bai Baiqing's strength more or less: "How can you two be hunted down?"

"Engong!" Murong Wangyue glanced at Xia Ming, extremely grateful. In total, Xia Ming has rescued him twice. Murong Wangyue said: "The family has experienced drastic changes, and the elder Murongdian has betrayed him. , The entire Murong family was in danger, and this Murongdian was threatening my father, so he sent

People came to kill our cousins. "

"If we are caught, they can threaten my father to submit, even if they kill us, they will hit my father."

Xia Ming heard a word, slightly surprised, did not expect these two people have such life experience, for a time, Xia Ming was slightly surprised.

"Then how do you two plan to do it?" Asked Summerton.

"Our brother and sister ..." At this point, Murong Wangyue was silent. Now that the family has undergone drastic changes, the two of them will definitely choose to return to the family, but after returning to the family, his father may not be able to keep them, and But they could n’t leave his father, and now they can only find stronger people to help him

It is the most important thing for our family to survive. Murong Wangyue couldn't help looking at Xia Ming. In his eyes, he looked more or less, but the two of them knew that Xia Ming had saved them twice. It was kind to them both. This incident involves civil unrest in their Murong family, and others will be willing to help them


For a while, Murong Wangyue struggled.

"Brother Xia Ming, can you help us?" Yan Shui looked at Xia Ming, with big eyes and water, and looked at Xia Ming expectantly, asking cautiously.


Murong Wangyue's face changed slightly. Although he wanted Xia Ming to help in his heart, he was hesitant because Xia Ming had helped them enough.

At the moment Yanshui raised this issue, which made him nervous. Although he had some expectations, he was also nervous. For fear that Xia Ming would not agree, Xia Ming could be said to be their last straw.

"Sorry ..."

Xia Ming frowned, then said indifferently. Murong Wangyue and Yan Shui heard the words, all showing a little lost eyes, a little downcast. Obviously, there is no need for them to go through their muddy water. This is not a good thing for Xia Ming, and, There are still many dangers in it.

Help is also reasonable, the two of them have no complaints.

"That being the case, I will help you!"


However, at this moment, Xia Ming's words turned sharply, so that both the siblings looked at Xia Ming, and his eyes were incredible. "Engong, did you agree?" Murong Wangyue looked at Xia Ming inconceivably. Just now they thought Xia Ming was about to refuse, but unexpectedly, Xia Ming agreed in the blink of an eye. The feeling of being on the ground and rising to heaven is really too much for him.

Mom's excited.

"Huh!" Xia Ming nodded. "Thank you so much, thank you so much." Murong Wangyue looked at Xia Ming excitedly, and her eyes were deeply grateful, which made Murong Wangyue extremely excited. He knows how strong Xia Ming is, but if Xia Ming With Ken's help, he felt that the Murong family's crisis would definitely be able to survive, so Murong Wangyue was also excited.

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