The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2153: Fu Qingxuan

After Lin Zhi saw this familiar figure, he looked at it.

In front of him, there is a figure in a blue shirt. This figure is somber, walking with a touch of indifference and indifference. The young man's every move is affecting the hearts of the people around him. Obviously, this Teenagers are also leaders of these people.

The young man has a handsome face, a straight face, and looks a little handsome, with this temperament. Therefore, the young man looks quite connotative, which makes the young girls around him secretly look at the young man secretly. The juvenile never noticed such a peep.

The juvenile seemed to be aware, his gaze flickered through the layers of leaves and leaves, and he looked into the distance, fixed on Lin Zhi's body, his frown frowned.

"Brush ..."

At this moment, Lin Zhi came to the teenager like a lightning bolt. After the teenager was stable, Lin Zhi clenched his fists and said, "Brother Fu."

Fu Qingxuan!

Yes, the young man in front of him is actually Fu Qingxuan, who is also one of the four war generals of Tongzhen, and is a master of innate realm.

When Fu Qingxuan met Lin Zhi, he slowly raised his eyes and said calmly, "You don't want to eliminate those new people, what are you doing here?"

Lin Zhi heard his words, his face changed slightly, and then solemnly said, "We have been ambush, and my people have been arrested by the newcomers."


At this moment, many people's eyes are all looking at Lin Zhi brushed together, and that look is mixed with a little disdain and ridicule.

What a joke, got ambush, got caught?


At this moment, someone whispered, "The old man was caught by a new guy! Ridiculous."

"You ..." Lin Zhi is also furious. The person in front of him is just like his realm, but now it is ridiculous and ironic. This makes Lin Zhi also a little bit angry. He himself is suffocated. With a taunt, even Lin Zhi was a bit unbearable, and hummed coldly: "If it is you, you

More wasteful than me. "


The man's eyes flickered and he grunted coldly.

Fu Qingxuan glanced at Lin Zhi lightly and said calmly, "But you met Nangong Yu?"

"No!" Lin Zhi shook his head.

"Is that Wang Fan or Jiang Taichong?" Fu Qingxuan frowned, saying a little displeasedly.


Lin Zhi shook his head again. The next moment, Fu Qingxuan's eyes became sharp. Fu Qingxuan looked at Lin Zhi lightly, without sorrow or joy, without knowing what he was thinking.

"So ... you're really waste."

"Brush ..."? As soon as he said this, Lin Zhi's face changed greatly, but he didn't dare to speak up in the face of Fu Qingxuan, because the gap between him and Fu Qingxuan was too big. He was a waste because Fu Qingxuan had the corresponding strength, Lin Zhi explained.

"It was a kid named Xia Ming who defeated me."

"Xia Ming!"

When Fu Qingxuan heard the words, he was slightly surprised: "It turned out that Brother Tongzheng was looking for someone."

The contradiction between innocence and Xia Ming has been known by many people, especially in the past, Tong Zhen went to the outside to find Xia Ming and wrote a challenge book, so many people avoided Xia Ming.

"It's really stepping on the iron shoes and looking for nothing ..." Fu Qingxuan's eyes narrowed, his flickers flashed, and his coldness rippled, Lin Zhi couldn't help shivering.

Fu Qingxuan said calmly, "Where is Xia Ming now?"

Lin Zhi paused: "Brother, it's not far away. I just fled here. They don't want to come far."

"Take me to him." Fu Qingxuan said in an unquestionable tone.


Lin Zhi didn't dare to disobey Fu Qingxuan's meaning, but said, "Please ask my brother to keep up."


Lin Zhi's speed was very fast, and he disappeared in the blink of an eye. When Fu Qingxuan and others saw the situation, they followed suit. Lin Zhi automatically slowed down to take care of everyone. Of course, Fu Qingxuan It was followed closely and slowly, and the speed was quite stable.

As the party progressed, they soon came to the place where Xia Ming arranged the array.

Lin Zhi did this, and he knew that it was a bit risky. If Fu Qingxuan could catch Xia Ming, then he could force Xia Ming to give up the antidote, and then he could make him want to die.

Of course, if he fails, he has something to say.

With the fast coming of the party, this was also very close to where Xia Ming and others were. Xia Ming's mental strength was always paying attention to every move around him. When he heard this rushing wind, Xia Ming He condensed in his heart and waved his hand to signal to the people around him to hide.

When everyone saw Xia Ming's meaning, they all hurriedly hid and did not dare to have the slightest intention.

"Brush ..."

When Lin Zhi landed, Fu Qingxuan who was behind Lin Zhi also fell. The place where they landed was naturally where Xia Ming arranged the array.

However, Fu Qingxuan was unaware.


Just after the two fell down, more than a dozen people fell on the ground behind them. At this moment, everyone present was looking around.

"What about people?" Fu Qingxuan gave Lin Zhi a cold look and said indifferently.

"We were here just now, caught by Xia Ming's surprise, maybe now they have left." Lin Zhi paused and said.

Fu Qingxuan frowned, a pair of sharp eyes suddenly looked around, but at this time, many people also saw this Fu Qingxuan.

Especially Liu Mengxi, Huang Yan and others, when they saw Fu Qingxuan's jade, his face suddenly changed at this moment.

"Fu Qingxuan ..."


They all inhaled a cool breath by accident, and looked at the familiar figure in front of them shocked. The young man was embarrassed, with a proud temperament on his body.

After seeing this person once, they never dared to forget, because this person is so famous.

This person is the four major generals of this innocence, is also a master of the innate realm, and they are the existence of this person to escape.

It never occurred to me that this Lin Zhi attracted such a super master, a master of innate realm, how could they be the opponent of this guy.

For a time, all the people present were nervous, masters who ambush the innate realm, they really got impatient, it was just that Lao Shougong was hanging ...

"Drink ..." At the next moment, a loud drinking sound followed, and then Xia Ming's hands changed quickly, and a complicated seal came out. There was an invisible barrier around it, which would instantly cover Fu Qingxuan and others Immediately afterwards, there was a change in front of everyone's eyes, but this was a boundless desert.

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