The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2207: Increased strength again

"Okay, now everyone is scattered." The elders' voices rippled between the heavens and the earth. Then the elders' body moved, and the streamer flew to the distance like a lightning. The elders' actions drew countless The man looked sideways. The people present looked enviously at the Seven Elders. The strength of the Seven Elders also made them

Some worship.

When the seven elders left, the next time there was an exclaimed voice: "Yes, have you seen Brother Zhenzhen?"

"Yes, what about Brother Tongzhen?"

As soon as this sentence came out, it caught the attention of countless people. All the people present couldn't help looking at it in all directions. After all, innocence and Xia Ming were the protagonists of this war, although they were defeated in Xia Ming's. Hands, but innocence is still the protagonist of this war.

They thought that innocence would come out early, but unexpectedly, innocence did not come out at all, so many people thought that innocence would come out with Xia Ming.

But such conditions now, childlike never appeared.

"It stands to reason, Brother Tongzhen should have come out, is it possible that Brother Tongzhen is still in the battlefield?" Someone couldn't help but say.

"Impossible? The door to this battlefield is about to close. What is he doing in it?" Someone couldn't help but say.

"What about that innocent brother? Have you ever seen it?" Someone asked again.

"What the **** is going on?"

For a while, people in the world were asking.

"Brother Innocent, dead ..."

At the next moment, the sound was like a flood, pouring out frantically. After hearing this sentence, countless people were all shocked.

"What are you talking about?" Some old disciples couldn't help exclaiming, "How could Brother Tongzhen die?"

"Brother Zhou Huang just talked about it. I accidentally heard that Brother Tongzhen was indeed killed by Xia Ming."


This sentence caused an uproar. The people present could not believe it. Brother Tongzhen was dead.

"How can this happen? Doesn't everyone who enters the battlefield have a jade charm? This jade charm can be rescued no matter how dangerous it is, why Brother Brothers will die?" Someone couldn't help asking.

For a while, no one could explain.

However, it is a fact that the innocence is dead, and no one can quibble. After all, no one has seen the innocence coming out of it, and even Zhou Huang said that the innocence is dead, so I am afraid that the innocence is really dead.

This could not help but the people present could not help but took a breath.

Especially these old people have a little more awe of Xia Ming.

They all know that the death of innocence has a lot to do with Xia Ming. If it weren't for Xia Ming, innocence would never die, and these conditions now shocked them.

Being able to defeat an innate late master and beheading an innate late master are two different things at all.

But Xia Ming actually killed the child.

How can they not be shocked.


These people suddenly found a very serious problem, if the innocence is dead, then the high-level of the martial arts cannot be unaware.

After all, this kind of thing can't be hidden from the high-levels of the martial arts, but why did the seven elders not mention it when they awarded awards?


After a long time, these people took another breath, and in their hearts, they all set off a stormy sea. Obviously, the martial arts were indifferent to the innocent death. It was not intended to hold Xia Ming accountable.

These people can't help but be shocked! The martial arts do not intend to investigate this matter, which is equivalent to escorting Xia Ming.

But think about it. It ’s true that such a genius is not enough for the martial arts to suppress Xia Ming. Such a genius is too important for the martial arts.

Not to mention that Xia Ming is a master of matrix formation.


Thinking of this, some old people were thinking, and secretly thought: "Brother innocence is a member of the League of Gods, although the senior members of the martial arts will not be held accountable for this, but this does not mean that the people of the League of God will not hold this Responsibility for things. "

They all know that in the next process, Xia Ming may be retaliated by the League of God. Unless Xia Mingken joins the League of God, the League of God may make this matter trivial.


In the next three days, the entire Xuan Xinzong was discussing the station between Xia Ming and Tongzhen, and the death of Tongzhen caused an uproar. Numerous disciples were talking about it.

And some people who do n’t understand also understand the grudge between Xia Ming and innocence! But even so, they were a little shocked to Xia Ming.

After all, Xia Ming is only in the early days of congenital, but he can cut off childlike innocence. Such strength has gradually fallen into the eyes of these people.

In this battle, Xia Ming can be described as a thoroughly famous Xuan Xinzong. Even countless high-level officials have fully understood Xia Ming's existence.

It is because of this battle that Xia Ming has won the favor of countless girls. Nowadays, countless girls are looking for Xia Ming. Because they cannot find Xia Ming, they began to find Xia Ming's friends. Xia Ming, it's just a bit hard for Han Qianyi.

So many girls are coming to you, which is a good thing in theory, but when these girls all come to you for Xia Ming, you will find out how hard this is. Forced things.

There are so many beautiful girls ... they all adore Xia Ming's heart, even Han Qianzhen is slightly envious.

However, as the initiator of this incident, Xia Ming cultivated on the mountain where the wine old man was.

For the past three days, Xia Ming has been recovering his injuries. After all, his battle with innocence also caused him minor injuries. If these injuries are not treated in time, it is likely to leave dark injuries on his body. Leaving dark wounds is extremely detrimental to future practice.

This can be quite fatal once a dark injury erupts.

Fortunately, Xia Ming is also a master of alchemy, and previously stored some elixir, plus Jiu Lao and the elixir given to him by Yao Lao, his injury is recovering quickly.

In just three days, all his injuries recovered, and even reached his peak. What made Xia Ming even more pleased was that he broke through again.

Not bad!

After a battle with innocence, this also made him feel a lot, and even made him break through the realm of innate and early innate.

Such a huge improvement, even Xia Ming was somewhat unexpected.

"Brush!" On this mountain peak, Xia Ming's eyes flashed a surprise light, murmured: "Sure enough, fighting is the best way to quickly improve strength."

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