The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2217: Terrible eighth (1)


The appearance of this scene caused a commotion, and many disciples of Xuan Xinzong looked at this scene heavily, full of shock.

"Xia Ming actually entered the eighth, how could this be, how could he enter the eighth?"

"This guy, is he too kinky?"

"This guy ..." Even Nangong Yan couldn't help but took a cool breath, his face full of shock, how abnormal was the seventh weight, he knew best, but two more realms than him. Seven masters, that is to say, if Xia Ming is a congenital medium, then in this seventh

There are seven innate masters. Only by destroying these seven innate late masters will Xia Ming be able to advance to the eighth. Since ancient times, I don't know how many people are stuck in this seventh. They can survive the seventh and all are top. Super master, however, has been able to pass the eighth heavy person in so many years,

Only Nangong is alone.

As for other people who can break through this seventh, it is also a very small number of beings.

But now that Xia Ming has broken through this seventh, does it not mean that Xia Ming has the potential to sprint to become this true disciple.

Many people look at each other.

"This guy is really a pervert." Jiang Taichong said with a bitter smile. "I thought I could catch up with him. Seeing this, it seems difficult to catch up with this guy." "Yeah ... this guy, It ’s really an outrageous evildoer, and I do n’t know how he cultivates. He does n’t say how fast he cultivates, even his combat power is so bad. ”Rao is Wang Fan, and he is full of respect for Xia Ming Xia Ming was only a master in the past, but he was

Chu is very.

How long before, Xia Ming has become a master of innate level, such talent and strength, is really appalling.

Now Xia Ming's progress is so fast that he has reached a point where he can't even reach them.

"It looks like I have a chance to compare it with him." Nangong Yan's eyes showed a strong sense of war, whispered softly.

"Do you want to compete with him?" Both Wang Fan and Jiang Taichong looked at Nangong Yan suddenly, and couldn't help asking.

"Hmm!" Nangong Yan nodded slightly.


Both of them were shaking, especially the warfare in Nangong's eyes, which also rendered the two of them. From Nangong's eyes, they saw an indomitable.

"No wonder Nangong Yu can become No. 1 in the Xuanbang." The two also sighed slightly, this kind of mentality is not what they can compare.


However, the eighth in this nine-tower.

There is a figure who is fighting horribly with eight figures. This figure is escaping everywhere, and there are some injuries on this body.


With a loud noise, the whole ground shook fiercely.

"Hey." Xia Ming hurriedly avoided the attack, and pointed in one direction, volleying a few times, and then he was able to stabilize his body. Xia Ming could not help but curse: "By ... what a ghost place, Your uncle, the seventh one suddenly appeared seven masters in the late period, which scared me and cost so much

It cost them a great deal to kill them. This eighth, actually, there are eight masters who have the innate peaks, you two uncles and three uncles. "Even Xia Ming almost scolded his mother. According to his ideas, this seventh point should only be a master of innate late, but it never occurred to me that seven appeared at once, so he wasted a lot. Strength, so I learned a trick in the fingers of the killing fairy, and killed these seven guys


At the eighth level, after seeing the eight people in front of him, Xia Ming was even more embarrassed and almost fainted. The eighth level turned out to have eight masters of innate peaks. This is the master of innate peaks. Eight, did you come out to make me play?

How else can I fight? Definitely a failure.

"Hmm ..."

Another one hit directly on Xia Ming's back. A muffled sound came. Xia Ming also spit out blood, and his back flew forward fiercely.


The next time, the eight figures occupied eight directions, surrounded Xia Ming, staring sharply at Xia Ming, the vitality in his body swept away.

At this moment, Xia Ming really has no way to heaven and no door to the ground.

"How to do?"

Being attacked by eight people, Xia Ming was also impatient. The strength of these people was really terrible, and they were suddenly attacked by eight people!

If you want to escape, it is obviously impossible to observe these people.

Is it necessary to use Tianyuan magic soldiers?

At this moment, Xia Ming thought of Tianyuan Shenbing. Tianyuan Shenbing is a very powerful weapon. However, if he uses Tianyuan Shenbing more often, it will inevitably be discovered by people who care about it. If they find it, then it is not good.

For a time, even Xia Ming's face was a little cloudy.

These eight people are really too difficult.

"No, that's wrong."

Xia Ming thought again: "Since this is the place where Xuanxinzong disciples tried, there is a martial arts inside, then there must be a glimmer of hope. Otherwise, no one can break through this eighth, then, this The existence of the Nine Towers also lost his original meaning. "

"There must be a breakthrough."

Xia Ming's brain is running fast, and I want to see some breakthroughs in these eight people, but these eight people are almost the same. Their every move makes you hardly find any flaws, but the more so, the more Increasingly firmed Xia Ming's inner thoughts.

Nothing in the world is flawless, and there will always be certain loopholes, and everything is no exception.

Xia Ming's eyes were staring at these eight people!

"Where is the breach?"

Xia Ming's eyes flickered! It was also anxious, after all, these eight people were too terrible. If he doesn't find the breakthrough as soon as possible, he will have to explain here.

"Is it the massacre?"

Xia Ming suddenly thought of this martial art. This martial art is a very peculiar martial art, and it is also a martial art of great power. Perhaps this breakthrough can be found through this martial art.

From this point forward, he learned the three fingers in Xia Ming's fingers, Xia Ming's faint feeling, after these three fingers, there is, but he has never learned.

Perhaps this eighth is where he learns the fourth finger.

Xia Ming's eyes flickered, and he shouted, "Finger strikes."

The aura and vitality in the body burst out suddenly. At this moment, Xia Ming's power broke out exponentially. One finger fell from the sky. This finger was severely suppressed against eight people.

"Destroy me."


These eight figures are not fuel-saving lamps. They are all masters of innate peaks. If they meet other people, they may have lost, but the strength of these eight people is extremely arrogant. In the face of Xia Ming's overbearing martial arts, these eight individuals have exerted their martial arts with a loud bang, and there are actually some cracks on this finger.

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