The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2069: Cemetery

In the next two days, Xia Ming and Bai Bingqing went to the cemetery of the death penalty together!

After two days of rushing, Xia Ming and the two finally came to the graveyard of Tian Xing!

Until then, Xia Ming knew that the original cemetery for grave was in a sea. This sea is boundless. It looks calm on the surface, but if you step into this sea, you will feel it. Into the waves.

At this moment, there are a lot of people standing on this big seashore. These people are teenagers and girls, all of them are watching the scene in front of them fieryly. The arrival of Xia Ming did not attract much attention! Bai Bingqing also made some modifications at this time, and did not show his original appearance. After all, his original appearance is too noticeable. As long as it is passing by, it is estimated that everyone's eyes will be put.

To her, it was not a good thing for them.

"The people here are really not ordinary donna." Xia Ming looked at the place with a burning look and whispered softly.

"Yeah ... it's really not ordinary." Bai Bingqing's brow frowned slightly, staring diligently here.

The strength of the people here is not weak, among which even the masters of the innate realm appeared. It is conceivable how attractive this graveyard in the end is.

"It is said that many masters came here this time, even the Da Shang Dynasty, the Da Xia Dynasty, and some masters of the Turing Sect." Bai Bingqing condensed.

"Huh!" Xia Ming nodded slightly.

Along the way, he also met a lot of people, many of whom were masters of the Shang Dynasty and the Turing Sect. These masters were very strong. Obviously, the cemetery for torture was a springboard for them.

After all, it's something that can make people upgrade to Spirit, I'm afraid anyone will be excited?

"But it seems that the people of the Shang Dynasty haven't come yet?" Xia Ming frowned, looking quietly into the distance, and said in a deep voice.

"Brush ..."

Xia Ming's voice had just fallen, and from the air not far away there was a rush of looting. Xia Ming and others all looked at the source of the sound.

See you!

In this distant sky, there are several figures coming out of the air. This figure coming out of the air has attracted many people's attention.


With the figure's lightly tiptoe, his figure landed on the ground steadily. This person was wearing a noble silk, which seems to be the only opportunity for the big family to wear it.

The person's long hair was tied up, with a bun, and his eyes were slightly dull, as if everything here was like a cloud, full of indifference.

However, there is a jade pendant hanging on the waist of this boy. This jade pendant is a dragon-shaped jade pendant, which symbolizes the nobleness. On this jade pendant, there is a simple character.


None of the people present were simple figures. The handwriting on this jade pendant had already made them guess something.

"Is the Da Shang dynasty. Is this person the ten prince of the Da Shang dynasty?"

"It's Li Tianfeng. I didn't expect Li Tianfeng of the Shang Dynasty to come." Someone exclaimed.

"His ... This is a big problem. It is rumored that Li Tianfeng once beheaded a master of the innate early days. This guy is really in trouble when he comes here."


The people present were all talking about it. For Li Tianfeng's arrival, he felt endless pressure. This Li Tianfeng was really a bit scary to them.

"Li Tianfeng?" Xia Ming heard the words, could not help but glanced at this Li Tianfeng, at this time Bai Bingqing also stared at Li Tianfeng with a cheeky face, and said lightly. "Li Tianfeng's strength is very strong. Although he is not the strongest of the younger generation in this great business dynasty, this person's reputation is far-reaching, especially six months ago, this person has won this innate The early master and beheaded him, this person became famous in World War I. "Bai Bingqing


"Innate early."

Xia Ming heard a word and nodded slightly. This grade has reached such a state. It is indeed an extraordinary genius.

"However, Li Tianfeng is so proud and seldom puts anything in his eyes." Bai Bingqing said again.

"How did you know so clearly?" Xia Ming couldn't help but look at Bai Bingqing and asked.

Bai Bingqing knows a lot. He feels that in front of Bai Bingqing, he is like a little white who has just joined the WTO. Bai Bingqing is just like an old driver.

"I'll know if you ask." Bai Bing said lightly, "Everyone of our Xuan Xinzong has his own source and his own news."


Xia Ming nodded, which is a little bit understood, everyone in Xuan Xinzong has everyone's news. Obviously, this means that everyone has everyone's power.

At this time Xia Ming looked at Bai Bingqing and couldn't help asking: "Have you created your own forces?"


Bai Bingqing shook his head and said lightly.

Xia Ming smelled it, but he shook his head.

"Hahaha ... who is waiting here long ago? It turned out to be the tenth prince of the Da Shang Dynasty."

At this moment, it was another giggling sound, like a thunder. In the air, it exploded. Then, there were several figures coming out of the air. A few breaths steadily landed on it. On the coast.

This one is also a master, this person has strong eyebrows between the eyebrows, because the eyebrows are too lush, but the eyebrows are connected together to form a word eyebrow.

This looks a little weird, but this person smiled and looked at Li Tianfeng in front of him: "The tenth prince, I haven't seen you for many days, and my style is still the same."

"Tu Tianqi."

Li Tianfeng's frown frowned, and his eyes were full of brilliance. He looked directly at Tu Tianqi, his eyes were flat, and he said coldly, "I didn't even want to come to you."

"The tomb of heaven punishment contains the method of gathering spirits. How can I not come, and more ..." Tu Tianqi laughed and said, "If I don't come, wouldn't it be cheap for you."

"Huh!" Li Tianfeng glanced at Tu Tianqi with a disappointment, and gave a cold hum, deep in his eyes, mixed with a little killing and anger.

"TU Lingzong's Tu Tianqi?" Bai Bingqing said in surprise.

"Torino Buddhism?"

Xia Ming looked at Tu Tianqi immediately, but what caught Xia Ming's attention was the figure beside Tu Tianqi, because he was also very familiar with that figure.

Zhou Tianyuan! He used to steal his elixir! He had fresh memories, but he didn't expect this guy to come here.

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