The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2237: Little friend was stunned

With Xia Ming's angry roar, the attack passed directly over Mare.


The attack slammed behind Mare's body. Mare's body fluttered, and he flew forward. Mare was in the air for several laps before he could stand his body.

"Boom boom!"

The deafening sound kept coming, and the ground was shaking fiercely. At this time, several people between the heavens and the earth were all stagnant on the spot. They looked directly at the place where Xia Ming attacked, but Horrified to find that the place was directly razed to the ground.

The terrible attack also exudes a devastating taste. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they could not believe that everything in front of them was caused by Xia Ming.

And the Mare who had escaped from the calamity looked at his back with anxiety at this moment. At this moment, all his back was soaked, and Mare looked at the scene in shock with his face. I don't know what to say.


All the people present couldn't help but took a breath, and they all looked at Xia Ming in shock, unable to speak for a long time.

"This ... this ..." Wang Fan said dullly.

"What a terrible attack, such an attack ... so terrible," Nangong Ai couldn't help muttering.


Mare suppressed his inner fear and hurried to Xia Ming's side. Even others came to Xia Ming. At this time, Mare couldn't help looking at Xia Ming and whispered, "Master Xia Ming, You just exhausted yourself? "


As soon as this sentence came out, the rest of the people couldn't help looking at Xia Ming, seemingly waiting for Xia Ming's answer in general.

Xia Ming hesitated for a moment, then said: "Just just used a martial art, if you say all the cards ... this is not the strongest."



Even Mare couldn't help yelling, staring at Xia Ming with a look of surprise, Mare was a bit surprised by Xia Ming.

Suddenly, I have seen Niubi, I have never seen such Niubi. Just after Xia Ming's attack, even he was shocked by a cold sweat. At first, he thought that no matter how bad he was, he was also a triple spirit. Master, blocking Xia Ming's blow should be enough? However, when Xia Ming's attack was about to fall on him, he found that he was wrong and wrong, and the power that Xia Ming radiated at that time was no more than those masters who gathered in the spirit realm. Weak, that is to say, the current Xia Ming even has a masterful spirit master.


If there is a gap, I am afraid it can only be a gap in the amount of Reiki.

The attack was just a scare, but it scared him to death. If it wasn't for him shouting at a critical moment, then Xia Ming hurriedly changed the attack direction. I am afraid that the attack would be enough to make him deeply wounded. It is too much to kill him, this attack is really terrifying.

But Xia Ming said, fuck, this is not his strongest hole card. He still has hole cards? If he fires all his hole cards, what kind of horror will his strength reach?

At this time, the remaining six people were all silent, and the whole group looked at Xia Ming as a monster, and suddenly felt that the gap between them was too large.

Especially Nangong Yu, he thought that with his talent, even Xia Ming's practice speed would not fall too much, but he found that the gap between himself and Xia Ming was really getting bigger and bigger. . The most **** thing is probably Baihe and Jiang Yunan. Xia Ming has such a terrifying strength before he has been promoted to the inner door. If Xia Ming is willing, the number one in this list is really like searching for something. Ah, even Xia Ming is at the top of the list.


Is this guy still human?

After such a big battle, Xia Ming knew more or less about his own strength. Now his strength should be a master of the triple mastery of the spirit realm.

Xia Ming looked at the disappointed people and couldn't help saying, "Brothers, shouldn't we be on our way?"

Xia Ming's reminder pulled all of them back from shock. At this time, Wang Fan and others all gave a thumbs up to Xia Ming and sighed: "I'm convinced, Xia Ming ... you are probably us Xuan Xinzong, the most gifted disciple. "

Xia Ming heard that it was a little embarrassing, and apparently he was a little embarrassed to say the other side, but it was right to think about it, his improvement in strength was really a bit abnormal.

Mare also sighed slightly and said, "Master Xia Ming, it seems that you can catch up to these hundred battles this time. It is really gratifying."

Marley also put down his body, and no longer had the pride he had before. He was also completely convinced by Xia Ming. The blow that was just enough was enough to kill him. Fortunately, he is smart, if not, he is already suffering Wrecked.


Xia Ming said a little embarrassingly, "Brothers, everyone is better off not telling me, it is best not to let the people who visit the ghost king mountain know, after all, we still have a task to do this time."


Bai He heard the words, his eyes lighted up immediately, and said immediately: "Master Xia Ming can be used as our hole card, if there is something that does not have long eyes, hum."

Speaking of which, Bai Han's eyes glanced over a few mangs, and the mangs flickered, as if he had thought of some kind of picture.

Mare heard that and nodded slightly. If so, they could indeed use Xia Ming as their hole card on such a trip to Ghost King Mountain. At this critical moment, Xia Ming could even play a key role.

"it is good!"

Ma Lei said: "Master Xia Ming, you carefully hide your strength, this is of great benefit to us."

"it is good!"

Xia Ming nodded and agreed.

"That being the case, let's start now."

Maretton paused.


Bai He and others have set foot on the wind, and they have not converted their vitality into aura, so it is impossible to fly in the air, but Xia Ming can do it. Xia Ming lost his hands behind his back and stepped in the void. Under this foot, there seemed to be a group of auras supporting Xia Ming. The speed of the flight was also quite fast, and the consumption of this aura was also quite rare. Said that a master of spirituality can fly all the time

Go on, of course, provided he has that spirit. Strength goes to strength, and spirit goes to spirit. If you do n’t have spirit, you ca n’t help it.

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