The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2299: The strength of the League of Gods


That is, at this time, there were several figures coming out of the air, and the speed was quite fast. A few breaths, these figures came to the performance martial arts field.

Such movements naturally attracted the attention of many people!

"Oh!" Xia Ming and others all looked up at these figures, but the three people came. These three figures crossed the sky in a few breaths and came to Xia Ming's side. , The huge breath came on, the terrible power made the people around couldn't help but take a few steps back


"Master of spirits."

As soon as this word came out, countless eyes gathered on these three figures, exclaiming: "It is an elite disciple."

"His, elite disciples, what are they doing here?" Someone couldn't help asking immediately.

"And you see no, they are wearing the League of Gods clothes."

"The League of God ... is that ..."


At this moment, everyone's eyes were all focused on Xia Ming and Shen Wudi. The Shen Wudi who was about to leave, his eyes flashed, and he looked sharply at the League of Gods. There was a little coldness between the looks. meaning. When these three figures fell not far in front of Xia Ming, Xia Ming also saw the teenager headed by him. The teenager was wearing a moon-white long coat, and his icy face with a trace of anorexia Breath, but in the cold, with a little arrogance, deep eyes are more like

Two bottomless abyss, there was a fascination all over the body.

"Yes ... Hong Tianjin ..."

As soon as this remark came out, there was still a silence between heaven and earth, looking fiercely at the young man in front of him. Hong Tianjin, an elite disciple, was also the core of Xuan Xinzong's core.

Throughout Xuan Xinzong, core disciples, elite disciples and even true disciples are the most important disciples of Xuan Xinzong, especially true disciples. They lead the younger generation and can be said to be the top priority.

However, elite disciples are a mainstay of a martial art. I never expected that Hong Tianjin would appear here! At the level of elite disciples, they all have their own mountain peaks for cultivation, and the caves inside them have been developed by themselves. This also represents the status of power. All elite disciples are subject to martial arts.

Fully cultivated, the numerous resources of the martial arts are also spent on them.

"You are Xia Ming?"

Hong Tianjin's indifferent eyes fell on Xia Ming. The faint voice actually had a commanding taste, which made Xia Ming extremely uncomfortable, and Xia Ming replied, "Sure."

"So ... you just rejected our invitation from the League of Gods." Hong Tianjin narrowed his eyes, and suddenly shot two cold mangs. These two cold mangs were sharp, and a huge momentum on his body followed. From the beginning, it looks like it gives Xia Ming a disappointment.

Xia Ming heard that he suddenly noticed the other party's intentions, and the other party sent emotions to come to Xingshi, but Xia Ming didn't take it seriously and said coldly, "Good?"


Hong Tianjin gave Xia Ming an indifferent look and said coldly: "From today on, you have joined our League of God. In the past, our League of God has never blame. Joining the League of God will double your cultivation resources."

When Hong Tianjin said this sentence, he seemed to let Xia Ming join the League of God with a kind of charity!

Although it looks like he is inviting Xia Ming on the surface, but it contains a kind of irony, but if it is changed to another disciple, it is likely to join the League of God. In the League of God, everyone is an elite. The elite, especially the leader of the League of Gods, is Li Xuantong.

In other words, the leader of the League of Gods is Li Xuantong. Li Xuantong is an idol in the minds of countless disciples of Xuanxinzong. Being able to join the League of Gods is also a luxury for them. However, the selection of talents by the League of Gods is extremely strict. However, the new members of the League of God are just some foreigners.

Surrounding members is not the true core, but the true core of the League of God is above the elite disciples.

Even as a peripheral candidate for the League of Gods, they have at least the status of League of Gods.

Over the years, Li Xuantong has abundant resources. It can be said that many people are trying to join the League of Legends after they have broken their blood. However, when the League of God chose a person, it was extremely strict, which made many people unable to achieve it. That condition.

Xia Ming also couldn't think of it. This is the first time the League of God invited him to join, but Xia Ming still shook his head and said calmly: "I'm sorry, I won't join the League of God."

"Huh, I don't know why."

Sure enough, when Xia Ming said this sentence, Hong Tianjin's eyes became sharper: "So you want to be included in the Fengbang and Fengshentai?"

Xia Ming frowned and said lightly, "What do I join? It doesn't seem to have anything to do with you?"


Hong Tian slammed violently, and a momentum came towards his face. For a time, Han Qianzhen and others were all pale, and Bai Bingqing on the side was a little angry, and said angrily, "Hong Tianjin, stop me."


Hong Tianjin looked at Bai Bingqing, and Hong Tianjin said lightly: "This is my God League thing, it has nothing to do with your phoenix list, so you better not get involved.

Bai Bingqing still wanted to say something, but was stopped by Xia Ming. Xia Ming signaled that Bai Bingqing was quiet, Xia Ming squinted and looked at Hong Tianjin with a smile, and said, "I don't join the League of Gods, what can you do? Join League of Gods, what can you do? "

"If you join our League of God, the potential is unlimited, if you do not join the League of God," Hong Tianjin said with a chuckle: "Xuan Xinzong, you will not be able to stay."

"Really?" Xia Ming heard it, but he laughed. At this moment, Xia Ming was different, and there was a huge momentum in Xia Ming's body. Looking at Xia Ming quietly, they are all rendered by Xia Ming's momentum. I don't know why. At this moment, Xia Ming

There is a feeling of enthusiasm that makes them feel bloody.

This atmosphere also rendered them.

Xia Ming said arrogantly: "This is what you said, or Li Xuantong said."

"Presumptuous." Hong Tianjin was furious, sternly: "Dare to call Brother Li Xuantong's name, today, even if you want to join the League of God, don't even think about it."


Xia Ming dismissed the cold hum. At this moment, Xia Ming took a step forward, and he was domineering. The faint sound resounded between heaven and earth, which made countless people shocked.

"What is the League of Gods? If he wants Li Xuantong to come to trouble me, let him Li Xuantong. You don't have the qualification to talk to me yet." "Boom ..."

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