The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2210: Nine Towers (3)

"Normal? Normal Master." Of course, Jiu Lao only cursed two words in his heart. He would not say these words casually, but said in a bland manner: "Okay, this practice speed is okay. It would be a little worse than the top geniuses. "


Xia Ming was speechless for a while.

"Well, let's talk about your problem now." Jiu Lao waved his hand and asked casually.


Xia Ming nodded and continued, "Master, now I have been promoted to the middle of the congenital, and 50% of the vitality in my body has been transformed into Reiki. If you wait until I have transformed all the other 50% of vitality, For Reiki, will I be promoted directly to Spiritual Realm? "


When Xia Ming finished speaking, Xia Ming suddenly realized that there seemed to be no sound. Xia Ming immediately looked up at Jiu Lao, but found that Jiu Lao was stagnant on the spot, and even opened his eyes and opened his mouth, as if stunned. Even eggs can be stuffed.


Xia Ming also did not expect that the reaction of Jiu Lao would be so great, which made Xia Ming a little speechless. Xia Ming looked at Jiu Lao and could not help but scream: "Master, Master!"

"Uh, uh."

Jiu Lao also woke up instantly under Xia Ming's call. Jiu Lao quickly looked at Xia Ming and asked with shock: "You mean, you now have 50% of your vitality transformed into Reiki?"


Xia Ming nodded and said.

"Don't move, let me see."

As soon as the words fell, Jiu Lao immediately came to Xia Ming's side. A pungent breath of alcohol came to his face, which made Xia Ming couldn't help but want to cough twice. This old wine is just a big wine. The jar, that taste, is too strong.

Xia Ming did not resist, he knew that Jiu Lao would not hurt him.

When Jiu Lao came to Xia Ming's body, as soon as he raised his hand, Xia Ming's right hand was raised, and then it fell on Xia Ming's wrist. Xia Ming felt a power coming from his wrist. This power was soft and would not cause any harm to him. Xia Ming did not reject this power, and Xia Ming also noticed that this power seemed to be in his body. The power is still a little different, where is the specific difference, Xia Ming said

Not coming out.

It lasted for about a minute before and after this, Jiu Lao retracted his palm, but at this moment Jiu Lao was shocked again by Xia Ming.

What a joke, Xia Ming actually turned 50% of his vitality into aura?

This is unheard of, unseen.

Even if he was well-informed, he never thought that someone could transform energy into aura in a priori, how could this be possible? How did this kid do it?

In the face of Xia Ming's doubt, even Jiu Lao was a bit shocked. According to his knowledge, this kind of thing seems to have never happened, and even Jiu Lao was difficult to answer for a while.

This is really strange.

Xia Ming stared at Jiu Lao, seemingly waiting for Jiu Lao to confuse him, but Xia Ming waited for a long time and did not see Jiu Lao talking, which made Xia Ming a little confused.

"Master, Master!" Xia Ming couldn't help but yelled twice, and Jiu Lao came back for a while. Jiu Lao coughed, and for a time, the old face flushed, and the horse's eggs were humming. Yes, I thought he could pretend to be a force in Xia Ming, but it's better now. This apprentice asked for the first time in history

Problem, and he was stumped.

"Master, do you know what's going on?" Xia Ming couldn't help asking.

"Know? I know a fart." Jiu Lao cursed in his heart, and he even suspected that Xia Ming had done it on purpose, intentionally embarrassing him.

Jiu Lao paused and asked, "Smelly boy, have you ever eaten any kind of treasure?"

"No." Xia Ming shook his head slightly, but Xia Ming did not say the specific method of converting his vitality into aura. After all, this thing was a bit strange. Xia Ming thought about it, and then said, "It can also be regarded as eating. Pass it, but only converted into aura of the previous, but now it has been converted

50%. "


Jiu Lao nodded slightly and said, "You have never seen anything like this in my impression, but since you have swallowed Tiancaidibao, you want to come to have a great relationship with your Tiancaidibao. You Being able to transform vitality into aura in the innate state is also your source of blessing, but ... "

Speaking of which, Jiu Lao's complexion became extremely dignified, saying: "In theory, if you want to turn into aura, you also need to turn to the spiritual realm. In the process of turning the spiritual realm into vitality, your physical strength will also Increase so as not to be able to withstand the hegemony of the aura. "

"Do you have any discomfort now?" Jiu Lao asked.


Xia Ming shook his head and said, "I feel my body is very relaxed now, the other ones are not a big problem."

"That's fine."

Jiu Lao heard this, and then he was slightly relieved, and said in a condensed voice: "However, if there are any problems with your body in the future, you should stop practicing immediately. After all, Reiki is not what the general body can afford. Reiki hurts his body, and it's troublesome. "

"I know."

Xia Ming nodded slightly.

"As for the question you asked, the old man didn't know. The old man tried to find a way for you to ask." Speaking of this, Jiu Lao is a little embarrassed. After all, a student asks himself a question, but he doesn't. This is really a shame.


Xia Ming was speechless for a long time, and Jiu Lao did not even know his specific condition at all, but fortunately, there was no major problem in his body.

Xia Ming thought for a while and looked at Jiu Lao. At this time, Jiu Lao said, "I'll go and ask the old man for medicine. Perhaps this old man knows that if you are all right now, you will go straight to the Nine Towers. Layers, can bring you huge benefits, your kid should pay attention. "

"it is good."

Xia Ming nodded, and even the wine masters valued the Nine Towers so much. Xia Ming was also curious. What kind of tower is this Nine Towers?

Even wine old people are so respected.

You know the strength of Jiu Lao is unfathomable.

Thinking of this, when Xia Ming turned his head and looked at Jiu Lao, he found that Jiu Lao had no idea when he left here, which made Xia Ming cried and laughed. This old man was too hot.

Xia Ming shook his head, a pair of eyes, looked into the distance, secretly thought: "Since this is the case, then I also go to the Nine Towers, I hope it will not disappoint me." Thinking of this, Xia Ming's figure moved , Also disappeared in place.

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