The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2263: In hand


Xia Ming's palm snapped, and the chair on Li's left was instantly torn apart. This was not only a fright for Li Tianzhang. Even the people around him were frightened. They all thought that Li Tianzhang would die.

Seeing that Xia Ming did not kill Li Tianmao, the people present were relieved. Li Tianmao was a court man. This person ignored the court. If Li Tianmao was beheaded, I am afraid it will also lead to a court investigation!

Therefore, they thought that Xia Ming did not slay Li Tianzhang, and he was also concerned about the court.

Xia Ming said lightly: "Give away your storage ring, and immediately get out of the way, narcissus girl, it is not something you can dye, don't come here to find narcissus girl again."


As soon as Xia Ming made this remark, the people present were suddenly realized.

"It's because of the narcissus girl?"

Everyone at the scene knew that there was a girl in Li Chun Yuan. This girl was acting but not selling herself, but she did harm to the country and the people. This made countless people want to look at the narcissus girl's face!

However, if you want to see this narcissus girl's face, you need great power and strength, because anyone who can see the narcissus girl is an eminent and noble man of the Great Xia Dynasty. As for other people, it ’s really not an ordinary difficulty to meet. Of course, everyone knows that narcissus girls are as beautiful as fair people. There are countless people who want to marry narcissus girls. At the meeting, many people's congresses fought. At the beginning, he

We thought there was any resentment between Xia Ming and Li Tianzhang.

It turned out that it was all because of the narcissus girl.

Because of the words of the narcissus girl, then this makes sense.

At this moment, Li Tianzhang, a face became extremely gloomy, because the narcissus girl made herself ugly in front of so many people. Damn, who is this bastard?

Li Tianyi scolded Xia Ming ten thousand times in his heart! The complexion is extremely vulgar!


As soon as Li Tianyi gritted his teeth and hummed coldly, he wanted to leave here, but before waiting for Li Tianyi's corner of yours, Xia Ming's faint voice sounded.


Xia Ming's indifferent vocal sound frightened Li Tianzhang. Li Tianzhang was stiff, turned around, looked at Xia Ming, gritted his teeth and said, "Today, Li Tianzhang admits to planting, Your Excellency What do you want to do. "

"Hand over the storage ring," Xia Ming said coldly.

"You ..."? Li Tianchi looked at Xia Ming angrily and scolded harshly: "You don't go too far. If I falsely accuse the court, the court will definitely punish you."

He did n’t say that, but he also grabbed his storage ring. What a joke, his storage ring is a treasure of his life. If it was given to Xia Ming, how will he cultivate in the future, so Li Tianzhang He didn't want to give it, even threatened Xia Ming directly with the court, but he also knew.

Because visiting Yaozi, even if the court knows it, there will be no good results. Unless he is dead, the court will not control it.

"There is so much nonsense!" Xia Ming frowned, a flashed body, came to Li Tianyu's body, Li Tianyu hurriedly activated the vitality in his body, and wanted to resist Xia Ming's attack, but Li Tianyi discovered Jinghai's The speed is quite fast, even to a certain extent, which surprised Li Tianmao.

He couldn't hide at all.

"Hmm ..."

Xia Ming's punch hit Li Tianying's chest. Li Tianying's eyes widened, his mouth opened wide, and he looked at Xia Ming.

"Oh!" At the next moment, Li Tianyu spit out blood directly, and his body was like a cannonball. He flew upside down severely, smashing the table in an instant, and banged. Li Tianyu rolled his eyes and fainted Dead, look like this, in two days, I'm afraid it's hard to wake up


The people present were holding their breath, looking at Xia Ming in front of them nervously. The people present swallowed their mouths and couldn't help taking a step back!

Xia Ming gave a faint glance at Li Tianyu who fainted, and sneered, "I can't help it. If I do this early, everything will be resolved."

As soon as Xia Ming waved his hand, the storage ring on Li Tianying's hand fell off and came to Xia Ming's hand. Xia Ming probed into the storage ring and waited until he saw the ring. After the token, Xia Ming nodded his head with satisfaction, and then looked at the people indifferently.


The people present couldn't help but take two steps back, and seemed to be afraid of Xia Ming's anger, killing them.

Xia Ming stepped forward and left the Lichun Academy. Before taking two steps, Xia Ming's voice sounded openly and said indifferently: "Looking forward to the narcissus girl, get ready, tomorrow will come next. I hope the narcissus girl will appreciate her face. "

As soon as this statement was made, all the people present changed their faces slightly. When Li Tianchi was beaten, the court could not ignore it, unless the power of this person was so great that the court would not care about Li Tianzhang. This is very likely that it was a certain court of the court! For a while, all the people present were trying to get in.

Where did this person come from, how could it be so horrible?

This sentence makes it clear that if Li Tianmao comes revenge casually, people will not be afraid at all.

The people present were silent, they looked at the gradual distant figure, and said nothing.

"Hurry up, please ask the pharmacist to see Master Li."

When Xia Ming left here, a rush of voice followed, and Xia Ming left here, instantly concealed his shape, and quickly made his way to the prison. However, Xia Ming didn't know that there was a young girl in the pavilion. The girl has been paying attention to the situation downstairs, especially when she saw Xia Ming's jab, and the girl's eyes were also A little different beauty was revealed, and the girl smiled sweetly, not knowing what she was thinking


"It's really a funny little man."

No one has heard this sentence. If I heard it, it might cause uproar, right?

Xia Ming came to this prison soon. Xia Ming was moving fast, and Xia Ming knew that he had to rescue Han Qianyu and Bai Bingqing from the prison as soon as possible, but Chi was changed!

Now Xia Linlang, they are all directed at themselves. Such a situation, they also want to leave themselves directly here, if they do not save people in advance, I am afraid they are all dangerous.

Xia Ming changed a face, and his face was shrouded in aura, which made people unable to see the depth. Xia Ming stepped toward the gate of Tianyao quickly!

Within a few steps, Xia Ming came to the gate of Tianyao. When Xia Ming came to the gate of Tianyao, Xia Ming looked at the people indifferently. At this time, the gatekeeper stopped Xia Ming and said quietly. . "Heavenly, idlers are free."

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