The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2234: Earn honor points

"You ... the idiot is dreaming."

The middle-aged man was furious and was joking. It was his daughter behind him. How could Su Ming leave like this? If so, he was a father.


The wicked King Jin showed a fierce look, staring coldly at the middle-aged man, and said coldly: "Since toasting and not eating and drinking, then no one should leave today."

"Small boys, give me and kill me all who resist."


"Bang ..."

The sound of fighting rang out, and for a while, the killing sound was soaring, and the strong **** taste also swelled with it. At this moment, Xia Ming and others all frowned slightly.

"Let's go." At this time Mare looked at the battlefield indifferently, and his indifferent voice sounded openly. Obviously, Mare did not want to help.

At this time, Jiang Tai frowned and asked: "Should we not go up and help?"

Bai He heard his words, but shook his head slightly, and said blandly: "This kind of thing has been happening all the time since ancient times. It can help for a while, and it can't help for a while. If they can survive the difficulties, this is their creation. It will be their lives. "

Xia Ming heard his words and frowned, and he also knew that in such a place, human lives were cheap and worthless! If it was him, he would not be willing to help.

After all, it may lead to some horrible masters.

Charmington paused and said, "If I do, will it cause us trouble?"

For these 500,000 honor points, Xia Ming still hopes to get them, but this is 500,000 honor points, even for him, it is a lot of numbers.

This is of course the best available.

I can draw at least five times.

"If you have to take a shot, that's fine." Bai He shook his head slightly and said, "But you are sure you want to save these people? You know, in this world, there are no good people."

Xia Ming nodded slightly and whispered softly: "Since you see it, meeting is a fate, then help them."

"Well then, you go, we are waiting for you here," Bai He paused. "If you are not, you can say hello to us."

"Thank you Brother."

Xia Ming held his fist slightly. At this time, Mare's gaze was cast over, and he gave a slight glance and did not speak, but Mare stopped and projected his gaze into the battlefield.

When he noticed Mare's movement, Xia Ming also understood Mare's meaning. At this time, Jiang Taichong and Wang Fan both said: "Xia Ming, go, we two will help you."

"it is good!"

Xia Ming nodded slightly, without refusal, and his body moved as fast as they ran towards the battlefield like lightning.

"Hmm ..."

The middle-aged man in the battlefield was blown away by the wicked King Dad, and then he spit out blood. It is clear that this middle-aged man is not the opponent of the King Dad.


Seeing this, the girl was tense, and hurried to the middle-aged man, staring nervously at the middle-aged man: "Daddy, are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

The middle-aged man's eyes showed a strong sense of killing, and at the same time his heart was anxious. Today, I'm afraid he has to explain here, which makes the middle-aged man desperate.

"Yan, wait a moment, you run away immediately, don't worry about your father." Su Ming couldn't help but say.

"No, dad, Yaner doesn't leave." Su Yaner's tears were like drops of water. From this pretty face, he slipped down, looking abnormally sad and worried.

"Want to leave?"

The sound of Jin Da's wicked sound was in this space. Haha laughed. The laughter was full of disdain and sneer. Jin's wicked said indifferently: "Today, none of you can go."


The wicked King Jin gave a swift shout, and the vitality in his body burst out suddenly. The knife in his hand was severely chopped at Su Ming. This knife was mixed with endless killing intentions.

It seems that King Jin is planning to end Su Ming with one stroke.

At this time, Su Ming was horrified. She pushed Su Yaner away and tried to fight hard, but in the next frame, a figure slowly appeared in front of the big villain, and she slowly lifted it up. A long sword.

"Ding Jing ..."

Accompanied by the sound of a Jin Ge collision, this sword was blocked by this long sword. The sudden situation also made the people between the heavens and the earth a little stunned, even the big wicked man was surprised. Looking forward.

This is in sight, but it is a young man!

At this moment, Xia Ming stood here so quietly, holding a sword and maintaining a defensive posture. At this time, Xia Ming looked indifferently at Jin Jin's wicked man and grinned.


The wicked man Jin then reacted, and was furious, snapped a stern cry, stared at Xia Ming, his eyes surging.

"Boy, who are you? Report to the name, I am the wicked King, do not kill the unknown."

The evil King Jin stared at Xia Ming full of anger. Despite saying that the sword was blocked by Xia Ming, the evil King Jin suppressed his inner killing intention.

He is not a fool. At this critical moment, he naturally retains a trace of reason. On this ancient continent, there are many people he can't provoke. If he kills them rashly, it will probably be an endless disaster. .

"Xuan Xinzong, Xia Ming." Xia Ming's faint voice sounded open. As soon as the voice came out, the face of Jin Da's wicked changed slightly, and he looked at Xia Ming with a bit of horror, revealing a strong fear. The evil King Jin is very jealous of this Xuan Xinzong. What is the matter, Xuan Xinzong is also the gate of this recent one?


If he provoked Xuan Xinzong's master, he really has no way to heaven and no way to the ground.

For a while, the wicked King Jin was a little cloudy.

Obviously, the wicked man of Jin is also struggling. Do you want to continue fighting or just retreat?

Perceiving this stalemate atmosphere, Bai He, who was far away, smiled a little, and said, "Our master, we are really nosy."


Jiang Yunan smiled. This smile was just like the blooming lilies. It was very beautiful. If it wasn't for the wrong birth, Jiang Yunan would definitely be the kind of country.

Unfortunately, Jiang Yunan is a man.

Jiang Yunan whispered softly: "If only we could let our little master suffer a little bit, outside there are some gossips, but it's not so easy to manage."

"But ... why do I always feel like something is not right?" Bai He paused. "What's wrong?" Jiang Yunan shook his head slightly and said, "That guy, the strength is not weak, and now he has reached the state of innate peaks. He can be promoted to congenital perfection in just one step. Compared to both of us, it is not bad. Then. "

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