The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2506: One Sword Breaks

In Xia Ming's body, a terrible force swept away like a storm. This aura, in front of the might of this world, looked small and pathetic.

"What is he going to do?"

Between heaven and earth, there were sounds of exclamation, many people looked sideways and looked at Xia Ming, with a little shock and shock in their eyes.

That is, in this jab, Xia Ming's eyes showed a little madness!


Xia Ming suddenly looked up at this sky, looking at the purple and black calamity clouds, the calamity was rolling, the mightyness, and the terrible coercion came, and even this land collapsed.

"Booming ..."

This purple-black robbery seems to be aware of Xia Ming's strangeness. At this moment, Lei Yun was rolling, as if he was furious. A little practitioner, in front of him, was afraid to resist, how could he not be angry.

Immediately, Lei Yun gathered again and became more powerful. The sense of depression made people feel suffocated. People between heaven and earth held their breath and looked at the scene quietly, even the atmosphere did not dare to breathe. Last time.

"Jiuyao steps forward."

Xia Ming's eyes flickered, his figure jumped, and he immediately came into the midair. The sudden action surprised the people around him.

The next scene, however, is to make all people in the world look shocked.

"Hmm ..."

Xia Ming's figure flickered frequently. In the mid-air, the afterimage was left behind, and the afterimage was passing by. For a few breaths, Xia Ming rushed towards the robbery cloud.


Many people see Xia Ming's actions in their eyes, and when they see such situations, they can't help but exclaim.

"He's actually rushing to Jieyun, isn't this guy going to die?" I thought of Jieyun's horror. Many people have scalp scalp. They all know that this Jieyun is very scary. The power of Thunder has made it difficult for him to deal with it. Once in the cloud, the horrible

The power of the calamity will be completely released. No matter who it is, if you dare to step into the calamity cloud, you must be wiped out.

This is a scourge. Scourge is absolutely not allowed to be provoked by others.

"Really crazy."

The pride of these days can't help but take a breath and take a look at Xia Ming in shock, they are all scared by Xia Ming in front of them.

"Yeah!" In the breath, Xia Ming came to the Jieyun, and once he entered the Jieyun, he felt the power of the terrifying world. When he stepped into the Jieyun's jail, he saw the sight One piece, all from black to purple, even the Thunder

The power also turned purple.

"Booming ..."

The rumbling voice kept ringing, it was the flashing sound of thunder.

The thunder was rolling, and Xia Ming found that each thunder's power was enough to have the power of the second sky robbery. This robbery was really terrible.

However, the next moment, Xia Ming's eyes were a little firm.

"Tianyuan Shenbing."

The black giant sword in Xia Ming's hand poured in a lilac light when his aura poured in. This heavenly soldier is a peerless soldier with infinite power.

He gathered all his strength on this sword. Obviously, Xia Ming also intends to break the boat. If he is allowed to descend from the third thunder, his flesh will not be able to resist such terrible forces. .

"The sword seals thousands of miles ..."

Xia Ming spit out every word!

Suddenly he moved.

The sword in his hand danced slowly, but this trajectory seemed so clear and clear that I am afraid that anyone can see the trajectory of the sword.

But, at this moment.

With Xia Ming as the center, an ice-cold force waved, and almost within a blink of an eye, Xia Ming was frozen by the ice within a kilometer. However, this sword has not stopped, because the frozen speed is still sweeping out at a speed that is visible to the naked eye, and the powerful forces are deterring the heavens. However, these people outside are unable to see Xia Ming. They Can only see infinity

Endless lightning flashes.

However, if you observe it carefully, you will send a letter. Within this frozen seal, there is a touch of purple gas. If Xia Ming notices it, she will definitely startle and cry.

Ziqi came 100,000 miles to the east.

Xia Ming still remembers that when Tianyuan Shenbing was born, at that moment, purple gas came 100,000 miles to the east. Generally speaking, this was a sign of sanctification on earth, but it appeared strangely on a sword, which was really weird.

Until now, Xia Ming did not know what kind of artifact the Tianyuan Shenbing was.


Within a few breaths, this robber cloud was frozen for a moment. If you observe it carefully, you will find it horrified. Within this robber cloud, even the power of thunder is given to ice by this strange power. Sealed up.

I am afraid that even Xia Ming himself does not know how he did it.

What he wants to do is just to disperse Jieyun!

But this scene was somewhat unexpected.

"Hmm ..."

The strength in the body couldn't support Xia Ming. Xia Ming descended from the sky. After landing, Xia Ming smashed the ground into a big pit. Xia Ming stood up from the ground panting, panting heavily, and looking at his body, he was hit by many thunders. For a while, his ragged clothes were exposed, but It ’s that bronzed skin, because not

The reason for the dead body, which led to his physical body becoming more powerful under these forces.

"this is……"

Many people's pupils suddenly shrank and looked at Xia Ming. When Xia Ming was seen clearly, many people were shocked again.

"Xia Ming ..." Many people took a sigh of coolness, and Xia Ming was still alive. How could this be possible? You have to know how powerful this cloud robbery is, even if it is Luo Wuya, wait here Under the power, all were beaten like this, not to mention Xia Ming

, But the result was a little unexpected.

Although Xia Ming looked a little embarrassed, there was no fatal injury on his body. Compared with Luo Wuji, Xia Ming's injury was better.

"Xia Ming came out alive, so what about the robbery?" Everyone thought of it, and immediately looked at this robbery. Everyone present saw it. At this moment, the black robbery was rolling. As if it stopped scrolling, that kind of coercion was disappearing at this moment.


"What's going on? Why not move?"

Before the thunder, the dark clouds were rolling, but in the blink of an eye, it seemed as if it were frozen there, motionless, how could this be possible?

"Om ..."

Before they could say anything, their pupils suddenly shrank, and they suddenly saw that something seemed to fall from the sky. "call out……"

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