The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2274: Xia Ming who returned


In the distant sky, there are several figures, flying as fast as the Kings of the Kingdom of Daxia flew at lightning speed, and even a sound boom sounded. These people have a huge breath and have passed by. They all brought up a chicken and a dog jump, and many people talked about it.

"Eh!"? Eh "What the hell?" Someone couldn't help asking.

"It seems like a dark shadow flies over." Another said.

"Is Xuan Xinzong a master, is Xuan Xinzong a master?" Someone could not help but took a breath and said excitedly.

"Master of Xuan Xinzong?"

Many people heard the words, all of them were slightly surprised, and asked in wonder: "How did the master of Xuan Xinzong run to the Daxia Dynasty?"

"Yes, as far as I know, although there is no contradiction between Xuan Xinzong and the Da Xia Dynasty, it is definitely not close. Such masters who step into the Da Xia Dynasty should not come to play. Right? "Someone couldn't help but say.

"It is said that ... At this time, His Royal Highness had a conspiracy." Someone whispered suddenly.

"Conspiracy?" The people present were all frowned, and then frowned, and immediately asked: "What the **** is going on?" "There is a genius named Xia Ming in Xuan Xinzong. The prince of the Great Xia Dynasty, His Royal Highness set up a bureau and arrested a woman named Han Qianyu and Bai Bingqing. The purpose was to attract Xia Ming. "Some people who know the matter said carefully.



The words made these people shake and said, "You said that Xia Ming beheaded the three princes of the Daxia Dynasty. Is this guy enough?"

"Yeah ... so the Daxia monarch is angry and is about to kill Xia Ming." The man said again.

"That said, Xuan Xinzong's people came for Xuan Xinzong's disciples." Some keen people immediately realized the relationship between them.

The Daxia dynasty caught Xuan Xinzong's disciples. The people of Xuan Xinzong will certainly not give up. At that time, the two behemoths will face each other. Once Xuan Xinzong and the Daxia dynasty went to war, the consequences are unimaginable!

"Let's go and see the Daxia Dynasty together. What's going on?"

The movement of some curious human beings is transformed into a stream of light running quickly towards the distance, which is also the direction in which the Daxia Dynasty is located.

Obviously, they all want to see what is going on.


"咻咻!" At the same time! In this other direction, there was a figure moving fast. This figure was dressed in a black shirt, red, and looked a little excited.

This figure is truly Xia Ming. Xia Ming did not know where he was teleported. In short, here is a long distance from the Great King of Xia. After Xia Ming found the direction of Xuan Xinzong, he ran quickly towards Xuan Xinzong. After all, here is too dangerous, if Xia Linlang issued an order, the entire King of Xia

North Korea will be closed.

It ’s just that it will take some time for this order to be issued. I am afraid that this guy is still thinking about it, is he still in the capital of the Great King of Xia?

Xia Ming couldn't help but be a little funny. Now he has evacuated the treasure house of Daxia King Capital, which will definitely make Daxia King capital hurt. Think of Xia Linlang's face, Xia Ming can't help but smile.

This time, Xia Linlang has suffered twice, right? Really speaking, I am afraid that only Xia Ming did it, even if it was Li Xuantong of Xuan Xinzong, it was absolutely impossible to do so.

Fortunately, he was not so far away from Xuan Xinzong, and his direction did not deviate too much. If he was teleported to the opposite direction of Xuan Xinzong, even Xia Ming would cry.

Xia Ming's body swept frequently in the air, and the speed was also quite fast. After flying for about five days, Xia Ming came to the range of Xuan Xinzong. Xia Ming found a sparsely populated place and turned Han Qianyu And Bai Bingqing released it from the Qiankun ring.

When Han Qianzhen and Bai Bingqing appeared, they were both slightly surprised. When they saw Xia Ming, they couldn't help but said, "We are out."

"Xia Ming! How is it now?" Han Qianyu asked quickly: "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

Xia Ming's spirit was a bit sluggish. Who he changed to, hurrying day and night, after five days, it is estimated that his spirit will not be too good.

Xia Ming took a deep breath and said, "Now we are within the territory of Xuan Xinzong."

"So we escaped?" Bai Bingqing gave Xia Ming a shocked look and asked inconceivably.

"Well, escaped."


Bai Bingqing couldn't help taking a sigh of cold air, but she knew that this big Xia dynasty was like a dragon-tan tiger cave, but he escaped. How could this be?

Even if a master of metamorphosis enters the Daxia dynasty, there is almost no death. Is someone in the martial arts here?

Thinking of this, Bai Bingqing couldn't help but ask, "Are we sent by someone?"

"No!" Xia Ming shook his head.


Bai Bingqing's pretty face changed, and he took a deep look at Xia Ming, but deep in his eyes, it was mixed with a little shock, which was too horrible. Xia Ming escaped from the Xia Dynasty.

Who doesn't know, Tianbao is extremely well-guarded, and Xia Ming not only rescued them from the prison, but also fled the Daxia Dynasty. Such strength, such talent, even Bai Bingqing is not as good.

"Now that we have entered the range of Xuan Xinzong, we don't need to be afraid of the people of the Daxia Dynasty, we will rush to the mountain gate now." Xia Ming said a little hurriedly.

"Okay!" Han Qianji nodded his head. During this time, they were locked in the sky prison by the Daxia Dynasty, which caused them a lot of fear.

"Let's go."

Xia Ming took a deep breath, emptied his feet, and ran towards Xuan Xinzong. The reason why Xia Ming did this was to avoid exposing the Qiankun ring.

At this time, Bai Bingqing kept up with Xia Ming's speed, and stood side by side with Xia Ming. Bai Bing cleared himself, "I will help you keep secret."

"Thank you." Xia Ming glanced at Bai Bingqing in surprise, and he naturally knew what Bai Bingqing said. If this thing is exposed, I am afraid that the entire ancient continent will cause a **** storm. The container containing people is too precious. If people do n’t want to move, I ’m afraid

Some elders know that they will be tempted.

"Thank you." Bai Bingqing gave Xia Ming a complicated look, his red lips lightly opened, and he whispered softly.

"Oh, we are friends, aren't we?" Xia Ming smiled slightly. "Well, we are friends." When Bai Bingqing uttered this sentence again, his face was very serious, and seemed to recognize Xia Ming as a friend, but Xia Ming heard a smile and said nothing.

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