The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2509: Spooky Dan

Xia Ming saw that another Jindan was generated in his body, but at this time it was not over yet, and he had condensed into nine Jindan in his body, and then stopped.

The surrounding heaven and earth auras poured into Xia Ming's body, and the rushing aura poured into Xia Ming's body, constantly growing the remaining Jindan.

Although there are a total of nine Jindans, the remaining eight are obviously smaller than the first one. This should be caused by the lack of reiki. If you wait for a period of time, it will become a normal size. . Xia Ming looked at his body quietly, widening his eyes and opening his mouth. He couldn't think of it. In his body, it was condensed into nine golden dandelions. How could this be ... joking, he was also involved in cultivation More or less

Some understanding, but never expected.

I condensed into nine golden dandelions, which has never happened before. Looking at your own body, these nine Jindans lie quietly inside your body. What is strange is that the nine Jindans, the largest of which is in the middle, and the remaining eight are just right. Surround this one

, Exudes powerful power.

Xia Ming took a deep breath and took a deep look into his own body. The situation in his body was not even clear to him. It seemed that he had to ask Zhu Er.

Xia Ming stopped absorbing the surrounding aura of heaven and earth. Now he continues to absorb it. It doesn't make much sense anymore. Next, he needs to continue to condense his Jin Dan to make himself more powerful.


Xia Ming opened his eyes for a moment, and he felt that he had an unspeakable power in his body, and that power surprised Xia Ming.

"Threefolds of Huadan."

"Unexpectedly, this broke into the triple of Huadan Realm."

Xia Ming looked at the scene in front of him joyfully, with inexpressible excitement.

"Wow ..." As everyone knows, all the people around him also looked at Xia Ming's strangeness, and looked at the rising momentum of Xia Ming's body, which made all the people in the world have an unexplainable shock. They ca n’t believe their eyes

Thick and unbelievable.

"Sink ..."

"how is this possible……"

"Mandarin Land ..."

"His ..." The air-conditioned voices rang up and down to each other. People in the heavens and the earth looked at the scene in disbelief. What a joke, this has just broken through the realm of Huadan and reached Huadan directly. Reality triplet, this soaring speed, really


All the people between heaven and earth were scared. Yes, Xia Ming's practice speed is really counterintuitive. Although there is also a thick accumulation of thin hair to say this, but Xia Ming has just broken through a big realm, and then broke into the current triple realm of Huadan. What does this open? joke

!! How can one's strength be so horrible? At this moment, when everyone looked at Xia Ming, there was even more awe and fear. Previously, Xia Ming madly used Tianjie to wreck Luo Wuya. Now he has such a speed of cultivation. I am afraid it won't take long. Xia Ming can be promoted

Become a master of Huadan Realm.

It is not even impossible to become a metamorphosis.

When Xia Ming moved, he came to Zhu Er and stood side by side with Zhu Er. Then he looked coldly at the disciples in front of Ganyang Palace.

"Xia Ming, how are you?" Ao Wushuang asked with joy.

"I'm fine." Xia Ming shook his head slightly and smiled. "But, soon they will be fine."

"Brush ..." The words fell, Xia Ming's eyes fell directly on Luo Wuya's body, and he kicked him on Luo Wuya's body. Luo Wuya slowly opened his eyes, and Xia Ming stared coldly. With Luo Wuya, his eyes were cold, with a little chill, indifferent eyes

However, it was the dramatic change of Luo Wuya's look at Qianyang Palace, staring nervously at Xia Ming, yelling loudly.

"Xia Ming, what do you want to do?"

"What are you doing?"

Xia Ming smelled it, grinned, and said coldly, "This sentence should be the one I asked you for, what ..."

"Now in front of you, you have two choices. Give up all your storage magic weapons, you can leave here, otherwise, you won't have to leave."

After saying this, Xia Ming burst out with a violent killing intention.

"you dare……"

Luo Wuya stared at Xia Ming angrily and scolded loudly. All the people here in Ganyang Palace were beheaded and killed by Xia Ming. It can be said that he and Xia Ming did not share the sky.

Xia Ming shook his head slightly: "It seems you haven't figured out the current situation. Since you are not willing to pay, let me take it myself."

After speaking, Xia Ming's body moved to Luo Wuya's side in an instant, then Xia Ming stepped on Luo Wuya's chest, Luo Wuya opened his mouth and spit out blood, and the injury became more serious.

Then Xia Ming waved easily, Luo Wuya's arm was cut off instantly, which hurt Luo Wuya screamed, and almost fainted.

"I want to kill you, I want to kill you."

Luo Wuya's eyes were cracked, his face was sloppy, he looked like a devil in hell, and waved his left hand wildly, trying to kill Xia Ming.

Xia Ming abolished his arm, which can be said to have abolished half of his strength. In their current state, although it can be continued on the limb, it can never be reborn. "Since you want to die so much, I will complete you." The voice dropped, and Xia Ming stepped on Luo Wuya's chest with a slamming foot, a broken breast, Luo Wuya opened his eyes wide, his eyes were almost Stared out, he pointed at Xia Ming,

A weak voice followed.

"Brother ... I won't let you go ..."

Luo Wuya's body became soft and was eventually beheaded by Xia Ming.

The beheading of Luo Wuya, Xia Ming did not have any guilt. This is to blame, it is to blame them for being too greedy and provoking him. If it were not for these people's arrogance and arrogance, it would not have become like this.

All of this is at their own fault.

"Boss, these are for you."

Then Erji lost five rings and said with a smile.


Xia Ming was stunned and immediately understood. Just after the pig two killed five masters, it was only one move that made the five masters fly away. Even Xia Ming became more and more curious. What is the ghost of pig two? Stuff.

People around looked at this scene quietly, all of them didn't even dare to breathe, for fear of being beheaded by Xia Ming. The means and talents shown by Xia Ming had completely calmed them down. .

Stepping into the ancient battlefield with Juling Realm, let alone killing all the people of Ganyang Palace with Juling Realm. This kind of strength and boldness is not something anyone can possess. Even they did not dare to provoke Xia Ming.

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