The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2231: All conversions

Xia Ming naturally will not underestimate this Daxia dynasty. Now he is relying on the protection of the martial arts. How can this Daxia dynasty not treat it? Even if he kills him, Xuan Xinzong will never turn his face to the Daxia Dynasty for him.


Because a dead person has no use value at all, Xia Ming still knows this world very well.

Thinking of this, Xia Ming took a deep breath and secretly thought: "Daxia Dynasty, it's better not to come, if you dare to stretch your claws over, don't mind chopping him."

Xia Ming's eyes twinkled twice. At this moment, even Xia Ming's heart couldn't help beating. At this time, Xia Ming suddenly looked at Han Qianxuan and asked: "Dragon head, this time Have you thought of a way back to Earth? "

Han Qianyi heard this, shook his head, and said, "Although the earth is in communication with this place, but there is no formation method. If you want to go to the earth from here, it is basically a foolish dream. Unless you enter the space-time tunnel, this is too dangerous. , One accidentally will be obliterated by the space-time tunnel. "

Xia Ming nodded and said, "Dragon, I have a way to go back to the earth. I wonder if you want to go back?"


At this moment, Han Qianzhen was shocked and asked, "Do you have a way to go back?"

"Huh!" Xia Ming nodded. For this matter, Xia Ming did not conceal Han Qianji, Han Qianji said solemnly: "Xia Ming, if you have a way to go back, don't let other people know that on earth Although resources are scarce, even Reiki has collapsed, but this ca n’t be sustained on earth.

If these people's toss is known by others, they may not do something else. "

"I know."

Xia Ming nodded. Of course, only he knew the method of returning to the earth this time, and even if he was only through the system, he could return to the earth. It is difficult for others to return to the earth through him.

"As for me ..." Having said that, Han Qianji shook his head slightly, and said, "I have nothing to nostalgia for the earth, and it doesn't make much sense to go back. I might as well stay here."

Xia Ming respected Han Qianji's choice. After all, Han Qianji also had no intention of entering the earth at the time. Although the earth was good, it was too cozy. Compared to their martial arts, they were not very willing to be on the earth because of this environment. Would have deserted their martial arts.

Xia Ming talked with Han Qianji for two sentences, and through the chat, Xia Ming suddenly thought of a huge problem, that is, the issue of time.

But he remembered that he had spent the whole two months in that weird place before, but it was only known through Han Qianji that it had only passed two days.

how can that be? He remembered that it was obviously two months. How could it only take two days to come to his mind, thinking of Xuan Sheng's words at the time, and then the next moment, Xia Ming finally understood it.

It must be because of the time flow rate, that is to say, the time flow rate in that place is different from that of the outside world, which slightly shocked Xia Ming.

For a time, he felt that Xuan Xinzong was a little bit strange, how could Xuan Xinzong have such a profound knowledge.

Confused, Xia Ming didn't think too much.

However, in the next two days, Xia Ming did not sit idle, but absorbed all the spirit beads he got. In the past two days, the entire Xuan Xinzong was fairly calm. However, the name Xia Ming has been talked about by many people. Xia Ming broke into the Nine Tower, and many people admired it, even more, some People directly regard Xia Ming as an idol. As for those girls, they are also Xia Ming.

Ming has some admiration.


This is the place where Xia Ming retreats.

At this moment, Xia Ming was surrounded by auras, and these auras even formed a substantial mist!


Just the next moment, there was a suction in Xia Ming's body. With the occurrence of this suction, the vitality in Xia Ming's body was also rapidly transformed. After Xia Ming absorbed the external aura, Xia Ming's Inside the body, there have been earth-shaking changes.

In Xia Ming's Dantian, there is actually a strange energy. This energy destroys the world and can even move mountains and reclaim the sea. The fullness of that power makes Xia Ming a little excited. .


Xia Ming flicked his finger, it was a flash of light that ran out like lightning, a loud bang, and the huge rock in front of Xia Ming was torn apart instantly. The terrible power made Xia Ming take a sip Cool air.

Xia Ming stared blankly at the scene in front of him. He couldn't believe his eyes.

"It's strong ... is this aura?" At this moment, Xia Ming, the whole person had undergone earth-shaking changes, and even Xia Ming didn't know how to rely on his strength. He vaguely felt that now He is still in the state of congenital midterms, but, vaguely feels that he is not a congenital midterm, but gathers spirits


This contradiction made Xia Ming not know how to judge his strength for a while, because his strength growth was really incredible.

Today's Xia Ming also transforms all the vitality in his body into reiki. After transforming into reiki, Xia Ming also found a huge problem, that is, diet.

Before turning all the vitality into reiki, Xia Ming still needs to eat the grains.


After Xia Ming transformed all the vitality into reiki, Xia Ming felt vaguely. This heaven and earth reiki is like reiki. As long as the reiki is enough, he will not starve to death basically, that is, now He has reached the fabled realm.

Xia Ming had an indescribable surprise in his heart that turned all his energy into aura, which also made him a huge change. This is almost a qualitative change.

Now he feels that even if he fights against these innate late masters, he can completely kill each other. For his current strength, even he is somewhat unsure about what kind of state he has reached. After Xia Ming transformed all the vitality into aura, Xia Ming finally received the news. Today's people and horses are ready to go to the place of the Yuanshi mine. There are a total of seven people, among them the masters of the spiritual realm. Named Mare, this man is a master of transmigration

, And also a core disciple.

The others are Baihe, Jiang Yunan, Nangongyu, Jiang Taichong, Wang Fan and Xia Ming. They are a group of seven people, so powerful, even if they are some small martial arts, I am afraid to provoke them.

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