The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2064: system


When Murong Yunbo said this, he was slightly agitated. He was also a master of the innate realm, and knew how dangerous this transformation of aura was. If he was not careful, the aura would be turbulent. At that time, his Anything you do will be a complete loss.

Turning the spirit into nine is equivalent to 90% of the conversion of the aura. Once all the vitality is converted into the aura, then you can enter this legendary gathering of spirits!

As soon as we enter Juling, the strength of this body will also change dramatically. These changes are almost equivalent to qualitative changes. Xia Ming's is also slightly excited. If he can get the punishment on this day, it will also be of great benefit to him, but Xia Ming will soon stabilize. Since the punishment on this day is so precious, anyone who wants to gain the reward on this day will also There are many, if you want to be among these many masters,

Snatching food in your hand ... I'm afraid it's not that easy.

Xia Ming's eyes flickered constantly. He got news from Xia Linlang's men, but he knew where the place where the torture fell was, but he didn't know anything about it.


Murong Yun paused and said solemnly: "If you want to get the punishment this day, it's not so easy."

"How do you say that?" Asked Shammington for a moment. "Because in the past the punishment fought against the masters of the Hades, this land has also been infected with some of the evils of the Hades. There are many people who have known about this, even many innate realms.

Masters who participate in it, there will be masters who turn to the spiritual realm, so ... "

Speaking of this, Murong Yunbo also paused, which means that it will be next year. It is really not easy to rob this day of torture in front of so many masters.

Xia Ming also nodded slightly. Indeed, these masters are very powerful. It is really a big trouble to get this day's punishment in front of so many masters.

Xia Ming was silent.

"Master, if you want to go in, I have a guide bird here. If the master does not dislike it, he can take this guide bird." Murong Yun paused. "Guide Bird?"

Xia Ming heard his words and frowned slightly, apparently this was the first time he heard this kind of thing, which made Xia Ming slightly confused, what is the guide bird?

When Bai Bingqing heard the words, it was immediately before him, saying immediately, "Do you really have such things, Mr. Murong?"


Murong Yun paused, and took out a strange wooden box. Under these many eyes, Murong Yunbo opened the wooden box. What caught the eye was a white paper bird. Made of special materials, it doesn't look like a pure paper bird.

Xia Ming looked at the paper bird, slightly puzzled.

"This guide bird has a great effect on you, so you accept it." Bai Bingqing did not explain the role of this guide bird, but reminded Xia Ming to accept it.

Xia Ming looked at hesitantly and said, "This ..."

"Master, if you go to the place where the death penalty fell, this guide bird can help you guide a way out at a critical moment!" Murong Yun paused and said.

"Guide a way out?"

When Xia Ming heard the words, he suddenly realized that he had finally got some understanding of this guide bird and guided a way out. Obviously, this guide bird is to help you guide a clear way.

In this case, the value of this guide bird is not low.

Xia Ming looked at Murong Yunbo. Obviously, Murong Yunbo took out this guide bird in order to repay his life-saving grace. The guide bird is also very precious for them. It is obviously a gratitude to Xia Ming.

Xia Ming didn't show his affection. He took the guide bird and said, "Thanks so much to Murong."

"Xie is also the master of my Murong family, thank Xie, if there is no master, this guide bird may have been obtained by this Murong Code." Murong Yunboha laughed.

"Master Xia, the cemetery for torture has not been opened for the time being. If you go in rashly, you may be killed by the obsession of the torture. The family did their best to help the landlord. "Murong Yunbo said while he was hot.

Xia Ming groaned a little, looked at Murong Yunbo, and said, "Since this is the case, I will disturb you from now on."

"Do not disturb, do not disturb."

Murong Yunbo showed a happy smile. Xia Ming's presence here is also a great benefit to him. Being able to pay such a master, they are naturally willing to pay some price.

"Look at the moon, prepare two fine guest rooms for the master," Murong Yunbo ordered.

"Yes, Dad."

Murong Wangyue left here!

At this time, Murong Yunbo talked with Xia Ming for a while. The more he talked about it, the more surprised Murong Yunbo was. When he learned that Xia Ming came from this Xuanxinzong, he was extremely amazed.

Especially for Bai Bingqing, Murong Yunbo's eyes are full of respect, so this grade has reached the level of congenital perfection. Such a talent is really a talent.

After talking for a while, Xia Ming returned to this room.

Xia Ming sits on a mountain in the ring of Qiankun. Xia Ming also has some habit. After all, if he goes out to practice, he will inevitably be attacked by others, and Xia Ming has to guard against it.

Xia Mingpan sat on a mountain peak, beside Xia Ming, there was a flying pig, flapping his wings around Xia Ming.


Xia Ming glanced at the pig Er flying in the air and said casually, "What are you doing?"

"Boss, am I missing you?" Pig Er looked at Xia Ming with a grin, and his mouth was smooth and smooth.

"miss me?"

Xia Ming couldn't help shivering, wouldn't this pig have any special hobby? Thinking of him, Xia Ming couldn't help but look at the pig one by one and whispered, "Go away and leave Lao Tzu's sight."

"Boss, what do you think." Pig Er also noticed Xia Ming's strangeness, and couldn't help but said, "Boss, can we both discuss something?"

Xia Ming looked at the pig and said casually, "What do you want?"

For this pig, Xia Ming is also very wary. This pig is a special rogue pig. If you live here, you will not leave!

But he couldn't help him.

"Boss, do you think I can follow you outside?" Zhu Er looked at Xia Ming a bit earnestly, looking expectant. "Brush ..." Xia Ming stunned directly on the spot.

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