Xia Ming was much calmer than them, and there was nothing unusual. He smiled and said, "Let's go in."

As soon as Xia Ming waved his hand, Shen Wudi and others swelled a layer of aura, and then under these countless eyes, Xia Ming stepped into the third floor.

"Wow ..."

Xia Ming stepped into the third floor, causing a commotion. Countless eyes are gathered together here. They all looked at Xia Ming who had stepped into the third floor.

When Shen Wudi and others saw this, they also gritted their teeth and then stepped on this third floor. They were surprised that they did not have any resistance when they passed through the door. It was easy. Entering this third floor, for a time, this made everyone present shocked.

"They ... did they even go in?"

"How is this possible? How did they get in? How did they do it?" Some people said in shock.

"Who is the young man headed and how can he have such great ability? Even the third floor can come in so easily?" For a time, the people present were shocked. They are still unbelievable, Xia Ming and they even You can step into the third floor. You must know that it is not a simple character to be able to enter the third floor. But Xia Ming and others just went in so easily. Is this a joke? Or

The third level of prohibition disappeared.

Thinking of it, someone couldn't help but say, "Did the prohibition disappear?"

"It's very possible. Let's try it."

Immediately, several figures climbed quickly to the third floor. When they were working their auras and were ready to step into the third floor, they realized that a terrible momentum was coming. The terrible momentum prevented them from taking a step.

"Om ..."

Suddenly, a strong rush came, and the group took a few steps back, and then they were able to hold their bodies. At this time, they sweated coldly and looked at the door in front of them.

"It doesn't work ..."

They stared blankly at the door. Obviously, the prohibition on the door did not disappear, and Xia Ming and his party entered this third floor, obviously also through their own strength.


At this moment, they also all speculated that who Xia Ming is, can actually step into the third layer, can enter the third layer, and Xia Ming's identity is definitely not as simple as it seems.

For the people on the second floor, Xia Ming and others did not pay attention to them. They did not know what these people thought. Xia Ming entered the third floor, but was surprised to find that this third layer was even better than the second layer. Fortunately, this slightly surprised Xia Ming.

There are very few tables on the third floor, and the tables are all made of jade. There are also jade cups and jade pots on top, which surprised Xia Ming and others.

However, it is obvious that there are only six such tables on the third floor. Each table is located in an extremely elegant and optimal position. Each position has its own characteristics. It is difficult to choose.

However, here, there are several figures, occupying a table, until Xia Ming can clearly see these figures, but finally look at an old man.

Xia Ming looked at this old man in surprise. He knew this old man because he had a relationship with this old man. Xia Ming also did not expect that the world would be so small. You can meet this man here. The old man.


Yue Lao also apparently found the existence of Xia Ming and others. After all, there are too few people on the third floor. The number of people who can step into the third floor is also very small. Therefore, every group of people will attract attention. Yue Yue was also surprised to see Xia Ming's familiar figure. Xia Ming smiled slightly, nodded, and walked towards the table next to him. Xia Ming sat down, just after Xia Ming sat down, and came in from a woman, this woman, in pink Long skirt interwoven with white, with a pair of white boots under her feet, dark long hair, loose

Down, it looks like a waterfall.

The girl looked very beautiful, even Bai Bingqing was naturally inferior. The girl slowly came to Xia Ming and his party. The girl was slightly surprised to see Xia Ming and others so young.

In recent years, the people who can step into the fourth floor are not simple characters. I did not expect that four such young people came this time.

"Several guest officials, but drunk for the gods of our shop?" The girl came to Xia Ming's party, smiling, and asked softly.


Xia Ming nodded slightly, and smiled, "We are here for the gods to get drunk. We dare to ask the **** how much a pot to drink. The four of us want to go to the four pots first."


Shen Wudi heard the words, his face changed slightly, and he hurriedly glanced at Xia Ming. Xia Ming noticed the strangeness of Shen Wudi, but he was slightly confused, and did not understand what Shen Wudi meant.

"Four pots?"

The young girl looked at Xia Ming in surprise, and then the young girl laughed and said, "Are you sure you want four pots? This immortal drunk is not ordinary wine, and the price is also extremely precious."

The girl paused again: "Several guest officials were able to step into the third floor, and they were quite good. Our store has regulations that anyone who stepped into the third floor can get a pot of fairy drunk for free. "

"Get a pot for free." Xia Ming was slightly surprised. Unexpectedly, Tianjue Inn had such rules, but Xia Ming was slightly surprised.

Xia Ming said casually: "Since that is the case, then come three more pots, put together four pots, and we will each have one pot."

"Um." The girl saw her, opened her mouth, and wanted to say something, but she didn't say anything. She just reminded Xia Ming that the price was a bit expensive, but Xia Ming ignored it. The girl decided to give Xia Ming Four pots of immortals were prepared to be drunk, and the young girl smiled sweetly: "Guest, wait a minute, I will

Go get you drunk. "

After speaking, the young girl left here. When the young girl left, Shen Wudi could not help but said, "Xia Ming, the immortal is extremely precious, a pot is extremely precious, the value is very high, four pots of immortals are drunk, we are afraid to drink Excuse me? "

"Oh?" Xia Ming asked in amazement: "How much is a pot of gods drunk?"

Shen Wudi reluctantly said, "I was fortunate to have a sip, and I also learned from my friend that the immortal drunk was made from a special spiritual fruit, which is extremely precious. It is said that this pot has to be one Thousands of yuan. "

"A thousand fine stones."

Bai Bingqing and others heard that their faces were all slightly changed. They didn't have Yuan Shi, but it was too extravagant to drink a pot of wine like this. They also did not expect that the fairy drunk would be so precious. Where is drinking alcohol? This is simply eating money.

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